Chaotic Thief

Chapter 317 Parents Arrested

It seems that the attack method of this Yuan Chenjia is the bone spurs of the whole body and the knife wings behind. After both of them are destroyed, there are a few bare white bone armors left, which are folded together by Zhu Hongzhi. He sits on his buttocks and grabs them with his hands if they don't rest on the downward bone armor. Every time they take action, they will be crushed on Yuan Chenjia. A large piece.

" Let them go!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from afar. Zhu Hongzhi took the opportunity to look and saw that Yang Hui was actually caught in the palm of his hand by the thin young man. What this young man saw was also Yuan Chenjia. At this time, he had no longer paid attention to it, but Yang Hui's weak body was clenched by a huge bone hand. As long as he moved a little, he would Received a huge squeeze.

"Let her go, I'll let you go!" Zhu Hongzhi stepped over step by step and passed by the huge Yuan Chenjia. Several people looked at him fiercely and couldn't wait to chew him directly into his stomach.

"It's not that simple. If you just put it away, I will naturally let her go. If you don't want to, we can only go to Huangquan with her." In the huge Yuanchen armor, the thin young man saw the short Zhu Hongzhi coming in the distance, and his body couldn't help trembling.

As he got closer and closer, Zhu Hongzhi stared at the Yuan Chenjia in front of him and saw the inconspicuous trembling all over his body. Yang Hui was fearless in the palm of his hand. He even spit out his tongue with him, and then his fingers inadvertently scratched his waist, and the white light on his body shone, and the bones and hands around him were immediately The white smoke and dust was squeezed away, and Yang Hui was wrapped in the smoke and dust like that, floating there.

"You actually have Taichujia. It seems that the Yang family really wants to rebel." As soon as the young man saw Yang Hui's abnormal condition at this time, he immediately stopped doing it. His body tilted slightly back and began to force his feet down.

"Can you still run away? Since you have seen Taichujia, you should be aware of it!" Yang Hui, floating in the air at this time, the smoke all over her body gradually condensed into a plain fairy coat. Just like the fairy coat on the fairy in myth and legend, it was gently blown by the breeze under the night, and delicate green ribbons and layers of smoke clouds floated behind.

Zhu Hongzhi looked carefully at this beautiful Taichu armor, and his head was protected by wisps of light. Yang Hui's face could not peep into it, but there was a light green pattern on his chest, but the pattern was a little familiar. After a little thought about it, he found that he had seen it in his dream just now. It was a huge bronze tripod.

Wo! Oh! Oh! ......

The thin young man instantly waved two blade wings and swirled a few times in front of Yang Hui. The blade wings only cut silk clouds on her body, which did not affect the inner Taichu armor at all.

The young man did not stop. Taking advantage of this huge counterattack, his wings fanned quickly and had taken off into mid-air. Unexpectedly, he planned to escape directly and no longer care about a few people underground in the distance.

Yang Hui smiled in mid-air, grabbed a brown ribbon at her waist with her right hand and waved it up. The ribbon immediately disappeared in her hand. When it appeared again, it was already on Yuan Chenjia in the air.

The blades behind the thin young man were cut quickly, but the ribbon did not move at all, but slowly entangled him firmly wrapped in the middle and slowly dragged him back. No matter how the young man's two blade wings fluttered, it could not stop the end of being dragged back upside down.

"Miss Yang, let me go. I promise to fly away and never meet their Liu family again." The ribbon wrapped around Yuan Chenjia and brought it to Yang Hui. The thin young man among them suddenly panicked and begged Yang Hui for mercy.

"If it's just me, I can let you go, but if you leave, our Yang family will have great difficulties, so we can only wrong you." Yang Hui shook her head and controlled the ribbon to pull Yuan Chenjia to Zhu Hongzhi.

"I'll leave it to you." Yang Hui said softly, then took back the ribbon and slowly flew out of the woods.

