Chaotic Thief

Chapter 361 See Yang Hui again

Zhu Hongzhi looked at the woman for a long time before he found some memories about him in his mind. It turned out that she was the demon Chen Ying met in the last life, that is, the intelligence of the final light brain in the world of science and technology, but he did not know how he found this life.

"I realize that I know you, but you have a lot of ability to find me here." Zhu Hongzhi looked at the demon in surprise.

"It took me a long time to find you, but fortunately, my strongest ability is to control and master people's consciousness. When you didn't wake up before, I couldn't help it, but since a few days ago, when you intermittently found the memory of your previous life, you finally found it, and then quickly chased after you. Fortunately, you didn't do it. Go away." The heart demon laughed.

"What, what can I do for you?" Zhu Hongzhi asked.

The heart demon looked at the starry sky here, and there was a burst of ridicule on his face; "This Xuanhuang world, as the territory of the world of science and technology, has been waiting for nearly ten thousand years, but I didn't expect it to be simply destroyed by you like this. It was also because the strength of the Communist League was too poor, and Pangu armor was taken away, otherwise you would not have been so simple to succeed. Of."

"Pangu Armor?" Zhu Hongzhi had heard of this name before. He could always have a sense of bullying this armor named after Pangu, the first generation of gods in the universe, and he didn't know what his specific strength was.

"Yes, Pangu armor is the strongest armor developed for this scientific and technological world so far. In terms of force, it is still on Noah's Ark, but it is a little unlucky. Before doing anything big, it was actually taken away alive. For this, the people in the alliance hate it." At this point, the heart demon is even more excited.

"This is really a crazy thing. Who is so great to do such a big thing!" Zhu Hongzhi is full of infinite curiosity about the person who took away Pangu's armor, and he doesn't know how powerful it is to do such a thing.

The demon looked at Zhu Hongzhi strangely, and then said something that made him tongue-drop.

"You also know this person, and you are quite familiar with him. This person is Wang Chao, your partner from childhood to big in this life."

"What? How could it be him? I was just an ordinary mortal when I separated from him. No matter how talented he is, he can't improve so fast!" As soon as Zhu Hongzhi heard her say that it was Wang Chao, he felt impossible when he took a foothold. How could there be such a thing? After not seeing him for several years, he could take Pangu's armor from a mortal who knew something. If it was really so simple, people in the world of science and technology should be killed.

"Nothing is impossible. You only know that he is Wang Chao in this life. Do you know who he was in his last life?" The devil's way.

Zhu Hongzhi naturally shook his head. It's really a joke. He doesn't know everything, especially this kind of soul reincarnation. It has to be decided by the reincarnation, but it can't be queried.

"Do you know?"

"I don't know." The heart replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Zhu Hongzhi was helpless for a while.

The heart demon waved his hand at him; "All the creatures in the thirteen wrong areas of the universe can find out his last life, even who he was in the previous lives, but I can't find it at all, as if he had never had a previous life."

Zhu Hongzhi didn't understand it as soon as he heard it. Wang Chao was his good friend since he was a child. Although he didn't say that he knew it well, he also knew him very well, and he didn't see how he was different from others. How did he become a person without a previous life when he came to her?

"As long as there are creatures, there is a previous life, unless it is the first generation of creatures that evolved naturally at the beginning of the universe, but those creatures are destroyed because they are too powerful in the end." The heart demon said and pointed to the starry sky above.

Zhu Hongzhi naturally knew that what she was talking about was the cosmic worm, and he also knew clearly what she said.

The first generation of creatures in the universe can be regarded as the first batch of creatures, occupying the first aura between heaven and earth, so the achievement is also extremely high, and it doesn't take long for their strength to improve. When they have hit the original state, they have entered the final realm after a short-term impact, and then they are given by the magic bug. Swallowed away.

The rest of the spirits that appear are various substances in the world. After a long period of evolution, they have slowly evolved from tiny creatures to various kinds of creatures. This human is also one of them. Although in many worlds, the upper class claims to be adult primates, it is a kind of self-imagination. Everything is completely wrong, and all living things are on the same line.

These creatures have their own souls, which represent different memory inheritance, generation, or separation, fusion. In short, whenever the soul is destroyed, it will fly out by itself, enter the reincarnation through the reincarnation channels everywhere in the universe, and then reincarnate into all kinds of creatures.

This reincarnation disk is also an innate treasure at the beginning of the universe. It seems to have evolved in the space of mixed pairs and was born together with the first generation of gods in the universe, but the gods have the strongest force, but this cycle secretly controls the reincarnation of the soul.

Like this innate treasure, the whole universe has been obtained by the ghost. He is also a person of great luck, and Wang Chao, a mortal, can also have this opportunity, which is a strange thing.

The heart demon condensed the divine way; "The person of Wang Chao has no previous life and no sign of existence, as if he were a person who came out for no reason. There are only two possibilities for this kind of emotion. One is that the strength is too strong to be estimated, but this possibility is not too high. My ontology can already be calculated as There are two kinds of things in today's universe that cannot be estimated, which makes a possibility also related to this. These two are Pangu and the worm born at the beginning of chaos and the worm of unknown origin.

When the demon talked about the bug, his voice involuntarily lowered, and his eyes looked down slightly, as if he were afraid of being known.

"Pangu is impossible, because you are the reincarnation of Pangu Yuanling, and Wang Chao has only one possibility. If there are no other accidents, it is caused by that bug."

When Zhu Hongzhi heard the heart demon say this, he was also a little sure.

"Where is Wang Chao now? If I can see him, maybe I can see something."

"That Wang Chao is amazing now. Now he is fighting in various regions of the universe and wants to unify the universe. As a result, relying on his Pangu armor, he was invincible. He took many worlds under him. Almost seven or eight areas of the whole universe were taken down by him. As for the rest, I think it's just time. It's a problem."

"What a strong ambition, I don't know what he wants to do!" Zhu Hongzhi thought for a moment and let the heart demon lead the way to bring himself to the world where Wang Chao was.

The two flew away in the starry sky for a long time and finally landed in a world. As soon as they entered the world, Zhu Hongzhi was stunned.

The most conspicuous thing in this world is a statue. Looking at this, it is his good friend Wang Chao, and there is also a female statue next to him, but it is Yang Hui.

When he thought of Yang Hui, Zhu Hongzhi felt a little uncomfortable. At that time, he was trapped on the Star, and he didn't see her come to save him. If he hadn't finally transformed by the broken virtual demon god and hit the cage, he didn't know if he was still alive now, and maybe he would have directly entered the next reincarnation.

Now that he came to this world and saw these two statues, Zhu Hongzhi had this idea even more. Wang Chao and Yang Hui could not be said to have married.

The heart demon laughed beside him; "You're wrong. Yang Hui is still single and hasn't followed that boy."

"Hmm?" Zhu Hongzhi looked at her doubtfully and saw that the statues of the two stood so closely and looked so intimate that there was nothing that they would not get married.

Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, it's convenient for you to go with me. The heart demon took Zhu Hongzhi and flew to a place in the world.