Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 24 Entering the Palace

In the early morning of the second day, Tang Saier and Yang Dali were accompanied by Youlang and others to Beijing by car.

The ship finally arrived in the capital after three days.

After arriving in the capital, everyone came to a special garden to rest. The next day, Tang Saier and Yang Dali changed into pre-prepared clothes in the special garden.

Tang Saier was wearing a blue robe, wearing a light yellow gauze on her shoulders and lined with red thin clothes. Wearing a golden stre, dozens of golden filaments hang down, wearing a jade bracelet on his slender hand, slightly pink, looking beautiful and touching.

And Yang Dali was shaved his beard, shaved his half-head, and wore a plain eunuch uniform. He looked like a strong eunuch.

The two hid in the big bucket of the built-in dark warehouse respectively, and were pushed into the palace by two big men who specialized in transporting feces to the palace. After that, the dung truck was parked outside a firewood room in the palace. Tang Saier and Yang Dali hid in the big bucket of the built-in dark warehouse. The two maids of honor of the raccoon bureau were pushed in the name of washing clothes and slowed down all the way. Slowly sent to the quiet palace.

And the way was surprisingly smooth without any mistakes.

Finally, they entered the Qingyou Palace. Tang Saier and Yang Dali climbed out of the laundry bucket, and the two maids of the raccoon bureau pushed the bucket and left without saying a word.

At this time, Tang Saier and Yang Dali found that there was no one else in the whole Qingyou Palace except them.

"Ah! Finally entered the palace... Damn it... Why is there not even a person..."

Yang Dali looked around and scolded.

The whole quiet palace is as quiet as no one has lived in for many years, quiet and suffocatingly quiet.

"This is the residence of Concubine Zhao, who was beaten into the cold palace, and the helmsman must have been solved by the people around Zhao in order to make us Li Daitao stiff, and no one is convenient."

Tang Saier smiled and walked into the room.

This quiet palace is not only depressed and deserted, but also everything in the house looks very old and dilapidated.

"Others say that the people in the palace eat well, dress well and live well. I think it's all nonsense. This quiet palace is so shabby that even our Suzhou Village is much better than here."

Yang Dali scolded while looking at the dilapidated furnishings in the house.

"Ha... You don't know anything about Dali, and the people in the palace are also divided into three or six grades. The concubines who were put into the cold palace are sometimes better than those palace eunuchs. Even the palace eunuchs look down on them. How can they live well? Don't say it, I'm afraid I won't even have enough to eat!"

Tang Saier smiled and began to clean up the dirty room.

"Mom... together, we have come to the palace to live a hard life..."

Yang Dali cleaned up the house with Tang Saier while cursing and complaining.

"Of course, we didn't come in to enjoy happiness."

Tang Saier said with a smile.

After a while, there seemed to be a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then left.

"It should have been brought food to us."

Don Saier laughed.

"Oh! There is food to eat!"

After saying that, Yang Dali put down the broom in his hand and ran out happily. Before long, he saw Yang Dali coming in with a bowl of rice.

"He... just a bowl of white rice..."

Yang Dali put the rice on the table.

"The concubine who was beaten into the cold palace only deserves to eat a bowl of white rice a day. You can eat it first. I'm not hungry."

Tang Saier smiled and continued to clean up the dirty house.

"How can this work! There is only one bowl of white rice. What will you eat? Eat together! You eat first and give me half a bowl left! I'll clean up the house!"

After saying that, Yang Dali pressed Tang Saier to sit down and began to clean up the house.

Don Saier had to sit down and slowly eat rice while thinking about what to do in the future.

Although I have entered the palace now, it is difficult to eat enough, not to mention seeing the emperor. There is no clue as to what to do next.

It is really difficult for a concubine who has been beaten into the cold palace to make a difference in the palace.

"Okay, Dali, come and eat it."

Tang Saier put the remaining half bowl of rice on the table and said to Yang Dali.

"Oh...bitter... a bowl of white rice has to be eaten by two people... If it goes on like this, I think we will starve to death here before we see what the emperor looks like. I really don't know how this Ban Jieyu has survived these ten years. She hasn't starved to death."

Yang Dali said angrily as he dug rice into his mouth.

"Well, I believe that the wandering will not be without arrangements. We will not starve to death."

Don Seer smiled.

"You're right! Youlang will definitely have any plans. Maybe he will bring us delicious food in a while!"

Yang Dali said excitedly, with a flash of hope in his eyes.

"You...you know how to eat...you forgot what we came in..."

Tang Saier looked at Yang Dali and shook his head.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the palace, and it seemed that many people came.

"In the emperor's words, Concubine Zhao will sleep in Cheng Qian Palace tonight!"

Only one eunuch stood outside the palace gate and said loudly.

