Chaotic Thief

Chapter 326 Old Man Coming in the Starry Sky

Zhu Hongzhi slowly felt that his body had returned to a perfect state and tried to stand up from the platform. After walking back and forth a few steps, he began to speed up and his feet ran fast on the platform.

Seeing that his speed was getting faster and faster, he gradually became a virtual shadow. From a distance, it seemed that a circle of barriers appeared on the platform.

After reaching this speed, Zhu Hongzhi knew that he had really increased a lot. When he ran, the speed could only reach about half of this time, and this speed was almost close to his limit speed.

Zhu Hongzhi suddenly paused, disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on the opposite side of the platform at the same time, but this feeling...

After a closer understanding, Zhu Hongzhi's eyebrows were relieved, his feet continued to disappear, but then he did not appear.

The old man at the top of the Star was shocked there. After disappearing from this, Zhu Hongzhi disappeared in the light screen. Until a few minutes later, he still did not appear.

The old man quickly ran to the front of the light screen and clicked on it tremblingly. The picture on the light screen turned into a hazy picture, and there was nothing in the picture. The old man continued to dot on the light screen. As the picture became thinner and thinner, he finally saw a green dot moving rapidly in it, suddenly to the left. Suddenly, he could move to the air and began to move rapidly in the air. When the old man saw this, in addition to shock, he gradually became worried.


The old man gently opened a device next to him, slowly approached, and began to approach one of the small holes after a moment of meditation.

"The plan has changed and increased its power."



"Zhu Hongzhi?" The channel at the platform opened silently, and Yang Hui stood there in surprise and began to look around.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Yang Hui felt an itchy on her head as if she had been touched.


Zhu Hongzhi appeared there with a smile in mid-air, but stopped slightly in the air and couldn't help falling down.

"You deserve it!" Yang Hui walked up to him and looked at him touching his forehead with embarrassment.

"How's it? I just didn't experience it?" Zhu Hongzhi suddenly sat up and asked Yang Hui.

"Well, I can't see you anymore. What did you do just now?" Yang Hui asked doubtfully.

"Haha, this is my original fastest speed. I didn't expect that now that after my body is strengthened, I can maintain the fastest speed continuously and move from the flat ground to the air. That feeling is really comfortable!"

Zhu Hongzhi thought of his feeling just now, and his body seemed to melt into the air, as if he could keep moving at a high speed in the air as long as he wanted to.

"Then how did you fall?" Yang Hui couldn't help laughing when she saw his proud appearance.

"This... This is a small shortcoming so far. When moving at high speed in the air, the mind cannot be changed at will. You can only keep one mind. A little distracted will cause the body to lose control." Zhu Hongzhi thought for a moment.

"It's really a great stunt to escape!" Yang Hui was stunned.

Zhu Hongzhi looked at him speechlessly, and finally shook his head, continued to walk back to sit down.

"Don't worry about me. I have to practice for a few more days."

"Okay, then you have to work harder. Don't forget that you are my personal bodyguard!" Yang Hui looked at the figure in the distance with a smile, as if she had deeply imprinted the image there.

As time went by, only Yang Huishi didn't come here to deliver food. Look at him. The other people on the Star were almost forgotten about him, but by chance someone asked about it, and then he remembered that there was such a person.

Zhu Hongzhi came up with the stupid method. After such a long time, the body has finally improved one step, and the time to maintain the monster form is also much longer each time. The extreme transformation has also changed from the original eight times to nine times.

However, after these nine times, the damage to his whole body was even more tragic. From top to bottom, it seemed that he had been finely divided with a knife. There was a trace of blood, and each blood mouth showed the white bones inside.

After Yang Hui accidentally met her, she was so scared that she screamed there. After she desperately called people, Zhu Hongzhi had recovered as before, and her body was intact, which made others say behind their back that Yang Hui's eyes were dizzy...

Yang Hui, who finally came to his senses, twisted back and forth on Zhu Hongzhi, and then left here contentedly.

One day, after a round as usual, Zhu Hongzhi suddenly saw two people behind the transparent barrier in front of him. They were a man and a woman. The man was strong and heroic, but the woman was petite and lovely, with a pure face.

The two people flew in the starry sky with their bodies. At first, they were still far away, but in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived in front of the Star.

Zhu Hongzhi knew that this was because the Star and they were in opposite directions, and the two sides were close to each other to feel that the speed of the other was extremely fast. In fact, there was also the speed of the Star here.

The two looked at the Star, and the man seemed to open his mouth and say something, but he couldn't hear anything here. Finally, Zhu Hongzhi saw a ladder stretched out from the two happily into the Star and entered it.

"Is this means of traveling in the starry sky, as well as their ancient costumes, from the so-called monist world?" Zhu Hongzhi suddenly became excited.

What he wants most now is to strengthen his physical skills, which can be said to have brought him great hope.

Zhu Hongzhi was extremely excited and immediately shouted; "Yang Hui! Think of wisdom!"

"What are you doing?"

After a moment, Yang Hui's voice came down from above.

"I'm going to find them. Take me there quickly!" Zhu Hongzhi shouted.

"My father said that their strength is very terrible, and they are still isolated there and won't let us approach them at will." Yang Huidao.

"It's okay, just take me to find them!" Zhu Hongzhi didn't care about this. Seeing that the opportunity to improve his strength was right in front of him, how could he let it be lost at will?

"Wait, I'll ask my father."

A moment later, Yang Hui's voice came down again, but it was a little more solemn.

"My father said that both of them are masters of heaven and man, and the strongest protection on the spacecraft can't stop them at all, so if you want to see them, go..."

"Good! Take me there quickly." Zhu Hongzhi smiled.

Yang Hui stopped talking. When Zhu Hongzhi was wondering, he felt something strange in his pocket. He quickly took it out and saw an additional route on the permission card.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhu Hongzhi shouted loudly, so he carefully wrote down this route and trotted down all the way.

"Drip! Entering the strongest protective room, please be careful not to damage the indoor objects to prevent the attack!"

As soon as Zhu Hongzhi opened the last channel level, an electronic sound came from the top of his head.

"It's annoying. If I don't want to take a break here, who would be taken care of by you? What is the strongest protective room? How strong can it be?

Step into it, Zhu Hongzhi saw the strong man shaking his head left and right helplessly, and the petite woman next to him just looked at him with a smile.

"I've met two seniors!" Zhu Hongzhi strode to the two of them, arched his fists and saluted.

"The little doll is not timid enough to dare to come out to see us. Unlike them, they all hide and secretly monitor us, thinking that we don't know?" The big man looked at the corner of his head disdainfully.

"Two masters, please forgive me. I'm here to supervise the flight of the spacecraft and can't withdraw."

"You'd better shut up and be careful not to provoke me. I don't care where you are, I'll just punch you into a meat pie!" The big man shouted impatiently.

Yang Hui's father was afraid that he had tried the attitude of a strong man for a long time, so he stopped talking.

"Little doll, come here and sit with me for a while!" The strong man looked at Zhu Hongzhi and looked much better.

"Chongxi, don't scare the children!" The petite woman next to her looked solemnly at the strong man.