Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 211 If you depend on each other, don't give up 3

At this time, the sandstorm hit and the wind swept over, and everyone was not spared and was swept into the air one after another.


People ran away one after another, threw away the sword in their hands, and no one had time to fight.


"Ah! Sandstorm!"






The woman in black was rolled up by the sandstorm, and the sword in her hand was nowhere to be found...

The woman's thin body is constantly rotating in the center of the sandstorm...


The woman's body kept rotating in mid-air with the sandstorm, twisting, looking up, looking at the sky, and tears flowing from the corners of her eyes...

She raised her head slightly, and the sunset in the sky dyed the world into a fire. Every evening, the desert is the most beautiful. The heat has gradually receded, and there is no cold at night. It is mild, with the afterglow of the sunset and vicissitudes of life.


Ten years, the woman sighed in a low voice like that, with too much fatigue.


Time flies. In a flash, he has been walking for so long, and she has wandered in this floating world for ten years like a wandering soul without a master.


In the past ten years, her footprints have spread all over the country, famous mountains and rivers, and found all the corners she could think of. Unfortunately, the world is so big that there are finally places where her legs can't walk. The yellow sand is long and the journey is far away. She has long lost her direction.


Yin Ren, where are you? How are you? Do you know that I'm still looking for you?


The sky and the earth are red, and night is coming.


Yin Ren, where are you?

I have been looking for you for ten years, but I have never found you.

I searched all over Nanchu, Northern Qin and Dongqi, but there was no trace of you.

I even went to sea by boat and walked to the easternmost part, but I didn't find any trace of you.


The wind at night gradually cooled down, and with those erratic thoughts, she gradually swam away, but the woman slowly opened her eyes and looked at the desolate desert under the moonlight. A heart gradually floated, as if it had wings and flew far away.


Yin Ren, where are you now? Can you hear me? Did you really find the magic doctor of Shangqiu, or did you go somewhere and forget me, or, really, as they said, it is no longer there, and I can't find it anymore.


In the past ten years, I have traveled to many places, such as Jiangnan Water Township, Southern Xinjiang Wasteland, Northern Icefield, and Western Desert. I have visited many countries and met a lot of people. I drew your portrait and pasted it all the way from Yumenguan along the Silk Road to Kashgar Lake. Unimaginable, I actually saw it. After the ancient city, I rode a fierce horse. I climbed over Mount Pi and went to the summer that I hated the most. I almost lost my life there several times. I even went to Rome. If it hadn't been for the rebellion of the local residents, I might have gone to Alexandria. I also went to the Persian Gulf and followed the caravan. At the mouth of India, I went to Pakistan and went to so many places.


Every time, I thought that there was no need to go any further. He would not be there, but I just wanted to turn around and thought, what if he was in front of me, so I continued to walk, getting farther and farther, and farther, and gradually I didn't even remember the direction of my home.


How ridiculous. I may have never had a home. You are no longer here. Can I still have a home?


But Yin Ren, why have I walked so many places and still haven't found you? I heard that Shangqiu is an alien tribe initiated from the West, so I went all the way to find the former residence of the Shangqiu family, but I still haven't heard from you.


Ten years, how many more decades will it take for me to see you again? Didn't you say you wanted to sail with me? Didn't you say you wanted to travel around the world with me? Didn't you say you wanted to see what the country on the other side of the sea looks like? Do you know that day at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, I saw a man in purple in a Han robe. I thought I had finally found you, so I shouted and rushed forward, but the man turned around with a completely strange face. That was the first time I cried after I decided to start looking for you. All my hopes seemed to have been dashed. I knelt on the beach and cried for two days. When I woke up, half of my body was already soaked in the sea and was almost washed away by the waves. I thought it would be good if it was washed away like this. In that way, maybe God would open. Eyes, rush me to your side.


Yin Ren, you once said that on the last night, you said that I am the strongest person in the world, and I will survive no matter what happens, but you don't know that I will be strong only by your side. Because I know that no matter how scarred I am, there will always be someone waiting for me behind me, wiping my tears at night, taking off my boots, and putting on thick clothes for me. When the wind blows, you can block me. When it snows, you can hug me. When it's dark, you will palm the lamp for me at night. Waiting for me to go home.


