Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 6 Sure enough, there is an insider

The next morning, Su Mubai escorted Yang Xiaomei to the palace with 20 big men. Tang Saier looked around and said anxiously, Yang Dali, Yang Dali, why did you drink so much wine? You couldn't even see the little sister for the last time.

Su Mubai walked to Tang Saier and asked, "Did you help me into the room last night?" Thank you."

Tang Saier smiled and said, "You're welcome. No matter who he is, I won't leave him alone to die drunk in the cold wind."

"I want to thank not only you for helping me back to my room, but also for your understanding. Do you know that the world is so big, but how many people understand me? Beauty is easy to get, but confidants are hard to find. Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier and said after a long time, "Why don't you go with me on this trip?"

"This..." Tang Saier was slamed, and she really couldn't figure out Su Mubai's thoughts.

"You were brought into the cloth clothes gang, but now, I regret why I brought you into the cloth clothes gang." Su Mubai paused and said, "It's too dangerous."

"Are you worried about me?" Tang Saier blushed and thought, this person is not in love with me, is he?

"I have the responsibility to protect your safety, and this trip is also a good time to exercise you. I joined the cloth gang. It's impossible to eat, drink and have fun every day." Sumu Baidao.

Tang Saier looked at Yang Xiaomei. She still remembered Yang Xiaomei's entrustment to her last night and her promise to Yang Xiaomei.

"I ordered you to follow me as the helmsman." Su Mubai said in an extremely tough tone, and there was no room for twisting.

"Sunzi Su, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't go with you." Tang Saier greeted Su Mubai's eyes and said firmly, "No matter what identity you order me."

"No regrets?" Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Never." Tang Saier Road

Su Mubai stared at Tang Saier for a long time. He really couldn't figure out what kind of woman she was. Sometimes she was weak, but sometimes she was very strong, but he knew that there were not only men and women in the world. In the face of responsibility, all human feelings were too small.

Just after Yang Xiaomei and her party left, Tang Saier saw Yang Dali, who had been hiding behind the tree.

"You're still here. So you're not drunk." Tang Saier said.

"She will leave whether she sees it or not." Yang Dali said, "Let's go back. Almost all the strong men in the stockade have gone to escort the little sister. Now our stockade is full of old, weak soldiers."

Tang Saier suddenly remembered Yang Xiaomei's words. If the court sent someone to attack the stockade at this time, I'm afraid that the whole stockade would be difficult to survive. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but tighten up and seemed to have some ominous foreboding.

After dinner, Tang Saier was always uneasy, so she got up and walked to the woods outside the village gate. If the court wanted to attack Suzhou Village, tonight was the best time.

"Strive? Why are you here?" Far away, Tang Saier saw Yang Dali practicing alone under the big tree.

"Miss Saier, I... can't sleep." Yang Dali touched his head with his hand and turned around and said.

"Dingli, do you come here to practice every day?" Tang Saier said.

"Yeun! Since I came here ten years ago, I have come here to practice every day, and by the way, I can also patrol the safety around the stockade. Yang Dali said.

Suddenly, Tang Saier saw that there seemed to be a little light approaching in the distance, and slowly gathered to Suzhou Village little by little.

"It's not good! The court sent someone to make a sneak attack!" Tang Saier took Yang Dali's hand and whispered.

"These dog officers and soldiers! I'll kill them!" After saying that, Yang Dali was going to rush down the mountain.

"Wait." Tang Saier grabbed Yang Dali and whispered, "It doesn't make any sense for you to rush there like this. Let's go back to the stockade and find everyone to discuss together. Looking at the distance of the fire, it will take them at least half an hour to come up."

"Good." Yang Dali said, "I'll listen to you!"

Suzhou Village, Juyi Hall.

The whole Suzhou village is sitting here, with a total of 30 people, 10 elderly people and 10 children. The only young people who can participate in the battle are Tang Saier, Yang Dali, three women and five young people.

Don Seer sits in the center. He pointed to the sand table on the table and said, "About 100 officers and soldiers have come. Now they are slowly approaching us, and they will go up the mountain in about half an hour at the speed of officers and soldiers."

"Huzi, go and set off the fireworks we contacted the rescuers." Yang Dali said.

A teenager with thick eyebrows and big eyes stood up and said, "Brother Dali, how many will you put?"

