Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 86 Can You Be Born 3

The man in purple stood in front of the window and stared at the Qionghua tree outside the window. Now it is the flowering season, and the falling flowers are colorful. The small pink and white flowers with five petals are gathered together to form a big fist-sized flower, cluster by cluster, as white as jade in the distance.

The flowers are as white as jade, and the pieces dance around the world. Who cuts the light Qiong crops? Spring surrounds the horizon, and the water surrounds the horizon.

This is her favorite flower. She often likes to stand under the Qionghua tree, look at the colorful sky and think about things alone.

And he stood aside from afar, quietly looking at her, looking at this transparent and pure woman like Qionghua, her gentle face as water, her thin body, and her frowning when she meditated.

Looking at it from a distance, he never bothered him. The beautiful picture like water was deeply imprinted in his mind and never forgot it.

Even if she is not by his side now, he still remembers the days they spent together in Suzhou Village, the little bits and pieces between them, and the woman who stood under the Qionghua tree and smiled at him.

But he forgot those promises and those past. On that night in the south, he destroyed everything. The indelible woman in his memory, the gentle woman, the woman with a warm smile, that night, with his jealousy and anger, were swallowed up by the flames of hatred. And he is the one who destroyed everything with his own hands.

Just because of his jealousy, his anger, and because he never really believed in her, he lost her.

He suddenly remembered those nights, those entangled nights, and remembered that one night, he held her tightly in his arms and whispered to her. I haven't tried to believe anyone for many years. Now, I want to try to believe you. Would you want to believe me?

He remembered the eyes of the woman when she looked up at him. His wet eyes were moved, forgiven, relieved to let go of all hatred, and inescapable deep love.

But now, she looks at him, and there will be no more touching at that time, no more relief to let go of all hatred, no more unconcealable deep love, and no endless disgust and resentment.

He remembered that on the way back to the palace, the two were sitting in the carriage, and the woman sat opposite her, with a faint smile, and her eyes were full of hidden disgust and resentment. When he looked at him, it was like looking at a stranger. He was afraid to see the disgust in her eyes, the resentment in his eyes, and afraid to see her eyes. A flash of resentment and cold light.

This reminds him of those experiences, those who looked at him with this kind of disgust, resentment and resentment, he remembered the days when he was trampled under his feet like a dog, how lowly and how shameless he was, in order to live, in order to climb to the highest point, in order to stop being attacked Stepped under his feet, so he flattered the women he hated like a dog, and sold his body like a male prostitute in exchange for everything on the throne.

He remembered his disdainful eyes when Prince Si looked at him, the saliva that prince spit on his face when he passed in front of him, the eunuchs standing behind him pointing, and those unbearable nights after another.

What he wants is that she can always be by his side, with a warm smile like water, gently comfort him, and tell him that everything is over and she will always be by his side.

All he wants is a warm smile and a comforting look.

Or, as long as she no longer looks at him with that disgusting look, that's enough.

But now, what he sees from her eyes and heart is just endless disgust and resentment. He is afraid of the way she looks at him.

Those who have seen him with this look have all gone to hell. He does not allow anyone to dare to look at him with this way. Those contemptuous eyes and sarcastic words seem to laugh at him and tell him that the so-called past will never really pass, and everything in the past exists in memory. Those What has happened will always exist in this world.

Therefore, he wants to kill all those people. From then on, no one in the world dares to look at him with that contemptuous and sarcastic eyes. Everything in the past will disappear with the disappearance of life.

And he will be a phoenix reborn in the fire. He will burn out his body in the fierce fire. After extreme pain, it will be his new life. He will be the king who dominates everything in the world. No one dares to despise him, no one dares to laugh at him, no one dares to point behind his back, and no one dares to point to him. He spit on his face, and no one can trample him under his feet.

However, there is one person who dares not kill, and that is Tang Saier.

He can kill all the people in the world who dare to fight against him, but he dares not touch her alone.

Not because he is afraid of her, but because he loves her.

