Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 4 Join the Cloth Gang

Lu Huanong returned to the hut. The house she had been dreaming about for 15 years. She opened the door and walked in. Then she saw her mother. She was cooking in the stove. She saw Lu Huanong come in and smiled at Lu Huanong. Then she saw her father, who was cleaning up the table for eating. Seeing Lu Huanong, her father waved to Lu Huanong and walked into the room. She felt very sleepy and wanted to sleep. As soon as she entered, she heard a quarrel outside. Her father and mother were quarreling. Lu Huanong hurried out and saw that her father was arguing with her mother about something, while her mother held a child in her arms and cried. A tearful man, who is the child held by his mother? Lu Huanong approached and saw that the child her mother was holding was actually herself. Then the whole room began to turn around. Lu Huanong saw his parents standing by the window, their faces turned green and twisted, but the house was flying higher and higher, farther and farther away from her. Lu Huanong stretched out desperately. Her hand wanted to grab the house, and tears kept flowing. She began to cry bitterly, shouting, "Dad...mother..., dad...mother..."

Opening her eyes, Lu Huanong found herself sleeping in a soft**. She got up and looked at it. She was sure that she was in a bedroom in her daughter's house. There was a dressing table, a wardrobe, a screen, and even a guqin.

Here, it must be the rudder of the cloth gang, and the young man in purple has extraordinary martial arts. Even the helmsman may not be impossible. He can arrange such an elegant room for himself to rest. His identity must be extraordinary. If he offends him, he will suffer in the future. Since he is under the shelter of others, it is inevitable. Look at people's faces. Although he is indeed rude to himself, he should quickly thank him so that he will not retaliate in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Huanong got up and washed, found a clean suit in the wardrobe and changed it before he walked out of the room.

As soon as I walked out of the room, I saw a hurried little girl passing by. Lu Huanong quickly grabbed the little girl and asked, "Where are you going?"

The little girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Ms. Su is back. He has negotiated a big business this time. We have to make some delicious food for him quickly."

Lu Huanong couldn't help but hate it. Well, you Mr. Su. If others knew that your big business was made by humiliating me, a little woman, I don't know how they would feel, but he said, "I happen to have something to do with Mr. Su. Why don't we go there together? Come on, I'll get something for you. Look at you're tired."

When the little girl saw that Lu Huanong took a basin for herself, she couldn't help but be very moved. She smiled on her red face and said, "This... Thank you, girl, let's go."

After passing through a small courtyard, I came to a hall. On the left side of the hall, there was a picture of brothers in the four seas, and on the right side, there was a high plaque gathering hall in the middle of a high plaque. The young man in purple was standing in the middle of the hall.

"Master Su is reasonable." Lu Huanong nod to the young man in purple and said softly, "Thanks to the young man for saving, otherwise the little woman would have fallen into the hands of the traitor, and the young man's great kindness will be unforgettable."

As soon as this came out, the green forest heroes sitting around couldn't help but be surprised.

A big-faced man got up and hugged his fists and said, "Brothers only said that the helmsman has negotiated the silk business on this trip. Unexpectedly, the helmsman could negotiate the silk business and save a woman. I, Yang Dali, really admired the helmsman." The big man was born with thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose and a wide mouth. Even if he doesn't cry or howls, it's a little fierce, especially his strong muscles. I'm afraid that one hand is thicker than an ordinary person's leg.

When the young man in purple heard this, his face did not blush and his heart did not beat. He smiled and said, "When the road saw the unevenness, he drew a knife to help. It was originally a matter of the next minute."

"The helmsman is polite. With the helmsman, there is no place for bad people in the world." Lu Hua smiled sweeter, and a pair of enchanting eyes closed slightly, which only taught people to be intoxicated.

"Hasn't you asked the girl's name yet?" The young man in purple said.

Lu Huanong thought, but he didn't dare to tell you my real name. If he really met the court one day and was not angry with the old man when my grandfather knew about it, so her eyes turned quickly and said, "Little woman Tang Saier, I have met the helmsman."

"Miss Saier, don't call me by the helmsman." The teenager came over and smiled, "This is Suzhou. The people here are brothers and sisters. Everyone calls me Su Mubai. If you don't dislike me, you will call me Mubai in the future." After saying that, he pulled Don Seer to the center of the hall.

There was a large star-horned table in the middle of the hall and a large wine glass on the table. The wine glass was as big as a basin, and there were knives, incense burners, yellow paper and so on the table.

