Chaotic Thief

Chapter 181 Broken God Ship [, Ask for Red Ticket]

"Don't mess around with me anymore!" Chen Ying shouted loudly and immediately flew the weather to transport the gourd into her body. From the middle of a few avenues, she quickly rotated the body of the big man and slowly refined it into her body.

"What is this... My body... spare our lives... We are all in the hidden dragon group..." The body of the big man floated several times in the spirit of the road, turned into a substance close to nothingness, and directly disappeared into Chen Ying's body.

As the body of the big man gradually disappeared, his soul also dissipated. Chen Ying could vaguely feel a particle disappearing into the space gap from his body. This particle was wrapped in the center by a mysterious energy. As soon as Chen Ying's road spirit met this energy, it was like light snow under the scorching sun, which instantly turned into It's nothing.

This particle's where he naturally went to that place. When she thought of the horrible character there, Chen Ying couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

"Good to kill!"

At this moment, a shout came from afar, and a white-faced young man flew over and stood in front of Chen Ying with a very satisfied expression on his face.

"The members of our hidden dragon group are independent. With a figure of 100 enemies, that fool was defeated by a person who is three levels lower than himself. He died in vain, brother, you are very good!" The white-faced young man wears a flame armor, and the blue and white flame on the armor is like a living thing, turning into all kinds of faces in it from time to time. Some are laughing, some are angry, some are sad, and some are meditative. These flamed faces are staring at Chen Ying one by one by one, and their eyes are extremely strange.

"It's just killing an ant. There's nothing to make a fuss about!" Chen Ying said disdainfully.

"Brother Chen, take me to play after killing!" Tang Rujius saw another seemingly extremely harmful figure on the side, so he shouted behind Chen Ying.

"No hurry, the suzerain has issued a summoning order, and the whole clan will concentrate on going to meet the distinguished guests in the valley!" The young man looked at Tang Ru and smiled.

"VIPs? What kind of bullshit VIP is it to welcome the whole clan together!" Chen Ying laughed.

"I don't know. Will this brother go with me?" The young man said to Chen Ying.

Chen Ying is really a little bold at this time. She has just refined a master of the four-fold realm of heaven and man. Now her body has sufficient savings and is confident that she can hit the two realm of heaven and man in one step. If she is a little more lucky to refine a few more, it is impossible to directly impact to a higher realm.

"Let's go and see what's coming together. How dare you let us greet us!" Chen Ying showed a kind of unrulyness. When the young man saw his temperament, he didn't care about him and only secretly mocked him in his heart.

"Brother's vision is good, and he actually found this kind of beauty..." The young man has been looking at Tang Ruyi beside Chen Ying, with the evil color in his eyes, and there is no intention to avoid Chen Ying at all.

Tang Ru couldn't help avoiding his eyes and hiding himself behind Chen Ying, with a disgusting look on his face.

"I found it in a small place, but it's just used for *!" Although Chen Ying said it easily, she had already made up her mind that she would refine this person first when she had a chance.

Through several transmission arrays in a row, the three finally came to a deep valley, which was already full of people and gathered under a divine platform one by one.

"Sun Erlang, why did you come here and get two juniors?" As soon as the young man entered the valley, someone came up to talk to him.

"Jither, I'm afraid you can't even stop them!" The young man laughed.

"Sun Erlang?" Chen Ying also just knew the name of the young man. Seeing the expression of disbelief on the face of the person who spoke, she was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Kid, Erlang said you were very experienced?" When the man saw that Chen Ying didn't say anything, he actually leaned over.

"Get out, say another nonsense and swallow you alive immediately!" Chen Ying laughed gloomily at him.

"Look for death!"

The man suddenly jumped up angrily, revealed the body of the demon god, and stepped on Chen Ying with his big foot.

Seeing the movement here has shocked the whole deep valley, and everyone, together with several old men in black robes on the divine platform, are silently watching here.

"No one cares?" Chen Ying looked at the heavily stepped-down demon god's giant feet and thought that someone would stop them. Unexpectedly, she looked at these people around her for a moment, and their faces were still a little looking forward to it.


There was a loud roar among the population, and his big feet had completely trampled Chen Ying underground.


After a loud noise, Chen Ying, who was expected to be trampled into an inner cake, did not appear. Instead, he saw the man who turned into a demon god with a painful face and jumped up in place with his hands holding the foot.

"It hurts me so much!"

With this tragic roar, everyone saw a huge flesh and blood hole in his big foot.

"It's my turn." Chen Ying whispered, and in an instant, he turned into a demon god dozens of feet tall. He grabbed the man who was still jumping and stuffed it into his mouth.

"How dare you eat me!" This man couldn't help bumping in Chen Ying's mouth. He was full of magic light and rushed into the air. There was a burst of smoke immediately. It's just that it's useless. He can't stop his own end if he resists.

"What kind of demon god is this boy colluding with? How can he be so fierce..."

These people in the deep valley watched Chen Ying like this little by little, ignoring the man's bitterness and pleading, and their screams slowly fell into his mouth.

"Does anyone else want to come up and have a try? I'm not full yet!" Chen Ying looked at the people around him and provoked them again. He also secretly guessed that there was no taboo for this one-on-one comparison, and maybe he would praise it.

"Quiet! There are distinguished guests coming today, so you still don't have to make noise..."

As soon as Chen Ying's words came out, instead of calming down, it aroused the anger of countless people. When a man in black on the divine platform saw this situation, he had to stop it.

Under the order of the black-robed man, there seemed to be a layer of magic light in the sky, which sealed the whole deep valley in. Everyone in the deep valley only felt that their whole body seemed to have been banned. If there was something wrong, they might be bombarded in place by this prohibition.

Chen Ying felt that this layer of prohibition did not have much power, so she slightly scattered a great atmosphere, wrapped around herself and Tang Ru's old body, and easily offset the prohibition.

Everyone waited here for a moment and saw a space fluctuation in the sky. This layer of spatial fluctuations is extremely wide, as if it covers almost half of the sky.

After the space fluctuated, a small sharp object pierced the space and came out, followed by a pure white thick light, and a huge ship covering the sky appeared in the thick light.

There are five floors above the huge ship, and each floor is also full of people, especially on the top floor, with hundreds of people in white standing proudly. Their faces are calm and their eyes are indifferently staring at the deep valley below.

"What is this!" Chen Ying looked at the huge ship that appeared above her head and suddenly felt a shock. This inexplicable pressure faintly piled up above, which was countless times stronger than the Lingbao she had seen before.

"The patriarch of Hercules welcomes the arrival of the broken god ship!"

The big man in black robe in the middle of the platform bent down slightly and pretended to bow down.

"Our Immortal Sect came to the meteorite wilderness this time at the order of the suzerain. Originally, we wanted to contact your two sects and work together to unify this world. Unexpectedly, that Xingchen Kendo was so abominable and killed the son of our suzerain, Taixuanzi. Damn, hateful, they had to die! "

Several people in white flew out of the broken god ship above his head and came to the deep valley platform to talk to the demon.

"Ha ha, you don't know that the swordsman of Xingchen Swordsman has colluded with the emperor of the Central Dynasty. He is always thinking about how to exterminate us rebels, and how can he want to pay attention to you." The demon smiled slightly.