Chaotic Thief

Chapter 372 Black Ball

The old turtle looked at the infinite Taoist; "I don't know when my brother will get married? Forgive me for being ignorant of this.

"You..." Hong Yuner became more and more anxious, and her mind turned around. A golden light shot silently behind the old turtle. Where the golden light passed, the space was torn, and the head that was laughing at the old turtle was shooting away.

Wuji Taoist saw this situation and knew that the old turtle would be really difficult this time. There was no time to stop Hong Yuner, and his left sleeve pointed behind the old turtle. The old turtle was extremely surprised and looked behind him and saw a terrible golden light hitting him.

The old turtle couldn't help but be furious, but dodged at this time. It was too late, so he had to carry out the demon power and sacrifice the Xuanhuang top to block it in front of him.

The corners of Hongyun's mouth grinned; "Little turtle shell, what kind of treasure do you regard as? Let's see if you can stop your grandma today.

The Wuji Taoist naturally knew that Hongyuner's magic power was superb, but the old turtle still thought that it was just a coincidence and didn't pay enough attention to Hongyuner at all. Seeing that the horrible golden light she shot at his head, he had to rely on his own body turtle shell to block it.

The golden light bombarded, and the Xuanhuang top was right in the middle. After hearing a low cracking sound, the Xuanhuang top in the old turtle's hand had been smashed into pieces by the golden light and flew behind him.

After the golden light smashed the Xuanhuang top, it was no longer powerful, but Hong Yuner was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the turtle shell in his hand really offset his own attack.

When the Wuji Taoist saw Hong Yuner waiting to attack again, he hurriedly blocked her and pulled her down.

The strongest dependence of the old turtle has been broken, and it is finally no longer tough. Unexpectedly, at this time, the whole Biluoxuan trembled, and the three of them flew out together, only to see that there was suddenly another person outside.

"The True King of Sexual Suffering!" As soon as the old turtle saw this man, he immediately recognized him.

Although this person's original shape is a rabbit, which can be transformed into a human shape, it is a fierce old man.

Although the old Taoist face is fierce, the Taoist robe is floating, showing the beauty of the immortals in the heavenly palace world perfectly.

"Red Yuner, the Jade Emperor announced that you should quickly go to the heavenly palace and submit to my heavenly palace world!" This old man stepped on the white cloud and stood firmly in front of the red cloud.

The three were stunned when they heard it. The Wuji Taoist and the old turtle did not talk, but Hong Yuner was still angry and never thought that the other party would take preemptive.

As soon as this Taoist saw Hong Yuner's movements, he didn't wait for her to take action first. He waved a hand from the white cloud under his feet to Hong Yuner and fished it out, but was flashed by the river of blood by Hong Yuner.

The Taoist pinched the formula with his right hand, and the giant white cloud hand melted out of thin air, supporting two feet above his head, trembling and dangerously resisting the blood river transformed by the red cloud.

In an instant, the blood river has fallen into a sphere on all sides and circled the Taoist people in it. Only the top was blocked by cloud hands. The remaining few sides of the Taoist spells and mysterious methods are still useless. The situation around the blood river is only slightly slowed down and still converge in the middle. With a little hesitation, he was splashed into his clothes by a few drops of blood and immediately turned into black water.

Then a few black smoke passed by, and the man's blue clothes had become a net. When the skin and flesh approached, he only felt tingling to the bone and his mind was about to faint. The Taoist had no choice but to take out a carved ancient mirror from his arms and gather magic power into it, so that the sacrificial method sacrificed the ancient mirror in the air. The mirror light impacted on all sides. Once he encountered the clear light, he immediately rushed out a few traces of blood.

The Taoist held the ancient mirror in front of him, withdrew the cloud hand above his head, pointed down with his hand, turned into clouds under his feet, and galloped away into the air. Wherever the blood river blocked, the ancient mirror shot out the clear light and dissipated it, and the Taoist people were secretly happy; "The jade emperor gave it is indeed a good treasure."

After flying for a long time, black clouds gradually appeared in the air. A white cloud was very conspicuous in the middle, followed by a blood river. In the laughter, the blood river had closed into a stream, couldn't help wriggling, shrinking, and slowly forming. In a few moments, a blood-colored human figure appeared behind the Taoist, with a red body, faceless and hairless body. A black cloud around the child hugged each other, and the pursuit was more urgent.

