Chaotic Thief

Chapter 302 Extreme Speed

"Joke, if I'm not sure I can do this?" Zhu Hongzhi looked at Yang Hui's expression and felt a little uncomfortable. He raised his hand and grabbed the device in front of him. He suddenly encouraged his whole body. The whole device trembled slightly and began to lift it up as a whole.


The sound of swallowing saliva came from beside him. Zhu Hongzhi looked at Yang Hui's crazy face and was finally satisfied. The strength in his hands loosened, and the equipment finally fell down again, but the belt on it twisted slightly and swayed next to it. The three people on the ground were more calm and could not do their actions calmly. Come out, just looking at Zhu Hongzhi is like seeing a ghost.

"Have you three seen it too? In the future, tell him that don't come to trouble us if you have nothing to do. I accidentally caused me to kill one or two people. They are unhappy, and I'm not comfortable? Don't you think so? Zhu Hongzhi said with a straight face.

"Brother, we know that we will never dare to do this again." The three answered in unison, with one voice and one word. I don't know if they usually use it a lot or have been rehearsed for a long time.

"Yang Hui, why did you come here?" Yang Hui asked behind Wang Chao.

"I saw a bunch of people carrying Liu Jiping to the health center, so I inquired with them before I knew that you were fighting here again!" Yang Hui said and stared at Wang Chao.

"Then why didn't you accompany your boyfriend?" Wang Chao asked carefully.

"You mean Liu Jiping? What kind of boyfriend is he? He usually likes to walk around me. I'm tired of him. Yang Hui shook her head.

"Do you have any other boyfriends?" Wang Chao asked urgently.

Yang Hui stared at him; "Do you want to take care of it?"

"No, I'm just asking..." Wang Chao's voice turned down again.

"Wang Chao... your companion..." Yang Hui suddenly pointed to Zhu Hongzhi strangely and asked.

Wang Chao turned around and saw Zhu Hongzhi standing there motionless, staring at the void as if his eyes were godless.

"Nothing. This boy has been like this since he was a child. He likes to think nonsense when he is in a bad mood. Maybe he has thought of something now." Wang Chao pretended to be very ordinary.

"He is just a weirdo, and you are almost the same. Every time I meet you, he can cause a lot of trouble." Yang Hui no longer focused on Zhu Hongzhi, and the three people on the ground also recovered at this time, quietly taking out a young man and the security guard leader.

"Why don't I show you something?" Yang Hui suddenly said with great interest.

"Okay, what do you want to see?" Wang Chao answered happily.

"It is the latest electric car. I heard from my family that it is the latest developed by the country, and this is still the first batch to be sold on the market!" Yang Hui took Wang Chao and walked out, leaving Zhu Hongzhi alone here, still like this and motionless.


Suddenly, a rapid wind sounded from his side, and he saw that his arm seemed to move, and then a large piece of cement pier of the equipment behind him was missing for no reason.

This seems to be the beginning. Zhu Hongzhi is like a ghost's upper body, and his hands keep turning around in front of him. Every time, it is like a phantom. Reflecting the sunlight outside, it looks like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

He didn't grab it all at once, either grabbing the cement fragments behind him, or grabbing a useless screw, or throwing some debris in the air and patting it with his hands, always prevent him from falling down.

Zhu Hongzhi slowly stopped after such a craziness, and his eyes slowly opened, as if he couldn't believe it. He grabbed a piece of cement in front of him. Although the speed was also extremely fast, it was not as slow as he had just now.

"Ah! What a fast speed, it's really the ultimate speed!" Zhu Hongzhi was in a good mood and tried his best to grab the cement blocks around him. He grabbed more than a dozen pieces in a row, but the time seemed to have passed only a second.

"Well, the broken demon god? It seems to be the name! Since I, Zhu Hongzhi, have got your bones, I will definitely help you realize your unfinished ideals!" Zhu Hongzhi smiled and looked at the roof, as if he had penetrated and saw the endless starry sky.

With these two magical skills, Zhu Hongzhi gradually explored the way out, as if after fighting with people, he would stimulate a ability. He only punched Liu Jiping a few times before, and a natural magic power came out. Today, he fought for half a day in a row, and it was another extreme speed, although However, he doesn't know what will be next, but what he can be sure of is that if he wants to stimulate the next ability, he will not need to fight less, or this is not based on the number of fights, but on his potential!

Zhu Hongzhi is not sure, but he knows that the general direction is good. He is even more convinced that he can't hide in the future. He can not only teach people a lesson, but also evolve infinitely. It's really a beautiful thing.

In the past thousand years, people in the Chinese world have rarely seen any immortals and ghosts. It is common in books, but it is just a beautiful idea. Just like Zhu Hongzhi, he did not expect to become an immortal in the future. Although the broken demon god said it very well, he saw these two skills, no By strengthening his body, he consciously classified him into the category of power evolution and so on.

"Wait, maybe I can also be a superhero in the future. Wherever you need me, I will directly rush to kill, which can not only save people, but also become stronger and stronger. Well, a bright future!" Zhu Hongzhi walked out of the door with great joy, looked around, and saw Wang Chao at the gate in the distance.

Zhu Hongzhi gently stepped forward and ran towards him. Only this run found that his whole body seemed to be extremely light. He only felt like a royal wind, and floated outside the gate a few times.

When I came outside, I saw Wang Chao standing side by side with Yang Hui, pointing at an elegant electric car next to him.

"What are you looking at?" Zhu Hongzhi asked loudly.

"Have you come to your senses?" Yang Hui asked with a smile.

"He is like this every time. It will be fine for a while. Brother Hong Zhi, look at Yang Hui's electric car. It's really good!" Wang Chao interrupted.

"It's nothing. It's just an ordinary electric car. Look at you're fuss." Yang Hui pushed him with a little embarrassment.

"How come? Look here, you can still increase the speed of jets!" Wang Chao pointed to a small device at the tail of the electric car.

"Is it more dangerous to do this? The brakes of electric vehicles are not very good. Zhu Hongzhi smiled.

"No, my father said that this device is transmitted from the world of science and technology..." Yang Hui originally retorted loudly, but as soon as he was halfway through, his face stopped white.

"The world of science and technology?" Zhu Hongzhi heard this term keenly.

"What? Did you hear it wrong? How can I say this!" Yang Hui began to deny it.

"No, I clearly hear what you are talking about, the world of science and technology." Wang Chao is sure to be authentic.

"You two must have bad ears, or you will both be damned and ignore you, hum!" Yang Hui said and walked into the factory alone, but as soon as he entered the factory, he ran forward quickly, but Zhu Hongzhi saw it clearly through the crack of the door.

"Hong Zhi, did we really hear it wrong?" Wang Chao is also a little uncertain now.

"Maybe!" Zhu Hongzhi replied gently, but did not tell him that in his three dreams, he saw stars one by one. Each star seemed to be inhabited by many creatures, some of which could fly to the sky and escape, while others lived on instinct like primitive people.

Although the broken virtual demon god did not explain anything in detail, he could roughly guess that the sixth largest area might be an area in the starry sky above his head.

It's just that no one can say this now. Even Wang Chao doesn't want to. He can't tell him that I will one day become the owner of a large area in the cosmic star? Control several large galaxies? There are many stars with all kinds of creatures, and even some immortals in mythology will be under their own jurisdiction?

Fools believe it!