Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 10 Swallowing by Hatred

"That's right... I just want you to go to the palace to be a eunuch." The wandering wave laughed.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked, and the whole charity hall was in an uproar.

"The helmsman! Just kill me!" Yang Dali hissed, "How can a man be a eunuch!"

"The helmsman!" Tang Saier also stood up and said with an anxious face, "How can you make Dali become an eunuch..."

Youlang stood up, laughed, glanced at the crowd, and said meaningfully, "Who said that you must be clean when you are a eunuch?"

"This..." At this time, Yang Dali was dizzy and stood there like a wooden chicken.

"Ban Jieyu has been in the cold palace for ten years, and the eunuch who served him also followed her into the cold palace for ten years. Since no one remembers Ban Jieyu's appearance, who do you think cares about the appearance of the little eunuch next to her? Since no one cares what this eunuch looks like, who cares whether he is a real eunuch or a fake eunuch. Youlang got up and patted Yang Dali on the shoulder and said, "This trip to the palace is very dangerous. Miss Sai'er is alone in the deep palace. No one is helping her in the palace. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a big deal. It's really wrong for you to let you enter the palace and pretend to be an eunuch."

"The helmsman! As long as you don't let me be a real eunuch! I, Yang Dali, can do anything!" After saying that, Yang Dali touched the back of his head with embarrassment.

"Miss Saier, I know that you don't have much time to join the cloth gang. This trip is really dangerous. You can think about it for one night before deciding whether to go or not. If you don't want to go, I can let others go." Youlang Road.

Su Mubai's heart was in a mess at this time. He looked at the wandering waves, looked at Tang Saier, and shook his head with a sigh.

It's getting dark, and the faint moon is still hanging on the treetops, but the hazy stars have hidden behind the blue-gray sky, and tonight, how many people will not be able to sleep.

Suzhou Village, corridor.

Su Mubai and Tang Saier stood under the corridor, and the moonlight sprinkled on their faces, printing marks of different depths. They all had different thoughts in their hearts.

"Sier." Su Mubai took Tang Saier's hand, "I... don't want you to go to Jinan."

"Su Mubai..." Tang Saier looked up at Su Mubai. She knew that this person cared about her at this moment.

"Can I not go?" Su Mubai asked.

Tang Saier looked up at Su Mubai, with a trace of emotion in her heart and a trace of shallow happiness. The feeling of being loved by others is always happy.

"I... don't want you to get involved in complex disputes. These conspiracies, killings, hatred, and I shouldn't let you bear it. Do you understand what I mean?" Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier, and his deep eyes seemed to suck Tang Saier in. If Tang Saier's eyes were a stream, Su Mubai's eyes were lakes. The stream was always clean, flowing, and running slowly with the vitality of life, while the lake was still, which made people unable to guess. The bottom is deep, and no one knows where the lake comes from, where it goes, and what is hidden in the still lake.

At this moment, Su Mubai's eyes are like a quiet lake, deep and mysterious. Tang Saier looks into his eyes, but she doesn't understand what is hidden in the lake. Maybe one day, she can understand, but now, she can't understand anything.

"If you can, I hope you will always be so naive and kind. I don't want you to be polluted by these bloody struggles, those eyes blinded by hatred, those hands stained with blood because of the struggle, do not belong to you, and you shouldn't be like that." Sumu Baidao.

"Su Mubai, thank you." Tang Saier choked and her eyes were moist. "For so many years, you are the first person who cares about me so much except my grandparents."

"I would like to protect you forever and keep you from all the dirty pollution in this world. As long as you listen to me, I will protect you." Sumu Baidao.

"Su Mubai..., do you... like me?" Tang Saier looked at Su Mubai's eyes and asked seriously.

Su Mubai took a deep breath, looked at Tang Saier very seriously, and said in an extremely serious tone, "I like it."

"For so many years, I have never liked a person so seriously. I thought my heart had become as hard as a stone in killing and fighting. I didn't expect that I could still like others." Su Mubai looked at Tang Saier affectionately. His deep eyes were like a bottomless whirlpool, and Tang Saier was being swallowed up by the whirlpool little by little. She didn't know what was waiting for her in the whirlpool, as if she didn't know what was hidden in the lake. Maybe there were monsters, death, fear, or nothing hidden.

"You know, you are very special." Su Mubai said with a smile.

"Me? What's so special? Tang Saier asked puzzledly.

"Every time I see you, I can't help but want to tease you and bully you. You are so angry with me. I'm really happy to see you." Sumu Baidao.

"You..." Tang Saier was immediately annoyed when she heard this, "Pervert."

"But you can only be bullied by me. If someone bullies you, I will feel very uncomfortable. Do you understand? Those who dare to bully you, I can't wait to kill them all. A terrible murder flashed in Su Mubai's eyes.

"So, you'd better stay by my side and don't go anywhere." Su Mubai said, "No one dares to touch you at all except me. I will protect you."

"Then wait, I'll talk to the helmsman." Tang Saier smiled at Su Mubai and ran to the wandering house.

"Master, are you there? I'm Don Seer." Tang Saier knocked gently on the door and said softly.

