Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 13 Snake Cave

Tang Saier only felt black in front of her eyes, and then fell on a person. Then she felt a sinking body. Obviously, someone jumped down with them and fell on her.

"Wandering... Where are you? Are you still alive? Wandering waves..." Tang Saier shouted anxiously.

"Sier... I'm here." I only heard the wandering waves shouting.

"Where are you? Where are you?" Don Seer shouted.

"I... I'm under you..."

"Youlang, don't worry, I'll get up immediately... Who's pressing on me... Get up quickly." Tang Saier said angrily.

"I'm sorry... I'm going to get up immediately." The leading official said, "Who weighed me..."

After a while, Tang Saier finally picked up the wandering waves and saw a total of eight people jumping down with the two. At this time, everyone was covered in confusion.

"Miss You, Miss Tang, in the next season Mingli, the assassin of Chaozhou." Ji Mingli stretched out his right hand with a smile.

"Brother Ji is polite. At present, everyone is trapped here. Of course, we should support each other and find a way to live together, right?" Youlang also stretched out his right hand and held Ji Mingli.

"Yes..." Ji Mingli smiled awkwardly, "Now everyone's lives are like a grasshopper tied together. You can't run away from me."

"It sounds good... If you court dog officials really go out, you won't turn against each other immediately and arrest Youlang and me back to the superiors... If you are dog officials, you can't believe it." Tang Saier gave Ji Mingli a white look and said in a hateful voice.

"Miss Tang... Why did you say this... I'm by no means the person who crossed the river and demolished the bridge..." Ji Mingli hurriedly said, "Besides, it's difficult to live at the present. If we don't work together to find a way together, we will fight in this nest..."

"Hold on, what's the fight? Who is in the same nest as you? Tang Saier stared at Ji Mingli and scolded, "I don't know who pointed a knife at me and Youlang just now, saying that you are all dead."

"It's my fault... I'm going to pay for Miss Tang..." Ji Mingli reached out and wiped the sweat on his face and said, "I promise that as long as I can escape, I will never add you two people, and they won't."

"Yes, yes..." The seven officers and soldiers also said quickly.

"All right, I believe in Brother Ji." Youlang smiled and patted Tang Saier on the shoulder and said, "At present, let's get through the difficulties together."

Tang Saier snorted coldly and helped up the wandering waves. At this time, the wandering lips were purple and his face was pale, as if he had been poisoned. Tang Saier was shocked and shouted, "Youlang... What's wrong with the wandering waves..."

"The arrow is poisonous..." The wandering wave shook.

"We coated three insects and three herbs on the tip of the arrow..." Ji Mingli said awkwardly.

"I fought with you... What did you say to get through the difficulties together, bullshit!"

After saying that, Tang Saier rushed to Ji Mingli and gritted his teeth and hammered him.

"I... I didn't know it would be like this..."

Ji Mingli suffered and knew that he was wrong, so he let Tang Saier hammer him and did not move.

"You don't know? You laid the poison, don't you know? Let me tell you! If the wandering waves die here, you... don't want to go out alive!"

Tang Saier pounded Ji Mingli fiercely and shouted.

"This poison is not powerful, and the attack is slow, but the poisoner will become weaker and weaker, and the martial arts will gradually disappear. However, if you can get the antidote within seven days, it will be fine. Moreover, this three insects and three grass poison is very common, and the antidote is not difficult to find. Ordinary doctors can make an antidote."

Ji Mingli smiled awkwardly.

"As long as we find the exit within seven days, I will be fine."

The wandering waves smiled.

"Yes, yes! Let's start looking now. It's not a good idea to stay here all the time.

Ji Mingli smiled, stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and pointed to the front.

"There is a way ahead. Let's go there first."

After saying that, he hurried forward

"Wandering waves... What is this?" Tang Saier pointed to the bronze tripod on both sides and said, "There were two of these in the hall just now, and now there are more here."

Youlang stepped forward, looked carefully at the bronze tripod, and smiled.

"I ask you, what is the most feared thing for emperors who have built mausoleums since ancient times?"

Youlang looked at Tang Saier and asked.

"What are you most afraid of...?" Tang Saier thought for a moment and said, "Tomb robbery?"

"Yes, these people spent a lot of human and financial resources to build their own tombs. Some emperors even began to build their own tombs from the age of 20 until they were 60 years old. How huge the time and financial resources were, and what they were most afraid of was that someone came in to rob the tomb and destroy themselves after death. The mausoleum, excavate your own body. Therefore, each mausoleum is full of countless vicious organs and traps. In order to prevent someone from leaking everything in the mausoleum, and in order to prevent the craftsmen who repaired here from bringing people back to dig the mausoleum in the future, those who have participated in the construction of the mausoleum should be buried with them.

