Chaotic Thief

Chapter 364 Yang Hui meets the white ape

Xiao Yurong was ordered to go out of the three-star hole and began to wait there. As a result, she waited for a long time without seeing anyone coming. She sat there comfortably and fell asleep unconsciously. As a result, when she slept until she was fragrant, her body tilted there and fell under a tree next to her.

After a while, another Taoist boy came out of the cave, looked here for a long time, finally shook his head helplessly, and then began to wait.

At the foot of the mountain, there is an old white-haired monkey, carrying a big fish and running around. There is no leisure in the mouth. Listen carefully, it's like a few words of singing. The world knows that immortals are good, but they can't forget their fame. Where are the ancient and modern generals, and a pile of grass is gone. Everyone in the world knows that immortals are good, but only gold and silver can't be forgotten. In the end, they only hate to get together, and their eyes are closed for a long time. The world knows that immortals are good, but only his wife can't forget it. On your birthday, you said your kindness, and you died and went with others...

The monkey is singing in his mouth. The feet are not slow. I haven't been to the three-star cave for a long time. Looking up, he saw that the hole was blocked by two scarlet gates and looked down and thought about it. He leaned over to pick up a stone and threw it at the gate with all his arms. As soon as the stone took action, the monkey immediately threw the fish in his hand and quickly covered his ears. Unexpectedly, the expected loud sound will not be emitted. The monkey was stunned and stared at the hole and saw a child standing. The stone in his hand hit the child's body impartially.

The white-haired monkey is strange. Hearing that there are immortals living in this cave, he wanted to come up to visit and ask something by the way. Unexpectedly, the immortal didn't see it, but met a spirit. The monkey stepped forward, touched the child's body in his hand, and said that he was strange; "Good boy, it's not ordinary, it's really unusual. I'm afraid that the goblins have been at this level for 180 years, right? Who would have thought that the child's body trembled and unconsciously softened when he heard this." I heard from the teacher that a younger brother came to my door today and ordered me to go out to greet him. Unexpectedly, he flew to Hengshi and became a master. What can I do? The younger brother dared to beat him before he entered the door. In the long run, can this brother still be stable?" Helplessly, he said to the savage monkey, "The teacher is already in the cave. Please come in and worship." After saying that, he ignored the monkey's pull and turned into a green smoke and disappeared. The monkey scratched the back of his head with his claws, thinking about what the goblin had just said. Strange thing, did you bump into a monster's nest today? The monkey didn't think much about it. He picked up the fish, raised his legs and hurrayed into the hole.

After entering the hole, the monkey threw the beating fish at the boy just now. The boy was stared and looked at the ancestor with strange eyes... The monkey didn't care about anything else, sat in front of the bodhi, picked up the fruit on the stone, and chewed it. For a moment, the fruit was eaten cleanly, and the monkey pushed the Bodhi and shouted, "You old demon, it's unreasonable. You should have been a good hospitality when a distant guest comes to you, but why is this act? In your eyes, your monkey king is like the wild insect in the grass, which is not in the ears?" After hearing this, Bodhi opened his left eye slightly and smiled; "Monkeys are not wild insects, Taoists are not old demons. You have to think like this, and it's none of my business." The monkey leaned forward and stretched out his hands towards Bodhi. Bodhi didn't know what he wanted to do, but just looked at it in a daze. The boy below was clear-hearted and shouted, "The ancestor be careful" Bodhi did not understand. When the monkey touched the ancestral body from top to bottom, Bodhi was clear that the monkey was still hungry. The boy went to pick the mountain fruit again.

After touching, the monkey asked the Bodhisattva, "I don't know when an old monkey in the mountain began to find that after the wives, children and friends around me died one after another, the monkeys of the younger generation also left me. After thinking about it, I couldn't figure out what the reason was, so I went down the mountain to ask the world. The world was shocked to see me and said that they would go to this mountain to invite immortals to catch me. I eavesdropped around. Huang Tian lived up to his heart. In three months, I explored the path here, and finally arrived here today. Although you are not a fairy, you can understand my doubts with your profound cultivation.

