Chaotic Thief

Chapter 355 Return of Everything

The five masters looked at Zhu Hongzhi together in an instant, but saw that he was still not awake. He looked stupidly at the big net in the air, and suddenly his face changed color. Followed by a pile of treasures in the air, they all bloomed out of different lights, rampaging in the silver wire net, and smashing the silver wire net into several pieces in a few strokes. .

"Damn slaves, it seems that you don't want to live." The man in the spaceship roared angrily, but there was no movement, but he couldn't help hovering over the Huaxian Sect.

Zhu Hongzhi grabbed a five-color knife in the air and smashed it. A five-color light crossed the sky in a blink of an eye, dividing the spacecraft into two, and then there was a shocking roar, and the spacecraft smashed into the firelight.

Zhu Hongzhi was extremely fast, and there was no expression on his face in advance. The five major masters did not think about this at all. For the Xuanhuang world, as long as they are from the world of science and technology, but their strength is not to be provoked, but they have nothing to Zhu Hongzhi, a strange person. Solution.

"What's wrong with this!" The five old men frowned there and watched Zhu Hongzhi start playing again, as if they were a child.

"Why don't you catch him?" An old man said.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Gongzhi's eyes looked over in an instant, and two red lights began to erupt in his eyes, shining on the old man.

These two red lights shattered the blocks that bombed his body, and each piece of flesh burst, which directly turned into smashing energy and was sucked into his stomach by Zhu Hongzhi.

" Stop it." The suzerain of Huaxianzong hurried forward to stop Zhu Hongzhi, but he saw that the red light meant to move towards him, just dodge quickly.

Zhu Hongzhi looked straight at the old man. It was not until he was about to blow up the bones in his body that he fell to the ground with sweat.

"I'll fight with you!" The old man was furious. The damage he suffered only took some time and the energy could be replenished, but this face problem was not so easy.

Zhu Hongzhi closed his eyes and hid on the ground, but his hands grabbed a thick and thin subway stick in the sky. Then he shook in the air and turned into a few feet long, and a strong wind hit him.

The suzerain of Huaxianzong looked carefully. This iron rod is the peerless murderer who once inserted on the main peak, which can't even touch himself. If he is hit by this, he must be dead.

Seeing that the iron bar was about to be in the wheel, the old man was a little contempt, so he grabbed the iron bar with his hand. The suzerain of Huaxian had to shake his head, step out, and directly rushed there and took him to move elsewhere.

"Look at what that stick is."

When the old man saw what he said solemnly, he calmed down and retreated in horror, and his eyebrows were covered with a layer of cold sweat.

"Qiu Rong..."

At this time, Zhu Hongzhi on the ground shouted, and then there was no movement. Judging from the expression on his face, he should have entered the dream again.

"This boy has a strange history. Every time he dreams, his strength will be confirmed, and all kinds of treasures and skills emerge one after another. I don't know what's going on." The patriarch of Huaxian.

"It should be the reincarnation of a master, but I can't think of which master who has fallen has these treasures." The patriarch of Shenxiao.

"Don't worry about this. I mean to keep this boy and go up at his speed, and he will soon be able to completely suppress us, and then maybe it won't be long before he can take us out of this prison."

"Can he have this ability? The world of science and technology is not so easy to deal with.

"This can be said to be a hope, but the size can always wait and see."

"I agree."

After a while of discussion, the five old men decided to leave Zhu Hongzhi. Seeing that he was hiding, they asked him for help to relieve their crisis when his strength was high enough.

At this time, Zhu Hongzhi is experiencing one dream after another in a dream. In each dream, he will see a young man with the same face. This young man is the protagonist of the dream. There will always be many blessings, and he has learned many powerful skills together.

He also thought about his recent situation and found that he was in dreams most of the time. There was only a short waking period. During those short period of waking up, he was in that strange world and did not know how he came to this world.

One dream after another is like a wheel. Each dream is one of the tiny intervals. Zhu Hongzhi doesn't know how long it took, and finally saw the young man in yellow.

The young man is excited to climb a small mountain and come to a small green building on the top of the peak.

"Qiu Rong!"

After a while, Li Qiurong poked his head out of the window and looked at him doubtfully.

"What can I do for you?" Li Qiurong looked cold.

"Qiu Rong, I have made it clear that I was wrong in the past. I shouldn't have concealed my name from you."

"It's okay. It doesn't matter to me whether you say it or not."

"Qiu Rong, because some of my former enemies have also entered the road of cultivation. I'm afraid of being visited by them, so I want to hide my name first and go out to find them when my strength is strong, but I didn't expect you to hate me so much."

"Is your enemy very strong?" Li Qiurong was surprised.

"I have also secretly looked for them over the years and found that they are already masters of heaven. Compared with my realm, I can't resist them at all."

"Then tell me now that you are not afraid of being found by them?" Li Qiurong asked.

"I'm willing to give up everything for you, even if they find me here, I don't care!" The young man in yellow said solemnly.

Li Qiurong was finally happy and waved his hand at him; "Stop talking, as long as I know. When you are confident in the future, remember to know me. I'm going to see how you avenge."

The young man in yellow looked at Li Qiurong's delicate face, and a burst of heat passed through his heart, and he was finally relieved.

"Qiu Rong, my real name is Chen Ying."

"Chen Ying!" Zhu Hongzhi was suddenly shocked at the top. It turned out that this teenager's name was Chen Ying, and those young people who looked the same were all the same name?

Zhu Hongzhi sweated coldly and began to doubt whether this was a dream. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why he dreamed of his previous life in the dream, and the skills he learned from the dream can still be used after waking up.

In an instant, the space in front of Zhu Hongzhi suddenly broke open, and hundreds of Chen Ying dressed in different clothes and rushed to him. Everyone was holding a different treasure. As long as they came to him, they would turn into a mass of yellow gas and rushed into his body.

Zhu Hongzhi looked at Chen Ying, who seemed to be endless, and began to retreat. Slowly, he seemed to have become one of them. He melted into the trillions of people and submerged in an instant and found that he could no longer be.

The crowd rushed forward like a river, until it came to a void and melted towards one of the skyshading giants.

The flow of people rolled away, and at every moment, a lot of Chen Ying melted into it. Zhu Hongzhi only resisted for a moment and was also hit by the flow of people into the giant's body.

The giant's body is like a huge furnace. The strong yellow gas can't help hovering in it. As soon as the flow of people enters it, it is rolled into pieces and refined into the giant's body.

Zhu Hongzhi struggled to dodge in it. He took out the bronze stick in his hand and hit it left and right in the giant's body. At first, he could break some yellow gas, but later, the bronze stick was slowly melted into pieces, and then persisted for a moment, and finally turned into nothing.

Zhu Hongzhi casually grabbed another iron bar. This iron bar was the one he refined when he was awake. Now it is actually infinitely powerful in his hand. It has the same power as the bronze long stick, but after resisting him for a while, it also turned into smashing.

Zhu Hongzhi roared and didn't know what was going on. He vomited and spit out the little gourd from his body. The little gourd was originally hidden in his body. Although he knew it, he didn't pay much attention to it.