Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 8 Su Mubai, you are finally here

"Brothers, this woman is captured alive!" The leading official finally came out of the crowd. He stared at Tang Saier and said, "Who is the first to catch this woman, who is the first to go, hahaha!"

"Others! Kill them all! This woman will be left to her brothers to play slowly. The official looked pale and looked up to the sky and laughed.

When those officers and soldiers heard this, their eyes lit up and looked at Tang Saier together, and their faces were full of obscene feelings.

At this time, Tang Saier looked around. At this time, in addition to the two children hiding under Yang Xiaomei's bed, only Hu Zi and Yang Dali were still alive. Tang Saier knew that he could not live today and couldn't help sighing. She couldn't help thinking of his grandfather far away in the capital. He didn't know how he was doing now.

Yang Dali and Huzi couldn't stand it. They were knocked to the ground by the officers and soldiers. The leading official said, "Wait, don't kill first. Tie them up and let them watch us play with their women. After a while, they will have enough to play three people and bury them together."

At this time, Tang Saier was also the end of the crossbow. Finally, she could no longer hold the long knife in her hand and fell to the ground. Sweat wet her hair. Her clothes and Tang Saier's eyes were full of despair.

Finally, Tang Saier had no more strength. She fell to the ground and kept gasping. She knew that death was coming, and before death came, she had to endure the aggression and humiliation of these people.

At this time, she suddenly thought of her grandfather. She didn't know how grandpa is doing now. I know if he ran away from home. Is he angry? Grandpa, I'm leaving and I can't be filial to you.

The leading official came over and stepped on Tang Saier's face. In addition to closing his eyes and silently enduring, Tang Saier could not make any resistance. After stepping on the dirty half of Tang Saier's delicate cheek, he withdrew his foot.

" Stop it! Beast! It's better for you to kill us!" Yang Dali and Hu Zi were tied together with his back at this time. He shouted desperately, and the corners of his eyes seemed to crack.

The leading official squatted down and opened Tang Saier's coat with a "bang". Tang Saier's skin was tender and white, and her delicate body trembled slightly because of fear and humiliation. At this time, Tang Saier's eyes kept crying, and she only thought she was dead.

The officers and soldiers stared at Tang Saier, and their eyes almost fell out.

The tiger had already closed his eyes and dared not look again. His body kept trembling with anger and fear.

However, Yang Dali kept shouting and scolding, struggling desperately to break free from the rope.

Suddenly, Tang Saier opened her eyes wide and spit on the face of the leading official.

The leading official stood up, wiped the saliva on his face with his sleeves, smiled sinisterly at the corners of his mouth, picked up the bayonet, and gently scratched Tang Saier's chest.

Tang Saier moaned in pain, and a drop of blood dripped down her body. The bayonet slowly cut down her chest until the round navel prescription stopped and stopped there.

"Is it comfortable?" The leading official laughed and said, "You can't row down any more. If you row any further, the brothers can't use it."

As soon as he finished saying this, the officers and soldiers around laughed.

And Tang Saier could only close her eyes, tears of humiliating from the corners of her eyes, and her body trembled with cold and pain.

While the officers and soldiers were laughing proudly, there was a sound of horses' hoofs in the distance, and all the officers and soldiers were stunned on the spot.

From afar, she only heard a shout, "Sier!" Tang Saier couldn't help bursting tears when she heard this sound. She saw her trembling lips and shouting hoarsely, "Su Mubai! You came..., you finally came..." At this time, her voice was hoarse, and the hoarse shout contained endless grievances and helplessness. The voice echoed in the wind and hit Su Mubai's heart fiercely.

"Master, you are finally here... If you don't come again..." Yang Dali also cried loudly at this time. At this time, the man in his twenties cried like a child.

When Hu Zi saw Su Mubai and others, he couldn't help crying loudly.

At this time, Su Mubai rode on the horse, looked at Yang Dali and Huzi, who cried bitterly, looked at Tang Saier, whose clothes were torn on the ground, and then looked at the bodies all over the ground. He roared, his eyes turned red, jumped up from the horse and flew away to the officers and soldiers.

All the officers and soldiers stayed there, but no one dared to do anything to Su Mubai. The leading official was even more stunned. He opened his eyes, pointed to Su Mubai tremblingly with one hand, and muttered, "You...you..." but he could no longer say anything else.

The 20 big men behind Su Mubai saw the bodies lying on the ground, and their eyes were also red. They fell to the ground, with their parents, wives and children...