"Miss Sai'er, it's really a pleasure for me to help Suzhou divide the helm with Miss Sai'er today." After saying that, Su Mubai picked up the knife and gently stroked between his fingers, and a few drops of blood dripped in the wine glass.

People sitting in the world also came forward and scratched their fingers with knives. Among these people, there were big men with thick eyebrows and big eyes, handsome little students, and seemingly weak women. After a while, the wine in the wine in the glass was stained blood red by the blood of everyone.

Tang Saier knew that she couldn't escape, and this finger had to be scratched, so she gritted her teeth, picked up the knife and gently stroked the green jade finger, and was shocked. It hurt so much!

Su Mubai laughed, picked up the glass happily, took a sip, and said, "Okay, okay, drink this blood wine. From then on, we are a family. We share blessings and difficulties. We don't want to live on the same day in the same month of the same year, but die on the same day in the same month of the same year."

Then those who just scratched their fingers and dripped blood also picked up their glasses one by one and took a sip.

At this time, Tang Saier saw the blood wine that had been drunk countless times and felt bitter. Drinking other people's blood was disgusting enough, and she had to drink the blood mixed with so many people. The most hateful thing was that I had to drink so many people's saliva. What did I do? Then she took a fierce look at Su Mubai and saw Su Mubai. Bi laughed happily, and everyone in the hall looked at her intently, waiting for her to drink the glass of blood wine mixed with the water of the crowd.

Drink it. It's better to drink it than to die. Tang Saier picked up the glass and swallowed the rest of the blood wine.

After drinking this glass of blood wine, Tang Saier was really miserable. His stomach seemed to be poisoned and turned upside down.

"Okay, everyone, take your seats." Su Mubai picked up the glass and drank three cups and laughed. Everyone also sat down, drinking and eating vegetables.

At this time, Tang Saier was not in the mood to drink and eat vegetables. She almost spit out the sour water and blood wine in her stomach, but she had to force a smile at everyone.

Report! The rudder has a secret letter!" A beggar rushed in, panting, ran to Su Mubai and handed a white letter to Su Mubai.

Su Mubai got up and took the secret letter and put it aside. He helped the beggar to the table and sat down. He smiled and said, "Uncle, thank you for your hard work. Let's eat something first."

Unexpectedly, the beggar stood up and hugged Su Mubai and said, "The helmsman's words are serious. This is an old man's job. It is an old man's honor to contribute a little to the gang."

The square-faced man stood up, pressed the third uncle to the chair and sat down, and said, "The third uncle, eat something first."

Unexpectedly, the third uncle suddenly knelt on the ground and said, "Please take a look at the secret letter of the chief helmsman first. The old man has lived for most of his life, and his family of five has been killed by the lackeys of the court. The reason why the old man is still alive now is to convey this secret letter, so that he can do his best for the gang and overthrow the court of the dog day as soon as possible. But you can go down early to accompany your family. With that, he stretched out his hand to wipe his tears.

When Tang Saier saw this, she couldn't help but be moved, and her nose couldn't help but feel sore. She felt that the old man was really pitiful, and she didn't know what happened to his family had made him like this.

Su Mu's white eyes were also red. He reached out and took the secret letter and bowed to his third uncle, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't despise this secret letter so much. I know that this secret letter can be sent from Jinan to Suzhou, and I don't know how many brothers have shed blood." After saying that, he opened the secret letter and looked at it carefully.

For a moment, I only heard that the whole Juyi Hall suddenly became extremely quiet, and even the sound of breathing seemed so heavy. Everyone put down their chopsticks and wine glasses and stared at Su Mubai and the letter in his hand.

After a while, Su Mubai put down the letter, sighed, and stopped talking.

"Master, what the hell is going on?" The square-faced man asked.

Su Mubai looked worried and shook his head as if to open his mouth, but sighed and stopped talking.

"Tell me! What's written in the letter! You said it!" The square-faced man said anxiously, and a square face also turned red because of anxiety, "You want to kill me! Hurry up and say it!"

"Brother, you are still so impatient. Don't rush." A girl said that although she said that, her eyes were full of anxiety. After a moment, she asked, "Sun Su, what is written in the letter?"

Su Mubai glanced at the crowd and said slowly, "The annual concubine selection is about to begin again. Each rudder has to send a girl over 18 to participate in the draft."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Yang Dali suddenly fell to the chair, as if he had lost his soul and did not move.