After listening to the monkey's speech, Bodhi shook his head and smiled, "life, old age, illness and death, wealth and impermanence, it is the way of heaven, but you haven't seen it clearly yet." The monkey asked again, "The way of heaven? I only walked through paths, mountain roads and avenues. Is there still a way to connect the sky?" No, no, your wife, children, and your friends, they leave not death, but fate. If all living beings in the world live long, the world will become more and more crowded. How can we live quietly? The monkey thought for a moment and asked again, "Although I am not very good at it, I also like to play around in my spare time, and I don't find out where the end of the world is. The monkey grabs the ear. You old demon likes to slander me with words. How can the world be so big? Moreover, what's the reason why others die and we live," Bodhi laughed; "The monkey is about to understand," "understand? What did you understand? Why don't I know?" Bodhi stretched out his left hand, turned into a dead branch, and exhaled fairy spirit. The branch slowly grew tender leaves, and two flowers bloomed in a short time. Good ability, good ability," the monkey jumped his feet and shouted. Bodhi laughed and said, "What good ability? Why do you think so?" The monkey said, "I don't know the ability to revive such dead branches and vaporize flowers. I don't look at the people in this world. Isn't this a good ability?" Bodhi said, "Recently, you also know that this is a good ability. If everyone in the world knows this method, you will not be so surprised." I don't understand, I don't understand" monkey's claws and ears scratched their cheeks.

"Alas, immortality, live together with heaven, do whatever you want, and keep the Taoist law. Let me ask you, if you have two fruits, would you like to share one with others or enjoy them alone? Bodhisattva asked the monkey. The monkey thought for a moment; "Do you want to share with others? Why divide it? I tried my best to pick the fruit. If others want to eat it, they can find it. Why do you want me to share it? No, no." OK, OK, OK, you monkey can do whatever you want, don't be mistaken by the vulgarity in the world, and you can enter my door. Ask you again, if that person doesn't want to find it and wants to grab your fruit, what about you? The monkey said, "Look for a beating. If there is such a hateful person, his buttocks will bloom."

Bodhi laughed; "It is precisely this that tens of thousands of people in the world bully good and fear evil. In ancient times, there are many people who can control it if they pass on the fairy magic and become evil? This is a way to prevent problems before they happen. Monkeys think about it, the way of heaven, it turns out to be like this. Suddenly, I asked the Bodhi ancestor: "I am an old monkey and have no fairy skills. Although I haven't done evil things, I don't do good things much. Why can I live until now?" Bodhi said, "You are an extraordinary monkey. You are a strange stone that I played with when I was a child. After being infected by my fairy spirit, your stone body gave birth to a few traces of fairy spirit. Unexpectedly, your fairy stone was stolen by a female monkey in the mountain. After thinking about it, you rushed to the body through its vitality, and your stone also became refined. Seeing that you and I are not close, so I cast a spell to lead you here. I'm here to ask you today, you stone spirit, would you like to worship me. The monkey said happily, "Maybe I live long after entering your door?" "Can" "can" "can" "can" "may fly" "can" monkey jump and shout. Hahaha..."

The rest of the children came forward to congratulate Bodhi Tao; "It is not easy to enter the way of heaven. Fortunately, our immortals can still reach it. There are many acquaintances of my ancestors on the road of heaven. It is not difficult for you to ask for the way of heaven. I am here to take your introduction today and give you the name of enlightenment, so that you will not forget what you have said today in the future. The monkey turned around and snatched the previous big fish from the boy's hand and handed it forward; "The disciple's family has no small business. Today, on the day of worshiping the teacher, it is rude to give it. This big fish is regarded as filial piety to the master." Bodhi took the fish, waved his big sleeve, and the fish that was still swinging disappeared and turned into a plate of sweet and sour carp. Come on. Disciplemen, don't be polite," he said, and he was not humble. With his right hand, he turned out a pair of chopsticks and ate happily. The monkey also raised his hand and grabbed a piece and sent it to his mouth. The rest of the boy looked at their eating appearance and sat on the ground, reciting the fairy formula in his mouth; "If you are ignorant, you have no desire, if you have no desire, if you have no desire, you have no desire, you have no desire. I don't think I can live for a long time..."

After this, the enlightened monkey stayed here and ate and drank with the Bodhi ancestors all day long, which was extremely happy. As for the fairy method, I haven't learned one. Wudao once asked his ancestor, and the ancestor replied, "If you want to learn immortality, who dares to provoke my students?" The monkey didn't ask again after hearing it.