Twenty big men roared and all jumped off the horse and ran away to the officers and soldiers. For a moment, they only heard the screams of the officers and soldiers. In the face of these men with strong martial arts, these officers and soldiers were still not good at it.

For a while, the officers and soldiers fled and were hacked to the ground in panic.

Su Mubai walked to Tang Saier, took off his coat and put it on her. He held Tang Saier in his arms and said, "It's good that you didn't die... You suffered..."

Tang Saier lay in Su Mubai's arms and said, "You saved me again... You have saved me twice, and I really don't know how to repay you..."

Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier's dirty face, loose hair, and indescribable pity and heartache. He reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of Tang Saier's eyes and said, "It's okay. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

Don Saeer couldn't help crying.

Su Mubai hugged him tightly and didn't want to open his hands for a long time.

Fresh red, dyeing the land red, the wind with a smell of dirty blood, wandering among the mountains and forests, unwilling to disperse for a long time...

Su Mubai took Tang Saier to **, covered her with a quilt, and held her hands tightly for fear that she would disappear in front of his eyes.

A big man rushed in and gasped and said, "A total of 73 dog officers and soldiers have been killed, and the remaining three have been tied up and tied to the miscellaneous room to wait for the helmsman to deal with."

"Let people be strictly guarded and don't give food and water. I'll torture them later." Su Mubai's hand still held Tang Saier's hand tightly and forgot Tang Saier's eyes. In those eyes, it seemed that there were countless words to say to her, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Su Mubai... There are two children hidden under the bed in the little sister's room. Go and save them." Tang Saier said that her lips were dry and her whole body was weak. This sentence seemed to have exhausted her whole body.

"I know. Stop talking, have a good rest and be obedient. I will take care of everything." Su Mubai stood up, covered Tang Saier with a quilt, and smiled at her.

At this time, Tang Saier was already extremely tired. She finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Su Mubai stood by the bed and looked at Tang Saier for a while before leaving.

Suzhou Village, Juyi Hall.

Su Mubai sat in the middle of the hall and looked coldly at the three people kneeling below.

"The helmsman! We were attacked by dog officers and soldiers this time, and it was obvious that moles colluded with them!" Yang Dali said hatefully, glaringly at the leading official, and his eyes couldn't wait to swallow him alive, "Say! Who is the mole that colluded with you?"

Seeing this official staring at Su Mubai, he laughed three times and said, "Let go of us, and I'll say it."

"Let's see what tricks you can play." After saying that, Yang Dali let go of him, retreated to the side, and looked at him coldly, "I think you still say it honestly, so as not to suffer from skin and flesh. By now, you have been difficult to fly."

The man took out a small dagger in his arms and shouted, "Your Holiness! I'm loyal to you!" After saying that, he inserted the dagger into his abdomen fiercely and fell to the ground and did not move again. The other two, like him, inserted the dagger into their abdomen.

"It's not good!" Yang Dali exclaimed, stepped forward, reached out and probed the noses of the three people. Then he patted himself on the back of the head and regretted, "Bow me! Blame me! I didn't expect these dog officers to suicide! Now, I can't find out who the insider is anymore.

Su Mubai looked coldly at the bodies on the ground and said, "I'll throw all the bodies of these dog officers to the back mountain to feed the wild dogs." After saying that, he got up and left and came to the door of Tang Saier.

Su Mubai took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked to the bedside. Tang Saier saw tears hanging from the corners of her eyes and sleeping in a daze.

Su Mubai sat by the bed, gently lifted the quilt, and slightly lifted the clothes covering Tang Saier's body. There was a shocking knife mark hanging on Tang Saier's snow-white body. This knife mark spread from his chest to his navel and hovered on Tang Saier's body, like a centipede with teeth and claws.

Su Mubai sighed, "Why don't you come with me? If you come with me, you won't suffer so much." After saying that, he shook his head, picked up the ointment on the table and gently applied it to Tang Saier's wound.

His movements are so light and slow, as if he is afraid of hurting Tang Saier, and more like he is afraid of damaging a beautiful work of art.

She only heard Tang Saier's coquettish voice, and her eyebrows frowned tightly, and her small face twisted into a ball. Her hands grasped the quilt tightly, and her moan in her mouth continued to increase with the application of the ointment.

Su Mubai stared at Tang Saier tightly, but the movements in his hand did not slow down. He looked at Tang Saier's eyes became deeper and deeper and deeper.

Finally, after the ointment was applied, Tang Saier stopped moaning. Su Mubai stood up, covered Tang Saier with a quilt, and turned away.