Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 1 Escape from Marriage

The clouds want clothes and flowers, and the spring breeze is full of flowers.

Miss Lu, located in Lufu, Beijing, is named after this poem.

Miss Lu is 18 years old, with a pair of single phoenix eyes hooked people's soul. Her stamen's figure and snow-like skin. At the age of marriage, many matchmakers came to propose marriage. The threshold of Lu's house was almost trampled. A large part of the reason for these people's marriage proposal was because of Mr. Lu, who was originally named Lu Xue. Lin, who once worked as a bachelor in the Hanlin Academy, is considered to be the leading scholar in the capital. From the emperor's relatives and nobles to the street hawkers, they all respect Mr. Lu, not only because he is knowledgeable, but also because he treats people well.

However, it is such a learned, well-eduled and respected old bachelor, carefully taught children, and even granddaughters, who are so cold-hearted.

Lu Huanong heard about her parents from the lower population when he was very young. Lu Huanong's mother's name was Lu Xiaoman. She has been very rebellious since she was a child. At the age of 18, Lu Xiaoman married a poor boy who had nothing, Zeng Shitian, who had nothing, regardless of his parents' dissuasion. In the eyes of the world, marriage is a major event. Life, in the words of the matchmaker, how can children make their own decision? Moreover, Lu Xiaoman married not only a poor boy with nothing, but also a market. For this reason, Lu Xuelin angrily broke off the father-daughter relationship with his daughter. Lu Xiaoman's mother, Li Shi, is an illiterate woman. Although her daughter is so unfilial, Li is still Privately provide Lu Xiaoman's daily necessities, including grain, silver, and even houses.

In Lu Huanong's memory, the three years of living with her parents were the happiest three years in her life, and these three years were spent in the house secretly bought for Lu Xiaoman by Li. Lu Xiaoman's family lived in a remote alley. Many people lived in this alley, driving cars, selling vegetables and killing pigs. Without exception, they are all people living in the lower levels, including the Lu Xiaoman family.

The house is very small, with a total of 2 rooms inside and outside. Inside is a bedroom, and outside is a place to eat and cook. In this simple and narrow house, it is full of countless happy memories of 3-year-old Lu Huanong, about the family, about parents, about childhood, in the memory of Lu Huanong, the place where he lived with his parents Three years is a good memory that she has been yearning for all her life and doesn't want to forget.

Until the year when she was 3 years old, Lu Xiaoman handed Lu Hua Nong over to the Li family and then left alone. Since then, Lu Huanong has never seen her mother and father again, but in her memory, the three years of living with her parents are memories that she can't forget in her life.

Many people say that children's memories are very short, and the younger the children's memories are, the shorter they will be, but Lu Huanong remembers the bits and pieces of living with his parents, including being carried home by his father on his back in the middle of the night and the family's laughter and jokes when eating.

These memories are beyond Lu Huanong's feelings. She has never understood why her parents abandoned her.

Since the age of 3, Lu Huanong has never seen her father and mother again. In her memory, her mother is a gentle woman as beautiful as a fairy, and her father is a bold hero. She yearns for everything about her parents. It once said that every child is actually imitating her parents intentionally or unintentionally or unintentionally. The road she once walked, so Lu Huanong was very envious of her parents. She yearned for a vigorous love with a rich man like her father, and she yearned for a free life in the world.

"Nonger." Li whispered while helping Lu Huanong dress up, "You must talk well when you go out to see Mr. Zhao. Don't embarrass your grandfather. You should know that this Mr. Zhao was selected by your grandfather. There is nothing to say about his family. He is courteous, and it is more rare to be honest and down-to-earth, unlike ordinary families. The prince is so pompous.

"Grandma." Lu Huanong reluctantly smiled and said, "I know."

"Nonger, in a word, you should remember that your grandfather's most loved person in the world is you. He will not hurt you. The choices he made for you must be the best choice." Li whispered, "Okay, let's go out. Don't let your grandpa wait for a long time."


