Chaotic Thief

Chapter 335 White Gas Barrier

"Well, leave this person and the others go quickly!" Zhou Chong exhaled and saw a white breath swinging up and hit the four armors in a blink of an eye.

When Zhu Hongzhi saw that the white gas seemed to be extremely cold, he wrapped the four armors with a layer of white frost. Five of them couldn't stand it and climbed out one after another.

The five people trembling and pale. As soon as they jumped to the ground, they all began to warm up to the sun.

"Is my cold and comfortable? Hahaha..." Zhou Chong looked at these people and laughed happily.

Zhu Hongzhi stepped forward, grabbed a person and dragged him back. There was no expression on his face. The man looked frustrated and couldn't help looking left and right.

"The body of mortals should not want to escape. Be obedient and suffer less!" The white breath in Zhou Chong's mouth condensed a thin line, slowly wrapped around the five people, and carefully explored their bodies.

Up and right inside and outside, after a while of groping, only a few small black tubes and some useless pieces of paper were found.

Zhu Hongzhi took over the pieces of paper and saw that there were only some numbers recorded on them. Although he didn't know what they were, they didn't react much, so he tore them up and flew to heaven and earth.

"Brother, it's not too late. Why don't you and me..." Zhu Hongzhi pointed to a pile of armor on his finger.

"That's right, that's the intention, little green, come out!" Zhou Chongtan grabbed his hand and saw a figure flying out of the woods behind him, and instantly jumped in front of him.

"You scared me to death!" Little Green said in panic.

"Haha, just get used to it in the future." Zhou Chong held Xiaolu in his arms and began to touch him again.

Zhu Hongzhi left him alone, looked at the five armors above, gently came to the armor, and moved under the abdomen of the blackbird armor. The blackbird slowly shrank and finally turned into a dark belt.

"Which one do you want?" Zhu Hongzhi asked.

"This fish is good. I'm very satisfied. That's him!" Zhou Chong did not raise his head, but only focused on burying in front of Xiaolu, and couldn't help moaning.

Zhu Hongzhi removed the black fish armor and threw the belt from above to him. After disassembling the remaining bird and beast a few times, he refined all the energy into his body.

"Brother, let's go!" Zhu Hongzhi took his belt, turned into a giant black bird a few times, swallowed his own Liu Jiming into the bird's beak, and began to hover in the air.

After a while, Zhou Chong raised his head with satisfaction and looked at the black bird in the air. He quickly took his belt and then turned into a black fish, swallowed the little green into his abdomen, and suddenly rushed to the sky.

A bird and a fish chased me in the air, leaving two small black spots in a short time, and then slowly disappeared to the end of the sky.

"Hateful, what can I do now!" A man on the island said hatefully.

"I have no choice but to wait for the ancestors to save us." One person sighed.

"Will he come to save us? Impossible!"

"Yes, it's not that you don't know the ancestor's temper. This time our mission failed and lost the five beast armors, so he won't care about us..."

The four people lamented lying on the ground, thinking about what to live in the future.

Zhu Hongzhi flew high in the sky, staring at the approaching starry sky above. When he was excited, he felt that he was blocked by an invisible barrier.

He was suddenly photographed there during the high-speed flight, which made him dizzy and wanted to vomit in his stomach.

"Hahaha, doesn't it feel good? This is the film of the world. You have to have extreme strength to penetrate it. At this time, the black fish slowly flew over.

Since controlling this beast armor, Zhu Hongzhi knew that the only attack method of this black bird is the two claws under the abdomen, which is a metal refined by the extremely powerful technology in the world of science and technology. The inconvenience itself is extraordinary, and it has the characteristics of destroying all substances, but this characteristic can't do anything after meeting his bone hand. Yes, it was almost destroyed by a blow.

As for the black fish, there is no attack. For the film of the world on its head, it is impossible to fly over directly.

When the two were flying around the world film, they saw a red-gold beam of light flying outside the starry sky. The beam of light suddenly bombarded the world film, and a large fragment appeared on the top of their heads, revealing a hole half a meter thick hole.

The two did not dare to stop. They quickly reduced the shape of the armor to the minimum. After piercing through the hole in turn, they became bigger again and looked at a giant spacecraft staying in the starry sky.

The spacecraft looked strange, and the whole body was dark. The huge black wings on both sides stopped there steadily, and there were two dark red eyes on the bow.

After a fish and a bird looked at each other in the starry sky, the black bird nodded slightly and flew to the ground first. The black fish also followed closely and flew towards the strange spacecraft in the distant sky.

As Zhu Hongzhi guessed, before the two flew to him, he saw a humanoid passage under the belly of the spacecraft. There is a light in the passage, shining slightly in the endless starry sky.

The two came to the front to shrink the shape and quickly drilled into the channel, and then they felt at ease.

Two small armors began to fly in the passageway of the spacecraft. Along the way, I met several people and saw that they were going to lean down to salute. It seemed that these people still had some status.

The two came to an uninhabited space. Zhou Chong spit out a black bead from his mouth. As soon as the black bead fell to the ground, it spread out, and then a gap formed from it, and the little green slowly came out.

The two also removed the armor. Looking at the strange environment they were in, they were cautious.

Zhu Hongzhi still stayed on the Star for a period of time, and his strangeness here was not enough, but Zhou Chong's eyes were black, looked at the wall beside him, and directly melted a piece of magic from his hand and pressed it down.

After hearing a harsh sound, he shot a hole in the wall, followed by hundreds of tiny holes in the surrounding walls, and golden filaments suddenly spewed out of the holes.

These filaments all came to the three people. Zhou Chong hugged the little green beside him. With a big mouth, a white air barrier spit out and turned out a semicircular cover around the three people.

"What can I do?" Zhou Chong laughed inside.

"Big brother, what is this thing?" Zhu Hongzhi had long felt that the white gas did not have any energy reaction. He had also tried to refine a trace when he was on the island before, but after turning around in his stomach, there was no response, and finally he was sent out.

"This baby was born with me, and I don't know who I was in my last life. Unexpectedly, there would be such a bad baby born with me!" Zhou Chong smiled and opened a big mouth to Zhu Hongzhi.

Zhu Hongzhi looked at it and saw something slowly rising from his abdomen. This thing appeared slightly in his mouth, and he immediately felt a crazy cold spray.

In such a short time, Zhou Chong has swallowed it again, but Zhu Hongzhi still faintly saw that what was in his abdomen was a round bead.

After the infinite gold wires on the surrounding walls bombarded crazily for a long time, they finally stopped. After a while, Zhu Hongzhi felt a strange movement behind him. The three looked back and saw a gap opening on the wall behind them. As the gap got bigger and bigger, a group of people outside were exposed.

The team all held strange weapons and looked inside nervously. As soon as they saw Zhu Hongzhi and others, they began to be shocked, shouted to point their weapons at them, and began to bombard them again.

Similarly, this round of attack was still blocked by Zhou Chong's white gas barrier. The three slowly moved forward, and the white gas barrier also moved forward. In a few steps, they came outside the space and stood in front of the team.

"The enemy has experienced harm, don't flinch!" The leader roared, and the weapon in his hand shot crazily, and the black light continued to explode on the white air screen one after another.

Zhou Chong waited quietly for a while, and finally patted forward impatiently. The white gas barrier turned into a palm-shaped imprint and suddenly spread out. After the imprint dissipated, the group of people stood there in a frenze and began to reflect light on their bodies.

When Zhu Hongzhi saw that these people were frozen into ice men in a blink of an eye, he sighed and continued to walk forward with Zhou Chong.