"Let me go. I know you have been very good with Wang Chao since you were a child. If you let me go, I can work for you and help you kill Wang Chao and relieve your trouble!" The thin young man whispered to Zhu Hongzhi.

Zhu Hongzhi sighed slightly, and his hands had all destroyed the blade wings behind him. After attracting the two large balls of energy inside, he finally tossaw him with the four people.

"I can also kill people, but now I still can't do anything. After all, we grew up together..." Zhu Hongzhi's body disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had jumped on the opposite side, stepped down his legs vigorously, and flattened five Yuan Chenjia directly. Five of them also had a rapid scream. There is no more movement.

Zhu Hongzhi carefully destroyed all the bone spurs on the last Yuanchen armor and absorbed all the remaining tiny energies into his body. Then his hands bombarded them quickly. With a harsh impact sound, he grabbed all five Yuanchen armor into pieces, and then dug out a large pit below and piled them all in it. Noodles.

After cleaning up, Zhu Hongzhi looked at a large and vast field under him, and gradually had some thoughts in his mind. Several lives were destroyed alive by him, and he was buried in the ground so easily without any psychological burden. In the past, he could not do it under any way.

After walking out of the woods, he saw that Yang Hui had already lifted Taichujia and turned into the former girl in green, sitting in an electric car and smiling at him gently.

" Get in the car, I'll take you this time!"

"Good! Miss Yang is willing to condescend to be a driver, so I will also enjoy such a high treatment. Zhu Hongzhi sat behind the car with a smile and looked at the beautiful posture of the little girl in front of him and the slightly raised buttocks in front of him. He hurriedly raised his head and deliberately looked at the sky.

"You still have to be careful when you go home. The Liu family will not give up so easily this time. I also need to ask Wang Chao's villain to see what he wants to do!" Yang Hui was extremely angry in front of him.

"I know." Zhu Hongzhi thought of Wang Chao, and a sad emotion came out in his heart.

"It's on fire!" Yang Hui rode with Zhu Hong's ambition and turned a corner to see a fire in the village. The fire was turbulent, and many people around him were rushing to put out the fire.

"That's my home!" Zhu Hongzhi looked at the general direction and had a bad idea when he was neutral. He jumped under the car and took a big step to run in the direction of home.

"Wait for me!" Yang Hui was also shocked when she heard this. She accelerated and ran forward with Zhu Hongzhi, but she always couldn't catch up with him.

However, the fire was too big. In a blink of an eye, the suspended beams in Zhu Hongzhi's home collapsed together, and the strong wind also extinguished a source of fire. Under the efforts of the villagers to put out the fire, the fire was finally controlled.

Zhu Hongzhi also happened to arrive here at this time. Everyone saw a flower in front of them, and a figure rushed in. Unexpectedly, they didn't see who it was.

Then I saw a fluttering in the fire. Several burning broken beams and half of the broken wall were overturned. The figure turned upside down and finally came out slowly.

"Where's my parents?"

Zhu Hongzhi asked a group of people outside in a dire manner.

"We don't know. We just came here when the fire broke out. We really didn't see them. We don't know what happened to this fire. It was just a little bit, and it became like this in a blink of an eye." A middle-aged man sighed beside him.

Zhu Hongzhi heard clearly that there are no flammable and explosive items at home. Even if there is fire, it can't rise to the maximum in a blink of an eye!

"Look at your head!" Suddenly, one of the onlookers shouted in shock.

Zhu Hongzhi was shocked and suddenly looked up and saw that the TV fell straight down, facing his head.

Put up with both hands vigorously. Zhu Hongzhi has steadily taken the TV in the palm of his hand and stared at it intently. It was the old TV in his home that had been used for more than ten years.

"Zhu Hongzhi, your parents are in my heart. If you want to find them, follow me!" Suddenly, there was another shout above, and everyone saw a dark shadow falling down quickly, and then rose to the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Liu Jiping!" Zhu Hongzhi roared on the ground, but there was nothing he could do. No matter how strong and fast he is now, he can't fly after all.