Chaotic Thief

Chapter 107 After the weather, the gourd shows its power

"Alas, I finally escaped a disaster, and I also survived the disaster. This was just a heavy impact on a ten thousand circumstances, and unexpectedly made such a big scene..." Chen Ying lay back on the ground in confusion, made a move of her hand, and the mother in the air immediately turned into a yellow light and flew into his body.

It turned out that the scene of the mother's scripture just now was under Chen Ying's control. The fate took 50 years to promote the result. How can it be compared with the mother's scripture? The mother's scriptures body absorbed such a large area of mysterious real water like a sea, which has long been extremely strong, and naturally listed this result. Chen Yingzhi He said that he could not avoid it. Even if he couldn't resist the disaster, he would die in a place, and there would still be no death there.

"Do you transport gourds in the weather?" Chen Ying raised her hand and looked at the strange fruit attached to the back of her hand.

"Is this thing called a gourd?" He shook slightly in his hand, but he didn't notice any difference at all.

"Well, let's recover first." At this time, Chen Ying was powerless and could not refine the world's energy to supplement the spirit of the road. She just slowly climbed to the top-grade magic stone next to her, bit a piece and swallowed it.


This magic stone went down to his stomach and immediately turned into a rolling magic gas and was sucked into by the small tripod in his body, and then turned into a dark yellow road spirit flowing to the meridians everywhere.

"Not enough, come again." Chen Ying lay there like this, one after another, and kept swallowing. It was not until she swallowed more than a dozen pieces that she didn't feel powerless.

After a few vigorous gasps, Chen Ying stood on the ground, twisted her body back and forth a few times, and finally completely recovered.

Now he has finally been promoted to the realm of Wanhua. The main improvement of this realm is the power of the body.

As long as the body is not completely destroyed, it can be reborn with a trace of flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood on the body can evolve into a human body at any time and be controlled by itself.

Wanhua double; the body is further strengthened, and it can shuttle through the space gap at any time, and shorten the long distance by walking through the space gap.

Wanhua triple; the body initially shows the power of change, which can initially incarnate into an alien form and have its magic at the beginning.

Wanhua fourfold; the power of heaven and earth can be used for yourself, which can lead to the disaster of heaven and earth to attack the enemy. The power of the disaster is related to everyone's practice.

Wanhua fivefold; the body incarnates dozens, can be separated at will, and any split has half of the power of the body.

Wanhua sixfold; the strongest body, in this weight, after the body is refined by the heavenly disaster, it can further improve the strength of the body. The degree of enhancement depends on the power of the skill.

Sevenfolds; ever-changing, arbitrary changes of all kinds of creatures, and has its main magic.

Wanhua eightfold; the body has been refined by heaven, and the strength has been greatly increased again.

Wanhua Jiuzhong; with its super body, combined with the power of heaven and earth, it can hit the realm of heaven and man at any time.

Each of the nine small realms in the Wanhua realm has an extremely difficult barrier. Without great perseverance, the great perseverance is difficult to break through. There is no natural disaster in the Wanhua realm. If you want to get the strongest improvement in each heavy, you have to withstand the bombing of the natural disaster. The more the more the bombing, the better. As long as you can't be killed, your achievements will be far beyond ordinary people.

Chen Ying thought about her future cultivation goals on the ground, and tightly grasped the yellow gourd in her hand and was waiting to return to the destiny religion. In the absence of heaven, she could save Tang Ru, but she saw two people in the distance. One of them was gently supported and flew here.

The people came, but the demon prince and the demon slave. At this time, the demon prince's face was pale and his clothes were rotten to pieces. He was leaning on the demon slave and gasped heavily.

"Haha, how did you do this?" Chen Ying stood there and asked deliberately.

"It's not thanks to you!" The demon prince stood there and motioned to the demon slave, and the demon slave let go of him and walked towards Chen Ying step by step from the void.

"Are you Wanhua Jiuzhong?" Chen Ying looked at the old man's figure and asked uncertainly.

The demon slave ignored him and still pressed him step by step.


Chen Ying disappeared, and then appeared beside the demon prince. His right hand answered gently on his shoulder, and the yellow gourd in the palm of his hand inadvertently touched him.

At this moment, a huge heat came from the sky. Chen Ying hurriedly looked up and saw a huge star falling down here, facing himself and the demon.

"Is this a natural disaster?" Chen Ying said doubtfully and avoided this direction far away.

This star did not chase him, but still oppressed the demon prince.

This star is countless times smaller than the star that the demon prince and the corpse prince met in the Jedi, but like a mountain, it aimed at the demon prince and rushed up.

The demon slave flew into the air, punched it, and bombarded the mountain-sized star into dust.

Just without waiting for him to relax, he saw a large number of stars flying next to the sky. These stars are only the size of stones, generally as big as mountains, but one of the largest stars, just like a full moon, with light light, and the whole volume is also extremely large.

"What's going on!" The demon prince couldn't believe it and looked at the stars above his head that were bombarding him.

"Father, get out of here!" The demon slave came forward to help him and was about to fly elsewhere to avoid this natural disaster, but without waiting for him to get up, he saw the demon prince under the earth below, bombard! A flame shot out from the ground, which was like ** and still flowing slowly in the air.

"Ah!" This time, it was so fast that no one reacted. The demon had been swept by this flame, and the shocking heat had fallen down his head and fell into the crack of the ground below, surrounded by countless fire lights.

The magic anger has long been stunned and is waiting to be rescued, and the large stars above the head have fallen one after another, dong! Dong! It hit the place where the demon prince fell, and then the biggest star was pressed hard, crushing the original dozens of stars and lying down on the earth.

"Father!" The demon slave was in a hurry and tried his best to rush away the boundless star on the ground, but he tried his best, but the star still did not move.

Here, there was an extremely crazy roar from the distant sky, and a dark energy with a pale yellow energy flew here, facing the star below.

Boom! After a sound, the star had been smashed. The demon slave was overjoyed and hurriedly came forward to open the earth to save the demon prince, but another attack flew out of the sky, facing his back.

Chen Ying saw a black light flashing in front of him. The demon slave and a large area of land under him had been smashed by this attack. The earth was turned over, and the demon prince had long disappeared.


"Good thing..." Chen Ying couldn't help groping for the yellow gourd in the center of her hand, and her eyes were so excited that she almost burst into tears. Just now, she accidentally touched it, which made the demon prince doom repeatedly. Later, she deliberately pointed at the demon slave with the gourd, and was also bombarded inexplicably in a blink of an eye...

Chen Yingxin knows that this gourd, which is not the size of a fist, is really a great treasure. Although there is no fierce attack method, with its simple effect, she can completely laugh at the treasures of the world...

However, although its effect is extremely easy to use, Chen Ying is not arrogant enough to think that she is invincible and can kill all sides.

He doesn't have any confidence, not to mention others, but the two people in the sky.

"Alas, let's still have a chance to try it quietly..." Chen Ying was still looking forward to it. Finally, she carefully withdrew the yellow gourd into her body, flew up in the air, and fanned her wings in the direction of Destiny.

At this time, the flying speed of the two Xuanhuang wings behind him was even more amazing. With one wing, he had almost 30,000 to 50,000 miles, far faster than his previous speed.

"Tang Ru, I'm back!" Standing above the fate religion, Chen Ying knew that the fate had not come back yet, and she was not afraid that others would attack him, so she shouted loudly in the air.


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