Lu Xuelin and the prince of the Zhao family were talking happily. They saw a girl in white and a kind-browed woman walking hand in hand. The girl's skin was white and more slender. A pair of single phoenix eyes were long and thin, and the end of her eyes were slightly raised. Looking closely, it was somewhat similar to the fox's eyes. The girl's nose was round and cute, and her mouth was not ten. It was small, but slightly raised, which was a little naughty. The girl in white bowed and said, "Mr. Zhao is polite."

The Mr. Zhao seemed to be stunned and said for a long time, "Miss Lu... Hello, Miss Lu."

Seeing the embarrassment of the Zhao family, Lu Huanong couldn't help laughing.

And the son of the Zhao family was even more stunned when he saw Lu Hua's smile.

At this time, Lu Xuelin suddenly laughed and said, "Okay...Okay, Huanong, this is Mr. Zhao Wen and Zhao. You can take Mr. Zhao to the house so that you can get to know each other."

"Zhao's son" Lu Huanong slowly walked to the door and said to Zhao Wen, "Please."

Zhao Wen actually walked all the way to the back door with Lu Huanong. Zhao Wen didn't say a word along the way. Lu Huanong couldn't help thinking that this man was too honest to let me marry such a piece of wood, and I wouldn't do it.

" Mr. Zhao, I'll take you to a special place, okay?" Lu Hua said quietly, and there seemed to be some sadness in his eyes. "I have been strictly controlled since I was a child. Grandpa never allowed me to go out alone, but there is a place where I have wanted to go since I was a child, but I have never had a chance to go."

Zhao Wen said, "Oi, let's go."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Lu Huanong said gratefully to Zhao Wen, but he thought that Zhao Wen was not only honest, but also spoke more honestly and boringly. If he wanted me to spend his life with such a person, he had to suffocate me. Moreover, he and I didn't know each other, and we didn't know each other. Grandpa actually asked me to marry such a person that I didn't know and didn't like. , it's really unreasonable.

After a while, Lu Huanong took Zhao Wen to a noisy place in the market.

"Miss Lu, where are we going?" Zhao Wen asked that a scholarly lady like Lu Huanong usually doesn't leave home, but now she takes him to such a noisy and slightly dirty market. Zhao Wen feels strange.

" Mr. Zhao, I want to go to the place where my parents lived." Lu Huanong looked at Zhao Wendao, and his eyes seemed to have tears in his eyes. "I don't know if Grandpa has told you that I have never seen my parents since I was 3 years old."

Zhao Wen was stunned for a long time and said, "Okay, let's go."

"This is where I have lived." Lu Huanong pointed to a dilapidated hut and saw that the hut was dilapidated and depressed. At a glance, he knew that it had been unoccupied for many years.

"Come on, Mr. Zhao, please come in." Lu Huanong opened the dilapidated door and only heard a "squeak". The small door was pushed open, and several frightened mice rushed out of the house.

"Here are good memories that I will never forget in my life, about my parents." Lu Huanong said, "Once, our family sat here to eat, which was the happiest time in my life."

Lu Huanong suddenly held Zhao Wen's hand. Zhao Wen couldn't help shaking and looked at Lu Huanong in astonishment, "Miss Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Huanong looked at Zhao Wen with two tears in his eyes, "Mother Zhao, my mother is the gentlest and kindest mother in the world. My father is a dare-to-do Jianghu hero. Our family of three originally lived an extremely happy life, but they suddenly sent me to my grandfather when I was 3 years old, and then disappeared. Lost, I can't figure out why they did this and what on earth broke up my home.

Zhao Wen was stunned and saw Lu Huanong's sad tears. Zhao Wen's eyes couldn't help blushing and holding Lu Huanong's hand hard. He wanted to comfort Lu Huanong a few words, but he was just a man, and now he didn't know what to say.

"Now that you and I are about to get married. I should have married you happily, but I really can't let go of my parents' things in my heart. Even if I marry you on the other day, I will always be worried about this matter in my heart. I'm so depressed that I can't let it go until death." Lu Huanong wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said sadly, "And my parents have been gone for 15 years. If you want to find them, I'm afraid it's not something that can be done in a short time."

"So..." Lu Huanong looked up at Zhao Wen's eyes with deep earnestness, "I want to ask Mr. Zhao for help."