"Miss Saier, please come in." Youlang smiled and said, "That's right, don't call me the chief helmsman in the future. It's unpleasant and very strange. I don't like people to call me the helmsman the most. You can just call me Youlang in the future."

Tang Saier walked into the room, looked at the wandering waves and said, "Master, I..."

"I've said, don't call me the helmsman." Before Tang Saier finished speaking, Youlang interrupted him, raised his face and said, "If you look at me, I will be your friend, and don't call me the helmsman in the future."

"Well... Youlang... I want to tell you that I can't go to Jinan with you tomorrow. I... want to stay in Suzhou." Tang Saier lowered her head and said guiltily.

"It's because of Su Mubai, so I don't want to go, right?" Wandering and asking.

"Yes..." Don Seer said.

Youlang was silent for a moment and suddenly laughed, "It doesn't matter, it's okay if you don't want to stay in Suzhou."

"Wandering... Thank you." Tang Saier said, "I have one more thing to ask you as a friend."

"You said." Youlang Road.

"Do you know Zeng Shitian and Lu Xiaoman?" Tang Saier asked, with such anxiety and uneasiness in her eyes.

Hearing this, Youlang was silent for a moment. Suddenly, he stared at Tang Saier's face, looked at it for a long time, and suddenly laughed, "Are you Uncle Zeng's daughter?"

When Tang Saier heard this, her body couldn't help shaking. She was ecstatic. She jumped up and held Youlang's hands tightly and shouted, "Uncle Zeng? So you not only know my father, but also have a good relationship with him! Great... Great... I finally found them... I finally found them..." After saying that, Tang Saier burst into tears.

"I should have recognized you long ago. You look so much like your father. No wonder I said that the first time I saw you, I felt a very inexplicable familiarity, but I can't remember where I saw you. Your face looks so similar to your father." Youlang said, "Your father was the helmsman of Hangzhou Village long before he met your mother. That year, he went to the capital to do business, but was ambushed by the court. All his brothers died, and your father was also seriously injured. At this time, your father met your mother, and your mother saved your father and has been After taking care of him, your mother also joined the cloth gang with your father. The two of them have been hiding in the city of the capital and silently collecting information from the court for this gang. Youlang Road.

"I knew... My father was not the market gangster mentioned by others, and I knew that he was a Jianghu hero..." Tang Saier cried and choked, but her words were unconcealed.

"But your grandfather didn't know anything about your parents, and your mother tried to protect your grandfather, tried to against him, make him angry, and finally broke off the father-daughter relationship with your grandfather. Just when you were three years old, the court finally found out the identity of your parents, because your grandfather was a bachelor of Hanlin Academy, and because Your grandfather and your mother have long broken off their relationship with their parents, so the court did not suspect your grandfather, so your grandfather escaped the disaster. Youlang finally finished speaking and looked at Tang Saier with pity.

"It turned out that... the mother broke off the father-daughter relationship with Grandpa... is to protect Grandpa and protect the whole Lu family..." Tang Saier muttered. She grabbed Youlang's hand, her eyes were full of eagerness and hope, and asked, "So where are they now? I want to see them."

"They... are buried in Jinan." Youlang Road.

With the words of wandering waves, the light of hope in Tang Saier's eyes gradually dimmed, and her eyes gradually turned into dead gray. Her whole body was like a wooden chicken, motionless, and could no longer speak.

"Your parents knew that they could not escape the disaster, so they handed you over to your grandfather. They knew that the court would not deal with your grandfather, so it was the safest and best choice for you to stay in the Lu Mansion. Just after they sent you to the Lu Mansion, the court sent a large number of officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress your parents when they fled Outside the city, he was surrounded by officers and soldiers and died. When the rescue we sent arrived, we only saw the bodies of your parents, so my father took your parents' bodies back to the rudder of Jinan and buried them on the mountain with many brothers. Youlang Road.

At this moment, Tang Saier's heart is full of hatred and anger, and she just wants to avenge her parents.

"I'm going... I have to go to the palace to assassinate the dog emperor this time." Tang Saier raised her head and gritted her teeth and said, "I will use his blood to pay tribute to my parents' grave."

"Saer... Don't force yourself," he said, "If I had known that you were Uncle Zeng's daughter, I wouldn't have let you go to the palace to assassinate the emperor."

"No... you're wrong. If you had known who I was, you should have let me go." Tang Saier said in a hateful voice. At this moment, there is only hatred in her heart, full of hatred.

Do you know? For so many years, your parents have endured humiliation and burdens in the capital and collected countless information for this gang. The cloth gang... owes you a family... too much..." Youlang said slowly, "Now... I don't want to see their only daughter in danger... I really should take good care of you for them... make up for the guilt for your family..."

"Youlang... You know the power of hatred... Everyone in the Cloth Gang is supported by strong hatred to complete every impossible task. Hatred is our belief. Now... I have been swallowed up by hatred." Tang Saier said.

"In my heart, in my eyes, I can't hold anything but revenge..." Tang Saier said, "Let me go... I want to go to Jinan with you, see my parents' graves, and put a column of incense in front of their graves..."

At this moment, Youlang can no longer refute Tang Saier, and there is no reason to refute Tang Saier.