Chaotic Thief

Chapter 218 Strongest Strike

"What!" The black man suddenly stood there and grabbed the young man's shoulder.

"Adult, please be careful. If you are exposed and heard by other adults..." The young man whispered.

"Well, you did a good job. If that's true, I will definitely reward you!" The black man patted the young man on the shoulder a few times.

The black man was no longer impatient and followed him forward happily. As the terrain gradually sank, the two finally came to a long-abandoned cave.

This cave originally excavated a large number of fierce jade, but because the excavation is too harmful, there are often some deep pits on the ground, and many of the high-level chaotic energy in these deep pits always kill the slaves who are forbidden by the armor.

"So it's here." As soon as the black man saw this place, he immediately believed it.

The young man took a few steps, carefully came to the edge of a deep pit, and pointed down; "Your Excellency, please have a look."

The black man ran to the deep pit and looked down. Sure enough, he saw that there was black and white gas condensing in the deep place below. Although it was only an extremely subtle ray, it still made his heart beat.

"Black Third, you are not interesting enough!" Just then, a hoarse voice suddenly came from outside.

"Old monkey, why did you come here!" A trace of shock flashed on the black man's face when he heard the sound.

"Well, I can't let you come here?" The so-called old monkey slowly came in from the outside. As expected, he was thin and weak, and he jumped as he walked. He was alive as an image of a monkey in the mountain.

"Everyone doesn't do secret things and say, what on earth are you doing here?" The black third brother is solemn.

"Well, in this case, I will tell you the truth. There are my people around you!" The old monkey said in a low voice.

"Zhao Liu?" The black man thought carefully and asked.

"You don't have to think too much about this person." The old monkey smiled and walked forward.

"Don't move, be careful not to fall down and don't get out." The black third is in a hurry.

"I'm going to see what's good here. How can it make you so nervous?" At this time, the old monkey believed more and more in the news he got.

"Go to hell!" Black Third unexpectedly hit him directly on the head with a wooden stick when he looked down. At this time, the wooden stick turned into a layer of sharp thorns and hit the old monkey on the head heavily.


When the stick went down, there was a layer of blood on the stick, which surrounded the old monkey. He could only hear him screaming constantly, but he could not break free.

"Black Third, you don't want to die? If you dare to assassinate your own people, you will not have a good end if others know it!" The old monkey's scream became lower and lower, and finally a faint question came from the bloodlight.

"It's your fault. You have to come and grab the baby with me. Do you know what's below? It's a source of chaos!" The black third shouted crazily, hit another blow in his hand, and finally beat the old monkey directly into a pool of blood and slowly immersed it into the ground.

"You go down and help me bring the baby!"

Hei Lao three times vomited heavily and shouted behind him.

"Didn't you hear?" The black third waited for a moment and there was no movement. He turned around and roared again.

"What!" It was empty behind him, and the slave who was standing behind him disappeared.

"Damn it!" Hei Laosan cursed hatefully and looked directly into the deep pit under him, but no matter how he looked carefully, the black and white were still slowly entangled.

Black Laosan has never seen this chaotic source, but he knows from other people's mouths that the chaotic source is like this. After a moment of meditation, he finally calmed down and jumped into this deep pit.

This deep pit seems to have collapsed, and the gaps can still be clearly seen on the four walls. The reverse source gas is in the bottom of the fine crack. The black man is getting closer and closer to there, and his eyes look more carefully. He has long believed that the things below must be the source of rebellion.

At this time, the black man seemed to hear a slight abnormal sound, and a few hotties collapsed from the 'rebellious source gas' in a blink of an eye. In an instant, the sea of fire rose alive like this, with layers of fire hitting him.

"Ah..." The black man only had time to scream, and his body had been completely submerged by the sea of fire.

"What a fool, he dares to touch the sea of fire..." The young man suddenly appeared from the side, and the forbidden armor on his body was also removed by him and thrown into the sea of fire under the deep pit.

"I, Li Wuya, will definitely go back. When I get the source of rebellion, I will definitely skin you all alive, imprison your souls in the palm of your hands forever, and be driven by me forever!" The young man looked up to the sky and roared, and there was a trace of tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Reverse chaos, I'm coming!" Li Wuya shouted that the people jumped into this deep pit and flew away to the sea of fire below.

"Is he looking for death?" After Li Wuya entered the deep pit, Chen Ying and Hong Yuner showed their bodies in the cave.

"I don't think so!" Chen Ying stared at the shadow of love in the sea of fire below, and finally a surprise appeared on her face.

"Wait for me here, and I'll come as soon as I go!" Chen Ying hurriedly told Hong Yuner, and then went straight down and quickly sank into the sea of fire below.

"Can't you even take the top chaotic energy?" Hong Yuner looked at the scene in the deep pit with a little surprise.

Li Wuya fell down, and a layer of fiery armor appeared all over his body. The armor seemed to restrain the sea of fire. Unexpectedly, he easily shuttled in, and his body was not hurt at all.

And Chen Yingzi was wrapped in a layer of yellow gas. When he approached the sea of fire, his body changed for a while and turned into a sword shadow, followed Li Wuya to pierce into the sea of fire.

As soon as she entered the sea of fire, Chen Ying finally felt that the road spirit had become less powerful. It began to be a little difficult to refine the sea of fire here. The heat in the sea of fire was amazing. Chen Ying's body was almost cooked, and the supreme sword body could no longer be condensed.

Far away followed Li Wuya, but Chen Ying didn't know what the fiery armor on his body was. Unexpectedly, he completely blocked the sea of fire, and there was no hot feeling in his body.

In the sea of fire, there are countless layers of crystalline matter, which are like the essence of the sea of fire, solidified there. When crossing the sea of fire, Chen Ying had already seen these red blood sea essences. After trying to refine them into the body, she knew that she could slightly improve the strength of her body.


When Chen Ying's eyes lit up, she saw a light piercing her eyebrows, which roared like blood.

Chen Ying didn't have time to dodge, so she had to block it with her own body and was pressed into the sea of fire in an instant.

"Sure enough, someone is really following me!" Li Wuya hit Chen Ying and sneered and re- manifested from the sea of fire.

Li Wuya did not ask. His fingers had opened a gap in front of him, which appeared from Chen Ying and fell into his heart.

Chen Ying's face turned white, and a mouthful of dark yellow ** spewed out of the sea of fire under his body. In an instant, the fire prevailed, and the flames rose to the sky and sprayed directly to the top wall of the cave above before it was extinguished again.

"What a wonderful blood can trigger this vision." Li Wuya looked at Chen Ying in surprise, approached him step by step, and did not put him in his heart at all.

Chen Ying's human realm has long been seen by him, but he didn't expect Chen Ying's body to be so strong. After several attacks, she was still intact without a wound.

"Come here!" Li Wuya grabbed his hand, and the whole sea of fire seemed to be suddenly hollowed out. He quickly flowed behind Li Wuya, and Chen Ying was also suddenly caught by his side.

"That's the time!" Seeing that Li Wuya didn't care about himself at all and let him stand in front of him, Chen Ying immediately seized the opportunity and began to launch his strongest blow.
