Chaotic Thief

Chapter 369 Empty Myeongdong Wuji Taoist

"I know you. I remember that I went to see you when you first developed wisdom in the world of science and technology." Yang Hui's magic.

"Did that person turn out to be you? I said why did I see a vague figure passing in front of me as soon as I woke up, but when I searched again, I couldn't find it. The devil's way.

"No more, where is Chen Ying now?" Yang Huidao

"He is now entering the depths of the earth, as if he wants to practice a spell." The heart demon pointed to the earth under his feet.

Although Yang Hui's soul has awakened at this time, her magic energy needs to be recondensing, but she has not practiced in any way in this life. Now her body is similar to that of mortals. Looking at the earth under my feet, although I have the heart to go down, there is nothing I can do.

"Wang Chao is probably the reincarnation of the thing on his head. You have been favored by him in this life, and I don't know whether his real body is intentional, or there is really such a relationship between you two." The heart demon laughed.

"Bah, who has any relationship with him?" Yang Hui glanced at the heart demon and sat on the ground and began to practice her skills. She kept exhaling and inhaling casually, and countless faint blood began to fly slowly from this world.

As soon as these blood approached her body, they were refined into her body and finally converted into pure energy and absorbed by her.

The years of cultivation came in a blink of an eye. On this day, Zhu Hongzhi flew out of the central world and saw Yang Hui's scene at a glance. Seeing this girl who seemed to be wrapped in blood cells in the middle, he knew that he must have awakened the memory of his previous life.

And the heart demon is not here. I don't know where he went. Zhu Hongzhi secretly hooked up the energy inside the star and slowly guided a large part. Under the collusion and control of his mana, most of this energy slowly turned into a yellow scarf wrest.

This yellow scarf wrestler is a previous skill created by Chen Ying, but it was just based on people, refining the other party's soul, and then condensed into a yellow scarf wrestler with super magic power. However, the strength of such a yellow scarf wrestler is almost the same as the original body, unlike now, using most of the ability of a star A yellow scarf wrestler that can be condensed is far more powerful than the whole star, and can even reach two times as powerful as two times.

Zhu Hongzhi in this life improved the condensation skill of this yellow scarf wrestler according to countless skills in his mind, and directly condensed a yellow scarf wrestler with such huge energy. Such a handwriting is not to mention, at least it is space.

As soon as this yellow scarf wrestler appeared beside him, two pure blue light immediately appeared in his eyes, different from the yellow atmosphere around him. This blue light is the first color at the beginning of the universe, representing the blue light of the sky, and the yellow gas represents the heroism of the earth. One green and one yellow complement each other, which is combined into Such a powerful and unthinkable human-shaped treasure.

The yellow scarf wrestler was first condensed into his body, followed by the yellow robe on his body. This yellow robe floated and rippled. With the breeze between heaven and earth, his body also changed between reality and illusion. When he opened his eyes, he was an entity, but after closing his eyes, he turned into a virtual body, which made Zhu Hongzhi feel satisfied.

"Let's go and form an army with me!" Zhu Hongzhi was so proud that he put a big cover in the air here and protected her perfectly. As long as he didn't meet the kind of peerless master rarely seen in the whole universe, it was impossible to break through.

After Zhu Hongzhi put this layer of cover, he was relieved. With this first yellow scarf wrestler, he began to enter the starry sky of the universe and began to search for all the stars with energy reactions. Whenever he encountered such stars, he would immediately get into the depths of the earth to establish a communication, and then borrow most of his energy to condense the yellow scarf. Rishi.

Although Zhu Hongzhi's method will cause great damage to the stars, he knows that he can't compete with the magic worm without doing so. Only by gathering the energy of the stars in the universe, gathering the army of yellow scarfs, and finally condensing an imperial armor, can he fight against the magic worm with this armor.

Among the stars that Zhu Hongzhi traveled, there are also powerful world masters in many places, but these world masters are now killed and captured by Wang Chao, and the rest are just old, weak and sick, or stupid practitioners who have no hope.