"All released! Put as much as you want!" Yang Dali said, "This fireworks is the distress signal of our cloth gang. As long as it is the people of the cloth gang, if they see the fireworks burning nearby, they will definitely rush to the rescue."

"Da Zhuang, you take the old man and children to the warehouse to take out the weapons and explosives, and the rest follow me to my little sister's room." Tang Saier said.

"What are you doing in the little sister's room?" Yang Dali asked puzzledly.

"Brother Dali, the night my little sister left told me that she suspected that there was an insider. She said that the insider must act tonight, so she prepared something in the room." As soon as Tang Saier said this, the whole hall was stunned. Everyone opened their mouths and their eyes wide. No one could believe that Suzhou Zhai really had an insider, because if so, it would be terrible, which meant that all the people of Suzhou Zhai would die tonight.

"Big... vigorous... brother..." Hu Zi stumbled in, fell to the ground, lowered his head, and was speechless for a long time.

"Huzi...what's wrong?" Yang Dali asked.

When Tang Saier saw Huzi, her heart suddenly sank, because she knew that if the moles really betrayed them, they would not be given a chance to live.

"Brother Dali!" Huzi raised his head, with tears on his face, and a dark face full of panic and uneasiness. He hammered the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Signal fireworks... I don't know who got wet... It's impossible to burn it again..."

"Brothers and sisters, it seems that there is really a mole here." Tang Saier said, "The insider wants to kill us,

Now, we can no longer think about others coming to save us. If we want to live, we have to rely on ourselves.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect that we didn't die at the hands of the enemy, but died at the hands of our own..." An old man muttered. After saying that, he suddenly fell into a chair and said nothing and could no longer speak.

"Listen, listen to me, the people in Suzhou Village are all heroes. Even if we die, we have to fight with officers and soldiers. Killing one is not a loss, and killing two and earning one. Don't you think so?" Tang Saier said loudly. At this time, her little face suddenly burst into a light of hope. Everyone looked at her firm face and unconsciously cheered up.

"Miss Saier is right! Let's fight with them!" Huzi also stood up at this moment and wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand.

So everyone followed Tang Saier to Yang Xiaomei's room and saw that Yang Xiaomei's room was full of large and small stones and gunpowder bottles.

"Come on, take as much as you can. The old man and the children take gunpowder bottles, and the others take the stones. Our stockade is on the top of the mountain, and there is only one way up the mountain, so the officers and soldiers must gather together. Out of the village door is a steep slope. We will throw stones and gunpowder bottles down the mountain. Da Zhuang and Huzi are there. There are wooden boards on both sides to resist the arrows of officers and soldiers. After saying that, Tang Saier picked up a big stone and went out. Everyone also followed her, taking gunpowder and moving stones.

Only Yang Dali was there and muttered, "Little sister, you have known that there are moles for a long time, so you prepared these in advance..."

Everyone fell motionless on the steep slope.

"I count three times. When the officers and soldiers walk to the hillside, we will start to lose them desperately. Remember, we only have time for half a column of incense. When everything is lost, we will all withdraw to the little sister's room." Tang Saier fell low and whispered.

"Sister Saier, how many officers and soldiers do you think we can kill?" Hu Zi's eyes widened and asked. Although he pretended to be calm at this moment, there was still panic and fear in his eyes.

In the face of death close at hand, who can not be afraid?

"Good luck, about 50 can be killed, bad luck, about 30." Tang Saier smiled, touched the tiger's head with her hand, and said softly, "Huzi, are you afraid?"

"No... don't be afraid!" Hu Zier said, Tang Saier looked at him and sighed in her heart. Hu Zi was only 13 years old. Although he was forced to calm down, his panic and fear could not be concealed. Tang Saier looked at the people around him again. These people were all lying on the ground, quietly looking at the road down the hillside, counting the steps of the officers and soldiers approaching step by step as officers and soldiers. When you go up the hill, the countdown begins.

Everyone knows very well that they are just struggling to death. The number of officers and soldiers is more than three times theirs, and these stones and gunpowder can only hurt them at most. When young people who can do martial arts die, the old man and children can only be captured, and they have no rescuers, even if Today, all the people in Suzhouzhai died here, and no one will know that they were betrayed by the insider. This result is exactly what the insiders want. He wants all the people in Suzhouzhai to die here quietly.

A cunning smile suddenly appeared on Tang Saier's face. You want us all to die here, but I don't want you to be satisfactory. Even if I die here today, someone will expose your crime.