Now that the man is gone, and I have lost everything, so even if I am soaked in the sea, even if I am buried by yellow sand in the desert several times, no one will frown painfully.


Yinren, Yinren, I miss you so much, I really want to see you, I really want to hear you, I really want to smell you, I want to see you, no matter where you are, whether it is life or death, I want to follow you, even if it is trembling, painful despair, it is better than such a loss, waiting for a vague hope.


Yin Ren, today is the fifth day after leaving you. I finally have the courage to write down your name and embark on a journey to find you. I don't know how far this road will go and how many years it will take. Although the world is big, there is no place where my feet can't walk. I firmly believe that as long as I want to find it, there will be a day when I will find it. You once said that I am the strongest person in the world. No matter what happens, I will not be defeated. I won't admit defeat like this, and you can't. I will definitely take you back to our home. Don't go too far, just stand still and wait for me.


Yinren, today is the 20th day of separation. I arrived at Dongting Lake. Now it is autumn. The people here are busy collecting wheat. The scenery here is very good, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, quiet and peaceful. The father-in-law at the foot of the lake is very good. He agreed to let me leave the letter. He will keep it for passing pedestrians and help find you. I went to town yesterday and met a yellow puppy on my way back. I looked at the abandoned puppy and suddenly thought of myself. Am I the same? Have I been abandoned by you? Unconsciously, tears fell.


Yinren, when I arrived in Dongqi, the maple leaves are red and colorful. I think you will like this place. I carved a lot of words on the maple tree in Tianlang Mountain. I think maybe one day when you pass by here and see these words I carved, you will suddenly think of me and then come to me. Boss Yu Ji in the capital promised to send a message for me, but I don't know when you can see it. Yin Ren, it's been a year. Where are you?


Yinren, I'm writing to you in the house by Pengyang Lake now. It has been two years. I have almost visited the customs, but I still haven't heard from you. That day in Bi Jiuzhai in southern Xinjiang, I suddenly felt that you might be waiting for me in Pengyang, so I rushed back quickly. Yin Ren, I'm still not strong enough. I cried again. I haven't cried for a long time since you left. Tears can never solve any problems, but sometimes, I really can't control it.


Yin Ren, I decided to leave Guannei and go to the Western Regions. Maybe I should wait for you here than running around aimlessly. But there is always a voice shouting in my ear, saying that as long as you go a little further and stick to it, maybe I can see you. Yin Ren, I'm going to get out of the customs. The desert outside the customs is vast, and the sand is as yellow as the sea. Will you be there?


Yinren, it has been nine years and two months. Yesterday, when I passed through Kashgar Lake, I suddenly found white hair on my head. The sand in the desert was very strong, and the sun was very poisonous. My face was rough by the wind, and my fingers were full of cocoons. Last month, I encountered a sandstorm, and all my camels and luggage were lost. If I hadn't met the caravan, I may not be able to write to you anymore. Yin Ren, your Saier can't live after all. She is getting old, and the gods and Buddhas all over the sky are watching her, but no one can give her a hint. Yin Ren, there is Pishan Mountain in front of you. Will I see you after climbing over that mountain? Further ahead, it's Jingjie City. Will you be there? Further forward, there is Xia, Roba, and Persia... Yin Ren, will you be there?


The sandstorm passed, and the woman's thin body was thrown to the ground fiercely

The thin and thin woman collapsed and cried on the ground.

Who lost to whom? Who can't leave the past and live persistently in memories? Ten years have passed. Yin Ren, have you forgotten me?

I suddenly found that the world is really big. There are really places where my feet can't reach. My strength turned out to be only so small.

Yin Ren, the corners of my eyes have begun to wrinkle. I'm really no longer young. How many years will it take and how many more ways to walk before I can find you and take you home?


There was a dead silence in the desert, and there were giant black birds hovering in the sky. The thick smoke of the torch rose high, drawing traces of sadness in mid-air. The woman's body was as thin as a grass. The corners of her eyes gradually became warm, but there were no tears flowing down. She lay sideways in the sand with her eyes open. Indifferently, he looked at the floating spiritual flag with such soft eyes. If there is really a god and Buddha, please bless him to live health, and then wait for me to find him. One day, I will find him.