Sometimes, love is a sharp knife, slowly piercing into the heart, poaching fiercely, blurring his flesh and blood. Sometimes, love is a sharp needle, gently piercing the heart, slightly painful, dare not touch, dare not mention, or even dare to think about it, even if you just think about it slightly, pricked in the heart The needle will pierce deeper and more painfully, making him tremble violently all over his body. Sometimes, love is a ruthless iron rod, which smashes him fiercely and instantly smashes his whole body to pieces.

He dared not face her and didn't know how to face her, so he could only escape and escape far away from the palace. Even if he was just a temporary coward, he did not want to touch her extremely disgusting eyes again. He has never been so afraid of a person, and he is still a small woman, as long as her His eyebrows frowned slightly, and his heart was painful. As long as her tears flowed gently, his heart was as if it had been squeezed by a ruthless big hand, with severe pain.

Sier, I can't calm down in the face of you.

Even if he returned to Suzhou Village, he did not stop missing her for a moment. Her figure always appeared defenselessly in every corner of Suzhou Village. Here is the other party she has lived in. Here, there is the breath she left behind. Here, there are some beautiful memories that belong to them. Those back Memory will always exist in his heart.

Under the flower tree, he saw the lonely expression on her face for the first time. Her thin body seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time, which made him unable to help but want to protect her well.

In the pavilion, he was so drunk that he couldn't wake up. It was she who helped him back to the room and covered him with a quilt to avoid the cold wind from invading his bones.

In the room, he applied ointment to her for the first time and looked at the horrible long knife marks hovering on her white body with open teeth and claws, and his heart began to ache violently.

In the corridor, it was the other who showed their feelings to each other. There, he knew for the first time that the woman in front of him also liked him. At that moment, he was extremely excited and felt that he had become the happiest man in the world.

There are too many memories of Suzhou Village. These memories of them are all beautiful, and those memories before she entered the palace are all beautiful.

But has all this changed after entering the palace? At least, his love for her has never changed. No matter how many things have happened, no matter how many times he quarreled, no matter how many times his heart hurts, his heart will always be with her and never leave her.

Sier... has changed...is it you...?

A carrier pigeon flew from the sky, flapped its wings, gently circled down, and landed steadily on Yin Ren's shoulder.

The arrival of the carrier pigeon pulled Yin Ren's thoughts back to reality. He recognized that it was his specially domesticated carrier pigeon, which was the carrier pigeon used by his confidant in the palace to contact him. He gently untied the red rope tied on the pigeon's legs, took off the small note, and gently threw the carrier pigeon into the sky. The carrier pigeon fluttered its wings like a straight line. And go.

My heart is stunned. If it is not for an emergency, the central abdomen of the palace will not easily send a letter to itself, unless there is a change in the capital!

Gently unfold the note and write four big words: Concubine Zhao is in trouble.

Yin Ren's face changed greatly and became extremely pale in an instant. Sure enough, something happened to her. She shouldn't have left her alone in the palace, but she only left for about two months, and she had an accident.

Yinren held the note tightly in his hand, his eyes were ached, and he ran to the stable, flew to the horse, and galloped away.

"The helmsman! Where are you in a hurry to go!"

Several little maids behind her saw Yin Ren galloping away, hurriedly ran a few steps and shouted behind her.

"I have something urgent! Don't worry about me. You take good care of yourselves and tell Wang Erge to take good care of Suzhou Village and wait for me to come back!"

Yin Ren looked back and said urgently.

After saying that, he turned his head and galloped away. The dust where the horse's hoof passed was fierce, and disappeared in front of everyone for a moment. Only a few little girl stared at Yin Ren's gradually disappearing back, with deep worry and reluctance in her eyes.

Yinren's eyes were awe-eyed and stared at the road ahead. He only hated that the horse under him ran too slowly. He couldn't wait for the horse to give birth to eight legs. There was only one thought in his heart and quickly returned to the palace.

Sier... I'm here to save you... You must wait for me...

Saer...you must wait for me...must wait for me to come back...

Those memories, those past, those promises kept rolling in his mind like a wave. The woman standing under the Qionghua tree in white clothes kept echoing in his mind, like a ruthless big hand, pounding his heart fiercely. As long as he gently exerted force, he felt that he was about to suffocate.

Those that have been missed, lost, never come back, and can't have, this time, never let them leave their side again!

Seer, this time, I will never let you leave me again! Never!