Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 82 The Fish in the Net

Tang Saier and Zhao Wenqi knelt in the torture room of the patriarch's mansion. The empress dowager sat in front of the two and stared at them fiercely. Behind them were more than a dozen eunuchs and matan. Several bodyguards with knives straightened their waists and stood coldly looking at the two people kneeling in the center of the torture room without a trace of expression on their faces.

The torture room was surrounded by various instruments of torture. Cold winds swept in from all directions, eroding the two trembling people. No one knew where these cold winds came from, as if these cold winds did not blow from the window, but existed in the torture room.

A few dark lights lit up around the torture room, slightly illuminating the originally dark torture room, but it seemed more terrible. The dull and depressing atmosphere gradually spread in the torture room and spread to every corner, like a mountain pressing hard on the front, making people breathless. It's so depressing that it's suffocating.

The boundless fear spread like a weed that grew desperately, quickly taking root in everyone's hearts and swallowing the last trace of reason in their hearts, making people feel as if they were in hell.

"Why do you meet men in the palace? The emperor treats you well. Why did you do such a thing?

The Empress Dowager looked coldly at the two people kneeling in front of her and shouted angrily.

"My concubine is wronged."

Tang Saier lowered her head and whispered.

"Wronged? You have the face to say that you are wronged for the stolen goods?

The Empress Dowager snorted coldly and shouted angrily.

"My concubine is wronged."

is still the expressionless face, still the faint tone, still repeating what has just been said.

"What do you think you are wronged?"

The Empress Dowager sneered and asked slowly.

"My concubine is wronged."

It's still the face with no expression, or the faint tone, or repeating the same sentence. Tang Saier seems to only say this sentence.

"My family asks you, do you think you don't recognize this? If you admit it, your family will make your death more comfortable!"

The Empress Dowager said coldly.

"My concubine is wronged."

Tang Saier still repeated this sentence in a daze, as if she could not say anything but this sentence now.


The Empress Dowager was furious, slapped the table and scolded angrily.

Everyone in the room trembled, but Tang Saier still straightened her body and looked straight at the Empress Dowager without any expression. There was no expression in her empty eyes, as if her soul had been separated from her body.

"Ban Jieyu! Don't think that pretending to be crazy, your family will let you go! The mourning family tells you that if you explain obediently, the mourning family can keep your whole body. If you stubbornly resist to the end, the mourning family will make your life worse than death.

The Empress Dowager scolded angrily that no one dared to be so presumptuous in front of her. She was the first, but she would soon become the last.

"No matter what my concubine says, the empress dowager will feel that my concubine is quibious. What my concubine says is quibble. In this case, my concubine doesn't want to say anything. I only has one sentence, and my concubine is wronged!"

Tang Saier bit her lips tightly and trembled violently, as if she had exhausted the last bit of strength of her whole body. These words contained all her bitterness and grievances. Her blood and tears could only be swallowed silently. No one would believe her words, and no one would believe her and Zhao Wenzhi. She is innocent, and no one will believe that she is wronged.

No matter what she says or does, it's useless. She is now a woman who steals people.

Some things, as long as there are more people say it, it will become true. It is impossible to tell whether it is true or false. It is true or false, and it is also true or false. Who can really see it thoroughly?

"Concubine Zhao has confessed, how about you? Is there anything you want to explain?"

The Empress Dowager slowly shifted her eyes from Tang Saier to Zhao Wen beside her and asked in a low voice.

"The villain is wronged."

Zhao Wen clenched his lips, his pale and fable face, and whispered.

"Oh... Do you also want to learn from her? Did the family ask you something? Do you only say this sentence that you are wronged?"

The Empress Dowager smiled, and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.


Zhao Wen looked straight at the Empress Dowager, his eyes were full of endless desolation and despair, and answered softly.

"In this case, I will take it as if you confess to this matter."

The Empress Dowager looked at Zhao Wen coldly and said slowly.

Zhao Wen gritted his teeth and didn't say another word. He was not afraid of death. If he could die with Tang Saier, he would never regret it. He just felt that his death was really wrong and worthless. The ancients said that death was lighter than a feather and heavier than Mount Tai. Isn't he die like that feather now, with no value at all?

He can't even protect his favorite woman. If it weren't for himself, how could she be involved? How can you suffer like this?

He is unwilling. He is willing to exchange his life for Don Saier's life. He is willing to die for Don Saier, instead of being unjustly killed by such a coward. Even if he is a ghost, he is still a wronged ghost.

Watching Tang Saier suffer humiliation, but she was powerless. She was in front of her, but no one would believe even tell her the truth. This sense of powerlessness was like a poisonous snake, slowly sucking away the last trace of strength all over his body, making his whole body almost exhausted.

Zhao Wen smiled self-deprecatingly. Oh, now I know that I turned out to be so useless. People say that there is a golden house in the book, and there is a jade in the book. I don't think it's as good as a hundred useless scholar. Even if I read thousands of books, what? So what if you are full of experience? Now, the woman you love is kneeling beside you, but you can't help her.

Don Saier knelt beside him, but he felt that he was so far away from her that she seemed to disappear at any time.

Even death can't help her.

"Very good. Concubine Zhao and Zhao Wen have confessed that they did not violate it. They went down, put them in prison, guarded them strictly, and died on a day."

The Empress Dowager looked at the two coldly, as if looking at the two dead people, with deep disgust and contempt, and waved to several bodyguards in front of her.

The bodyguard standing beside him immediately came forward and grabbed the two tightly, and took them to the prison.

The Empress Dowager looked at Tang Saier's gradually leaving, and a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

Ban Jieyu... Ai Jia thought you were a smart person... Ai Jia originally intended to cultivate you... Ai Jia even planned to cultivate you into the future queen of Southern Chu...

As a result, you are a confused person... Only a confused person... can do such a stupid thing...

It seems that you are not suitable to be the queen of Nanchu... You are not even suitable to stay with the emperor...

My family is so disappointed in you...