However, it is said that in the strongest world in the largest region of the universe, Hong Yuner has been closed with a few people.

However, there is a space where a group of masters are located in the highest place in the world, presume to be the heavenly palace world, including the Jade Emperor and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals under him. It is their responsibility to integrate the universe and deter the heroes of the world all day long.

On that day, the wife of the Jade Emperor in the palace, the mother of Yaochi, was about to celebrate her birthday. She invited some masters from heaven and earth to go to the peach feast together. For a moment, those masters with strong magic power in heaven and underground were all happy and prepared gifts one after another, waiting for the time to taste the delicious food. Of course, such a good thing is that there is an ancestor in the empty Myeongdong.

This infinite ancestor is also the double peak of the chaotic realm and can step into the original realm at any time. Of course, he is also summoned by the Queen Mother.

"Tomorrow is the birthday of the Queen Mother. I want to go with Tianyun. Qingming will be in charge of all matters in the mountains. My disciples should remember not to cause trouble. If there is any violation, Qingming can be responsible for it and drive them out of the mountain gate."

After saying that, the disciples in the second row under the seat all turned their palms with one hand and bent down to say yes. Wuji pulled the sky cloud with one hand, did Italian style with the other hand, cast spells, and the two of them turned into a clear cloud, and in an instant, they rose to mid-air.

Wuji pointed to the trees and empty cave with strange stones below; "What do you think of the scenery below?" Tianyun looked carefully and said to Wuji, "This mountain is dangerous, but it has no beauty, not to mention the beautiful scenery, and there are few fresh fruits in the four seasons."

Wuji was speechless. Tianyun saw that the ancestor was not happy and said, "Don't be discouraged. After the peach banquet, I will accompany you to plant some mountain flowers and fruit trees. At that time, with your spells, this empty Mingdong will turn him into a second heavenly world."

Unlevelly turned his head and looked at Tianyun said, "Nonsense, I don't have time to spend this leisure time with you. Are you doing well in the palace that day?" Tianyun quacked a few times and had nothing to answer.

The scenery of the north, the snow drifts thousands of miles, and a few cold winds can make pedestrians tremble, and the pace of the road can't help but accelerate a little. Wuji Laozu and Tianyun held hands, standing in the clouds and slowly drifting northward.

Looking at the vast white village below, Tianyun asked his ancestors, "Old Tao, don't the immortals should save the suffering and spread the world? The following poor people are hungry and cold, and have to go out to do things. It happens that you are such a powerful hermit immortal. Why don't you do a little tricks to turn this annoying ghost weather?

Wujidao; "Everything in this world is in charge of, and the seasons change. It has been self-determined since the beginning of Hongmeng. If I do what you say, not to mention that there will be trouble, even these mortals will scold me."

Tianyun said strangely, "This has caused them a lot of trouble. Why do you want to scold them?"

Wujidao; "If you only look at the poverty of this world, you have the intention to save them, but you don't know that someone is warming poetry and wine in front of the snow all over the sky. You really want to do it. Do you think my curse can be less?"

Tianyun scolded, "Those dead pig-like things are still worth paying attention to?"

Wuji laughed and said, "You are crazy again. The way of heaven is ruthless and not with good people. How do you know if they did evil in their last life? Those rich officials enjoyed all their glory, and how do you hate it? How do you know that they are all miserable people in their previous lives? It's already clear, and each has its own department. We just need to do our things, and don't pay attention to the rest.

Tianyun asked his ancestor, "What's the matter with us?"

The ancestor replied, "Eat, drink, play and have fun."

In the middle of the line, the two suddenly saw a strange mountain in front of them. There were gray clouds over the middle of the mountain. Under the clouds, there seemed to be no snowflakes falling in one world. Tianyun said strangely, "Why is it so strange here? Is there a master here?"

Wuji took a closer look and said, "Looking at the demon in front of him, it actually blocked the atmosphere of the day and the earth. This demon is a big demon, why have I never found it before?"