At this time, Tang Saier and Yang Dali looked at each other and were stunned there, and the chopsticks in Yang Dali's hand fell to the ground in shock.

How can the emperor want an abandoned concubine who has been put into the cold palace for ten years... Did I hear it wrong...

"Femai Lady Zhao, your luck has come. Why don't you get on the sedan chair and go to bed with me? Is it that I haven't taken over for so many years that I don't know what to do at this time?

The little eunuch looked at Tang Saier coldly and said strangely.

"Sier! This must be the arrangement of the helmsman. Go and see if you can find a chance to kill the dog emperor.

Yang Dali said to Tang Saier in a low voice.

"I didn't expect the helmsman to arrange it so soon... I'm not ready yet... Dali... I forgot my weapon... Go and give me a knife..."

Tang Saier looked anxious and whispered to Yang Dali.

"Princess Zhao! What else are you lingling about? Do you want to resist the decree and disrespect it? Did the good news on this day make you happy? Are you so happy that you can't even walk? Do I have to carry you out of this quiet palace?"

The little eunuch waited angrily for Tang Saier and scolded angrily.

"Saer...it's too late... Let's adapt..."

Yang Dali's forehead was dripping with cold sweat and said in a hurry.

So Tang Saier had to smile at the eunuch, strode out of the Qingyou Palace and sat in the sedan chair.

In a while, the sedan chair carried Tang Saier to a different garden.

Tang Saier followed the eunuch into the special garden and entered the special garden. She saw several old M Mothers standing in the room coldly. As soon as she saw Tang Saier, she rushed up and began to take her clothes.

"What...what are you doing...what...there is no reason... stop..."

Tang Saier dodged and cursed angrily.

"Is Princess Zhao in the cold palace for a long time? Shut your brain off! Have you forgotten the rules of the waitress?"

A Mister scolded viciously while taking Tang Saier's clothes.

"Rules...what rules?"

Don Seer looked at her inexplicably.

The old Mami snorted coldly and no longer paid attention to Tang Saier. Tang Saier had to stand there obediently and let these old Maries strip themselves away, and then she was pressed into a bathtub full of petals. Several old M Mothers began to scrub Tang Saier's body.

An old matan took out some essential oils and began to pour them slowly into the bathtub.

"Empress Zhao, tonight is a good opportunity for Concubine Zhao to turn over. I hope you can seize it and don't miss a good opportunity, otherwise I'm afraid you will have to live in the cold palace for a lifetime."

The old woman who had just scolded Tang Saier fiercely said to Tang Saier in a calm tone.

"Oh... Empress Zhao, if you can make the emperor happy tonight, he will turn over and become a phoenix, don't forget the little ones..."

A M Mother said to Tang Saier with a smile.

It turns out that... This is the bath before bedtime... I'm really going to serve the emperor... What should I do... I haven't figured out how to assassinate him...

Tang Saier's mind was messed up and let these Mies scrub on her body. After a while, Tang Saier was helped out of the bathtub by the old Mami, and then she was pressed to a big red sheet on the ground. The two eunuchs came in, wrapped Tang Saier in the sheets and carried them out.

"What are you... doing... I'm not dressed yet..."

Tang Saier was ashamed and annoyed. She was carried on her shoulders by two eunuchs and walked forward.

"Femai Lady Zhao, it's not your first time to serve. Don't joke with the little ones, okay? Although it's been ten years away from your last bed, you won't forget the rules of serving the bed."

The eunuch who walked in front said coldly.

"I think Concubine Zhao has been locked in the cold palace for a long time. There is something wrong with it, and her brain must have been shut down."

The little eunuch behind him said with a smile.

"I think so... I don't know what's wrong with the emperor. I will want her to come to bed today... But don't make any trouble..."

While chatting, the two eunuchs carried Tang Saier forward, completely ignored Tang Saier, as if they were not carrying a person on their shoulders, but a bag of rice.

After walking for a while, the two eunuchs came to a magnificent palace, put Tang Saier on the ground, turned around and closed the door and retreated.

This is where the emperor lives... so big... so beautiful...

Tang Saier lay on the ground and looked around in a frenze, not knowing what to do.

I only saw myself in a magnificent hall surrounded by precious utensils.

Ah... I was strippered... I don't have a weapon... How can I assassinate the emperor later...

I won't really serve him...

No... How can I... How can I serve the enemy who killed my parents... Absolutely not...

Don Saier was lying in the big red sheet and thinking nonsense when suddenly heard someone coughing inside.

"Ban Jieyu, why don't you come in as soon as possible? Do you want me to go out and carry you in?"

The man's voice sounded like thunder in Don Seer's ear.

Don Seer's whole body suddenly seemed to have been struck by lightning, and she was stiff on the spot.