"Miss Lu, just say, as long as I, Zhao Wen, can do it." Zhao Wen looked at Lu Huanong. At this moment, he was deeply moved by Lu Huanong, because of Lu Huanong's filial piety to his parents, and because Zhao Wen was also a man. As long as he was a man, he saw a weak woman crying in front of him, and when he pleaded with him, he was afraid that few would not agree to her request.

"I want to ask Mr. Zhao to help me leave. I'm going to find my parents. No matter where the earth is, I must find them." Lu Huanong's earnestness was heavier, and his hand holding Zhao Wen was tighter. "As long as I find them, I will come back and marry you immediately, okay?"

"This..." Zhao Wen still wanted to help Lu Huanong again. At this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned and speechless after listening to Lu Huanong's words.

"Forget it, Mr. Zhao doesn't want to help me." Lu Huanong covered his face and sobbed gently, "I was a helpless orphan girl. I thought Mr. Zhao would pity my filial piety to my parents, but who knows..."

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have embarrassed Mr. Zhao." Lu Huanong fell on the small wooden table and cried bitterly. "If it were anyone, it would be embarrassing. What's more, Mr. Zhao, let me cry to death here, so as not to avoid him dying of depression. It's better to die here today."

"Miss Lu..." Zhao Wen was at a loss and could only look at Lu Huanong in a daze. Lu Huanong looked up at Zhao Wen and lay on the table again, crying louder.

After a while, Zhao Wen gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Lu, don't cry. I'll help you, I'll help you, hey..."

Tears are indeed the best weapon for women to deal with men. No matter how strong a man is, he is also at a loss when he meets women's tears. What's more, Zhao Text is an honest and kind man.

"Well, you can let me go now." Lu Huanong raised his head and smiled at Zhao Wenyan, as if the person who just lay on the table crying was not her at all. Men always don't understand why women can cry at you the last second and laugh at you the next second.

"Now..." Zhao Wen was stunned and said stunned.

"What? Do you regret it? Don't you want to let me go?" Lu Hua was slightly angry, "If you don't leave at this moment, I finally borrowed you to slip out. If you go back, my grandfather will definitely lock me in the room and won't let me out until the day of marriage. At that time, I can't leave even if I want to."

"Wait for me here for a while. I'll go back and get some plate wrapping and walk around the world. If you don't have money, you can eat what to wear and live there. What can you do if you don't have money?" Zhao Wen turned around and left.

"Ms. Zhao, don't lie to me. If you bring someone to arrest me back, I will hate you for the rest of my life." Lu Huaong said.

"Miss Lu, don't worry." Zhao Wen said that he was gone.

Lu Huanong stayed here and felt uneasy. She was afraid that Zhao Wen would go back to tell her grandfather and then find someone to arrest her back. She had no love for Zhao Wen. Asking her to marry Zhao Wen was simply teaching her that life is worse than death. Her ideal husband in her heart is a Jianghu hero like her father, even if there is no world-class martial arts. Gong Wen also needs to be proud. This Zhao Wen looks weak, has no power to bind chickens, and has no masculinity. Moreover, Lu Huanong has long been very curious and yearning for the world. On weekdays, she has also learned a lot of martial arts in Lufu. Unfortunately, she is too weak and her martial arts skills are mixed. This time, she can travel around the world. You can also take this opportunity to find parents who have been separated for 15 years. Why not?

Thinking about it, Zhao Wen had run back breathlessly and held a big burden in his hand. He really didn't bring anyone. He handed the burden in his hand to Lu Huanong and said, "I took 1,000 taels of silver and some jewelry. You can usually wear. If the money is used up, the jewelry can still be sold for some money, but money There will always be a day when you finish it. You must come back. You need to know that it is difficult to walk without money outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. You are really a good person." Lu Huanong held Zhao Wen's hand again, with tears in his eyes.

"Then let's go now." Zhao Wen choked.

So the two came to the woods outside the city. Lu Huanong said to Zhao Wen, "I'll send you thousands of miles away. I think I'll send you here."

After saying that, Lu Huanong left without looking back.

Zhao Wen suddenly rushed forward and took Lu Huanong's hand and said, "I'll wait for you to return safely."

Lu Huanong was stunned and suddenly felt a little sorry for this honest and kind man, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

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