The waves said slowly.

"The death method of burial is different, which is determined according to the pre-life status."

"You mean... these bronze tripods are used to cook living people?"

Don Saeer's eyes widened and screamed.

"That's right..." Youlang said slowly, "There are more than tens of millions of craftsmen who built the mausoleum. It's too troublesome to kill them one by one, so they placed a lot of bronze tripods in each hall. When the mausoleum was completed, each tripod was filled with craftsmen, and then cooked them together."

"This... is so cruel..."

Tang Saier exclaimed. She stepped forward to look at the bronze tripods, as if she could feel the poor craftsmen thrown in to cook a hundred years ago.

"A general's success is eternal. The great cause of any emperor has not been accompanied by the deaths of countless people. Compared with the deaths of millions of people in wars, these are nothing."

There was a compassionate look in the wandering waves' eyes, as if he thought of something, and shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly, only heard a "bang", and the whole hall cracked a big hole from the center. The people standing in the hall were caught off guard and fell down. Tang Saier only felt that one hand stopped her waist and leaned aside.

"Seer, grab the stone on the stone wall and hold on." The waves shouted loudly.

At this time, I only heard the "hearing" sound below, followed by a few screams.

Tang Saier grabbed the stone and looked down. She couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. There were hundreds of snakes hovering below, small snakes as thick as thumbs, and snakes two or three meters long. Only then did the four officers and soldiers accidentally fell down and were immediately wrapped in these snakes. The four twisted desperately. Zi, shouting loudly, the thumb-thick little snakes penetrated through their noses and mouths. After a moment, the four were submerged by the snakes, which was simply unbearable.

Ji Mingli also clung to a stone wall at this time. He saw that his former men had died so miserably at this moment that he couldn't help closing his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it again.

He clung to the stone wall not far away and shouted at the wandering waves, "Youzi! What should we do now?"

Youlang smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that we have fallen into a trap specially used to deal with tomb robbers. This trap is repaired in the center of the hall. There seems to be nothing wrong with it, but under the marble that has been broken and then artificially bonded, there is only a thin layer of soil and paper, as long as someone stands up, These marble boards will crack because they can't bear the weight, and people will fall down, and below, there are usually deadly poisonous birds and beasts.

"What should I do now?" Ji Mingli gasped and looked desperate.

"Now...unless we can climb..."

Youlang looked up. At this time, everyone climbed to the center of the stone wall, at least 20 meters away from the mouth of the cave, and the stone wall was surrounded by slippery mucus, and it was impossible to climb up.

"It seems that this tomb owner is not hospitable at all and wants to put us to death. These stone walls were obviously artificially coated with a special mucus as early as a hundred years ago, in order to prevent people from falling down from climbing up."

Youlang shook his head with a wry smile.

"Damn... Am I destined to die here today..." Ji Mingli scolded, "I'm really unwilling to feed these beasts today."

"What should I do... I... I don't want to die yet... I still have a wife and children waiting for me..."

A officer and soldier said desperately with a dead face.

"If I had known... I wouldn't have come in... I'm afraid we died here today, and no one would know..."

"Sier." Youlang said, "Although I have been poisoned by three insects and three herbs, my internal power can still use five or six points. Later, I will send you up with internal power."

"What about you..." Tang Saier asked.

"Don't care about me..." After saying that, Tang Saier only felt that the wandering wave was gently holding herself, and then flew up. When he flew to the mouth of the cave, Tang Saier grabbed the edge of the cave in one hand and the hand of the wandering wave in the other, and the two hung here.

"Let go..." You Lang said, "I've used up all my strength and don't have any more strength. If you pull me like this, none of us can live."

"No... I won't let go..." Tang Saier shouted.

"I'm already poisoned, and there is little hope of living. Why do you suffer..." Youlang smiled bitterly and shook his head. At this moment, his lips were purple, his face was haggard, and he was no longer as glorious as before. His face was like a long-sick man.

I only heard Ji Mingli shout below, "Miss Tang... Mr. You... You must hold on, don't let go, the four of us are still waiting for you to save..."

"Listen... Let go. If you climb up now, you can also save Ji Mingli and the others. Maybe you still have a chance to escape." Youlang Road.

"I don't! I don't! They are dead or alive, it's none of my business! I won't let it go!" Tang Saier shouted in pain.

Youlang was about to open his mouth, but he felt a warm and wet face, and it was Tang Saier's tears that dripped down.

"Live together, die together!" Tang Saier cried bitterly and shouted.

"Then die together..." Youlang sighed and shook his head with a wry smile.