The Taoist stared at his back. Seeing that Hongyun'er was chasing him, he leaned into his arms with his left hand and took out a golden sword. His middle finger against the hilt of the sword and bounced back. The sword body was divided into five with a "ding" from his finger, and a few golden lights shot at the red cloud. Hong Yuner smiled and spit out a drop of blood. The blood beads grew in the wind and also turned into A huge blood sword with a foot length. He took it with his right hand and just waved forward without any movement. The golden swords all turned into powder.

A mouthful of black blood gushed out of his heart, and his face was even pale. When he came back to his senses, he scolded Hongyun'er: "Evil, it's so vicious. Is it because his parents died early and no one was raised? I advise you to stop early, otherwise my fellow kingdom will capture you and use all means to torture you to death. If you turn around at this time, I can forgive you for your rudeness and take you back to find a heavenly general and teach you the old man who respects sages and acts rationally, so that he can get rid of the demon way early.

The Taoist lowered the clouds, his face was upright, looked at the extremely horrible red clouds in the sky, and secretly said that today's years were unfavorable. The bloody human figure saw that the Taoist no longer ran, and the blood mouth was slightly opened, condensing the black cloud into a breath into his stomach. His arms opened, and his arms slowly flowed and fell in front of the Taoist.

It's like the death of a demon king. Although it is clear, there is a coldness invisibly. This Taoist thinks secretly and fights with him. The hands changed like flying electricity, and the white cloud floated in front of him again, sprayed in his mouth, and a few drops of blood shot into the cloud. This cloud was nourished by the blood of Taoist people, and it became more and more white. The Taoist population shouted "go" and turned his head and ran. His legs waved like a shadow and gradually faded away.

The cloud turned into a square net and pounced on the bloody human body that was about to fall to the ground. It rolled up and wrapped a few circles into a white callus. Hong Yuner did not move in it. She smiled and showed a river of blood. The net was only slightly blocked and became a black smoke. The blood river condensed into a blood net and pounced fiercely at the Taoist in the distance. In an instant, it also rolled up the arrogant Taoist and rose into the air, flying around, rolling forward and backward like a play.

Red clouds seem to have a lot of fun, from north to south, all the way in the vast sky, tossing and playing until the full moon hanging high in the middle of the night. Finally, he smiled and said, "You are really funny. Today, I'm out of interest, so I let you go, but I don't know when I can experience this feeling again. Hey, you can go." This already dizzy Taoist seemed to hear that he was about to get out of the sea of suffering. When he was waiting for the words of reasonable teaching, he felt light and his mind was empty, like the image of becoming an immortal, and a black rain had fallen in the night sky.

It can be lamented that this white-haired old man is the most powerful member of the Jade Emperor in the heavenly palace world. This time, he was ordered by the Jade Emperor to invite Hongyuner to sit in the heavenly palace. Unexpectedly, in his eyes, Hongyuner is just a monster and is not worth sitting with him at all. There were more mocks, but as a result, he died in the hands of Hong Yuner, which turned into flying ash in a blink of an eye, which also counted as a monastic disaster.

Let's say that under the black water of this supreme suffering, a black bronze mirror fell, and Hong Yuner exclaimed, "There are such treasures, and I'm not afraid of my flesh and blood."

One after another blood sword melted downward, and a trace of gold thread appeared in the blood red of the sword body, hitting the mirror body with the momentum of the mountain. The mirror made a harsh cry, and then broke from it, divided into bright and shining lenses. With the momentum of shooting down the blood sword, it fell rapidly in the air. The middle gradually shrank into a ball, the size of a pigeon egg, a piece of black, and continued to fall silently.

Red clouds stood in the air and looked at the fading black dot. The thought moved as if they were thinking about something. After a moment, they melted out of thin air and disappeared. When they reappeared, they had come to the earth below and picked up the black ball that fell on the ground.

After a while, the Wuji Taoist and the old turtle also chased after him. They were shocked to see Hong Yuner standing here alone. Finally, after understanding the situation, they were shocked. They couldn't help but feel a pity that the rabbit demon had this end.