Chaotic Thief

Chapter 311 Zhan Liyi

Zhu Hongzhi looked up at the sky above his head, but sighed in his heart that he might also fly into space. If the people on TV were not professionals, they would have to be rich people. He had nothing to do with anything like this and had never been seen before.

"When will your family go up?" The two walked around the dirt road around the oxygen production station. Zhu Hongzhi saw that there was no one left or right, so he pointed to the top of his head and asked.

"It should be soon. My father plans to see more about what the Liu family wants to stay here, but there has been no progress." Yang Huidao.

"When I eavesdropped there just now, I heard Director Liu seem to be talking to someone, saying that he was looking for something." Zhu Hongzhidao.

Looking for something? In this extremely backward and nearly abandoned world, what is there to be worth their effort? Yang Hui was extremely puzzled.

"I don't know that. I'm just telling you what I just heard." Zhu Hongzhi looked at Yang Hui's eyes with some worries, which was completely different from the innocent little girl image when he saw her for the first time.

"Come on, meet my father with me and introduce you to him by the way!" Yang Hui suddenly stood there, as if talking to herself.

Zhu Hongzhi also had some expectations. When he saw the existence of these aliens, he didn't say much. He followed her back to the oxygen factory. Yang Hui rode the electric car and took Zhu Hong to a remote path.

Zhu Hongzhi tried his best to look forward, but he couldn't see anything strange. Only when he occasionally looked back, he saw Wang Chao peeping this way in the crack in the door.

Yang Hui took him all the time walking towards the mountain, and the mountain road under his feet was also a bumpy dirt road. Zhu Hongzhi sat behind the car and fell together, like a small boat driving in the wind and waves.

At the end of the mountain road, there is a villa built at the foot of the mountain, but this villa seems to be much simpler than elsewhere. However, a few rows of houses have been built in a sea of flowers, and there is a large open space in the house, but it can't be seen outside at all.

"Miss, you're back!"

Yang Hui and Zhu Hongzhi just entered the sea of flowers, and several people suddenly appeared behind them.

"Well, where's my father?" Yang Hui asked.

"Adults are making a big deal with the lord of the world of the flashy world, and they should be negotiating in it now." One of them is a black man.

Zhu Hongzhi looked at these people in surprise, but saw that they were all strong. Everyone was wearing a strange dress, which seemed to be a congruce, only exposing their heads and empty outside.

These people's eyes were full of hostility to him, and even one or two were secretly fisting with him.

As soon as Yang Hui saw this situation, she suddenly laughed there and pulled Zhu Hongzhi into the opposite house. Sure enough, she saw one of the old men in Tang clothes sitting on the sofa in the corner of the wall, but there was a transparent light screen in front of him, which showed an ancient costume Taoist.

When Zhu Hongzhi saw this wonderful thing, he suddenly couldn't stop his heart and rushed to watch it quickly, but he was stared at by the old man's solemn eyes and stood down embarrassedly.

"Good daughter, who is this child?" As soon as the old man pointed out and pointed in the void in front of him, the light screen suddenly disappeared, and then asked Yang Hui.

"Dad, we haven't seen each other for days. Why do you ask others as soon as you come back? You don't ask your daughter how she is okay!" Yang Huijiao smiled.

"What? Has anyone bullied you these days? The old man was surprised.

"Of course, you didn't see that I found a bodyguard, and he will protect me wherever I go in the future." Yang Hui pointed to Zhu Hongzhi.

"Good daughter, if you want a bodyguard, just choose one from our house. Isn't this child a little..." The old man looked at Zhu Hong and shook his head.

"Don't look down on others. He is a real person." Yang Hui pushed Zhu Hongzhi to the front of the old man.

"Oh? In this case, I have to try it, Li Yi, come in!" The old man shouted softly outside the door, and immediately a capable young man walked up.

"Li Yi is about the same age as him, and he happens to have a chance to deal with him. Let me see if my good daughter's vision is okay." The old man picked up a cup of tea on the table, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and smiled contentedly.

"Hong Zhi, you can go up and show your hands. Li Yi is a big player in our family. His skills are very strong. You can't be careless. If you lose, I will be laughed at." Yang Hui whispered.

"I'll try my best." Zhu Hongzhi nodded solemnly and walked to Li Yi.

"The lightest person who beat me has to break his arm and leg. You, a countryman, are afraid you don't have much knowledge. If you are interested now, get out of here quickly. If you let me take action, everything will be late." Li Yi said coldly.

"Less nonsense, I'm here to compare with you, not crosstalk." Zhu Hongzhi said indifferently.

"Look for death!" Li Yi suddenly felt an anger at the bottom of his heart and flew to Zhu Hongzhi. His right fist hit his face like a lightning flash, but without waiting for the fist to grow old, he changed his fist into a palm and grabbed his hair.

Zhu Hongzhi's heart was as quiet as water, and with a slight movement under his feet, he easily dodged the first blow.

"Good! Just one time, you can see that this boy is not a fool. The old man on the sofa nodded and praised.

"Five it down!" Li didn't relax when he saw Zhu Hongzhi dodging the first blow. Then he followed closely and kicked forward with his legs. Unexpectedly, he was dodged again. Then his eyes were stunned, leaned up obliquely, and bumped forward with one elbow.

Although Li Yi's dodge has changed with Zhu Hongzhi's dodge, it seems to be one in the eyes of others. No matter how the other party dodges, he can finally connect in at the fastest speed.

Zhu Hongzhi dodged several times. Finally, he was accidentally hit by Li Yi's elbow. He only felt an amazing force attacking his body through his waist, and a soreness appeared there in an instant.

"I let you fall!" Li Yi waved his hand, shouted crazily on his face, raised his legs and kicked Zhu Hongzhi's calf heavily.

Zhu Hongzhi must not be able to please the leg in front of him, but the old man was a little uncomfortable. He took a little look at Yang Hui and saw that she had no reaction, so he was relieved.

"You'd better pour it down." Zhu Hongzhi did not dodge. He punched Li Yi. He had no move, but he just played it with his own local tricks. Li Yi sneered when he saw it and wanted to follow.

Two clean and neat bombardments, Yang Hui and the old man on the sofa both had bright eyes, each showing a smile, as if they had seen the result in their hearts.

Li Yi kicked out with a heavy leg and was about to kick the other party's calf. Suddenly, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the other party's fist also bombarded. He was waiting for a few words of sarcasm, but he felt that a mountain of power suddenly emerged from his chest, and in an instant he flew backwards and hit the wall by the door.

The old man on the sofa was surprised and couldn't help but stand up, as if he wanted to say something, but opened his mouth twice and stopped again.

"Is this my won?" Zhu Hongzhi looked at Li Yi falling into the corner of the wall and struggled desperately twice, but he couldn't stand up and looked at himself with a pale face, revealing a fierce anger in his eyes.

"Dad?" Yang Hui said with a smile.

"Okay, this is a child's vibrant. Seeing that he is extremely powerful and smart, Chen Qing will play the next game. If he can still be won, I will not only agree with him to be your bodyguard, but also reward him greatly!" The old man said solemnly.

"It's a deal!" Yang Huidao.

"Can't I lie to you as a child? Chen Qing, come in!" The old man shouted, and soon a cautious middle-aged man stood in from outside. As he walked, he looked at the scene in the room. When he saw Li Yi lying sadly in the corner, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Li Yi loses, this is up to you. If you lose again, I will be ashamed." The old man smiled slightly, but in a blink of an eye, he became calm again.