Chaotic Thief

Chapter 297 Bullying

"Don't worry, if anything really happens, I will definitely let you run in front of me, and I'll break the back!" Speaking of this, Wang Chao seemed to be bold and strong. Unlike just now, if it hadn't been for this little girl, she might have fallen softly to the ground.

"Don't go this way, still block me like just now." When the little girl saw Wang Chao walking around casually, she exposed her and hurriedly pulled him over again.

"Zhu Hongzhi..." Wu Chao shouted in a low voice, but saw that he seemed to be reacting, and his body trembled slightly.

"He moved!" Wang Chao was surprised.

"No? Did you see it wrong?" The little girl stared at Wang Chao.

"Did I see it wrong? It's impossible. Look at the white bone under his head. Did it turn? Wang Chao pointed to the white bone.

"..." Now the little girl stopped talking and just trembled violently all over.

Wang Chao was still happy there. Suddenly, he found that the little girl looked wrong, and an idea came to his mind.

"Let's not run..." The little girl whispered.

"What about him?" Wang Chao pointed to Zhu Hongzhi and asked.

"You still care about him. It's useless for him to take care of him. If there is something wrong, what can you do?" The little girl began to get angry with tears in her eyes.

"Why don't I send you out first and come back..." Wang Chao knew that the little girl was afraid, but he didn't want to leave Zhu Hongzhi here alone. Although he couldn't do anything, he couldn't leave him alone.

"Hmm." The little girl then loosened her eyebrows, but when she looked at the white bones over there and Zhu Hongzhi on it, there was an extremely horrible feeling no matter how she looked at it.

"You go first, I'll be right behind you!" Wang is very righteous and awe-inspiring.

"Well, can you stop twisting over?" The little girl was embarrassed.

"What do you mean?" Wang Chao didn't understand.

"I mean, don't turn around and turn your back to me like this. I walk in front, and you fall back..." The quieter the little girl said, the quieter she gradually disappeared into her throat.

"You are ruthless!" Wang Chao sighed for a while and bravely agreed.

"Okay, I said go, just follow me."


Time passed little by little, and when Wang Chao found that the white bone under Zhu Hongzhi's head was slowly turning again, the little girl behind him suddenly shouted in a low voice.


Wang Chao hurriedly followed back. Although the retreat speed was not slow, he stepped on the little girl's feet one after another.

The little girl didn't dare to say anything. She just hurried forward with her head, and her hands were still holding Wang Chao's clothes behind her, for fear of being careless and separating again.

The two galloped all the way and finally left the newly built workshop and came to the sunny yard. At this time of handover, there were some workers who were commuting all the way. Looking at them running out of the new workshop back to back, they all looked at them strangely.

The two of them didn't have time to think about these things. They seemed to let go. Looking at the flow of people passing by, they felt as if they had returned to the world.

After a while, the flow of people gradually became scarce, and the little girl was a little uncomfortable. Looking at Wang Chao in front of her, she seemed to have something to say, but she was embarrassed to open her mouth.

"Go back first. I'll go in and have a look. Maybe he was sleeping just now, and he's fine now." Wang Chao looked at the little girl with a smile, but his heart began to thump again!

"Then I'll wait for you over there. If it's okay, come and tell me first." The little girl looked at Wang Chao's expression and stretched out her hand to pinch a wisp of wood chips in his hair.

This subtle action made Wang Chao a little excited. His stomach seemed to be burned by a fire, and there was no fear just now. He waved his hand vigorously to the little girl, then turned around with a smile and began to walk towards the new workshop.

Just as soon as he turned to the dark place, the fire in his heart was suddenly extinguished by the water, leaving only the smoke and dust, which disappeared quickly into the air with a few rapid breaths.

"Hight!" Suddenly, a fierce cry came from behind, and Wang Chao was so scared that he almost sat directly on the ground.

"Are you timid? Dare to seduce Yang Hui on the first day of work!" A young man in his twenties grinned from behind and walked to Wang Chao.

"Who is Yang Hui?" Wang Chao was puzzled.

"Do not pretend to be stupid with me. Didn't you sneak out of here just now? You were still making out in the yard in broad daylight. Do you think I can't see?" The young man took out a cigarette from his arms, threw it into his mouth, and took the opportunity to fly a flame from his fingers to light the cigarette.

"What are you looking at!" When the young man saw Wang Chao's stunned expression, he was proud.

"I... didn't seduce her." Wang Chao spoke in a low voice, and the weakness of his nature emerged involuntarily. Although he was also very clear, he could not control it. At this time, his heart was beating sharply for fear that something was wrong, and the other party would hit him.

"Is that what she is seducing you?" The young man's voice became louder in an instant.

"None..." Wang Chao looked at him pitifully.

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me. If you dare to make it clear to me, don't blame me for being rude!" As the young man said, he lowered his head and looked around on the ground, trying to find a weapon to increase the threat, but after looking for a long time, he saw a wooden strip not far away, which was a little shocking...

"Damn, where are all the things!" The young man was extremely angry.

"Those scrap irons have just been pulled away by us..." Wang Chao blurted out. As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to hit the wall next to him.

"Yo, is it still premeditated?" The young man strode over, picked up the wooden strips on the ground and was about to hit Wang Chao.

With such a simple action, Wang Chao, who was scared, began to retreat, as if he had been hit a few times.

"Haha, coward!" The young man smiled and finally raised his right hand high and hit Wang Chao's buttocks.

"Hmm?" When the young man was thinking about the sound of the wooden strip hitting Wang Chao's buttocks, he felt that the high-wheeled wooden strip seemed to be hung by something and could no longer be rotated.

"Old man, what are you doing?" Only then did Wang Chao see the master in the maintenance team. At this time, he was holding the wooden strip tightly and looking at the young man in front of him fiercely.

"If a newcomer comes, you will bully. If a newcomer comes, you will bully. If you don't go to a good class, you will turn around, and you don't know what you want to do every day!" The teacher looked at the young man with disgust.

"Then you have to ask him. He seduced my girlfriend on the first day of work, and I beat him lightly!" The young man is virariant.

"What?" The master couldn't believe it and turned his head to look at Wang Chao.

"I didn't. She just talked to the two of us about the salary..." Wang Chao blushed and said.

"I know about this. It was Director Liu who asked her to come over, and I was also there at that time." The teacher nodded.

"That doesn't work either. I also watched Yang Hui comb his hair!" The young man said hatefully.

"She helped me take the dirty things on my head..." Wang Chao said this and thought of the scene just now, as if he had more strength all over his body.

"Do you hear that? In the future, don't make trouble with your girlfriend, and don't be afraid to be angry with other girls and you. Do we smoke in the oxygen factory? You still walk around in the factory with a cigarette. In case something happens, not to mention you, even the surrounding villages can't run away!" The teacher said solemnly.

"I know, this is just a new workshop, and it hasn't been officially produced yet. It's okay!" The young man impatiently broke away from the master's big hand, threw the cigarette butt under his feet, stepped on it fiercely and rotated and pressed it into a thin piece.

"Kid, be careful in the future. If you let me see anything again, you will be like it!"

Wang Chao did not dare to reply. He saw the teacher next to him sigh, but he couldn't say anything more.