Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 61 Yan Hyo and the Corolla Snake

The Yin-crowned Snake is very puzzled about the contradictions caused by Xiang Chen, and he is also very annoying. Generally speaking, two completely different attributes will constantly restrain each other. The dark-crowned snake hates heat, because the power of the dark has a strong cold attribute. Xiang Chen's flame power is exactly the opposite of this cold attribute.

It is reasonable that the two forces will fight infinitely. In fact, the Yin-crowned snake felt a strong restraint, but while this attribute was restrained, the Yin-crowned snake also found that the other party's flame could absorb the cold power it released. This is beyond the imagination of the snake.

Of course, Xiang Chen didn't know the feeling of the Yin-crowned snake, and he didn't even feel anything wrong with his flame. It's just a faint feeling that while releasing the flame, something will be absorbed to supplement the consumption of your spiritual power. Xiang Chen had already noticed this when he was in the secret place of the Yan clan. He also experienced it when he fought against Fang Hong in Ling Tiancheng, so Xiang Chen did not feel much surprised, but regarded it as an inevitable effect after practicing the Yanling formula.

Xiang Chen didn't feel anything, but the Yin-crowned snake felt very uncomfortable, coupled with Lin Teng's attack. The snake felt the pressure for the first time and became more hateful for Xiang Chen and Lin Teng.

Hatred, a very strange emotion. The explosion is an amazing destructive force, especially this hatred occurs in very powerful creatures, such as the pubic-crowned snake in front of us.

After feeling that his majesty was challenged and his life was threatened, he immediately stormed away.


A strong fluctuation suddenly occurred around the shade-crowned snake. Then there seemed to be a whirlwind spinning around the shady snake.

At the same time, Xiang Chen and Lin Teng both felt a deep cold. Of course, the cultivation attributes of the two people are the most prominent among the people, and this feeling has also been weakened a little. The few women standing aside waiting for the opportunity to move were different. They all felt very uncomfortable with this cold power, especially Jiang Yingxue, who herself was poisoned by the cold. Once again felt the cold gas. It seemed that the poison sealed in her body also began to move stupidly. Her soft posture actually turned out to be in the cage of the power of coldness. There was a tremor under the cover.


At this time, a small figure emerged from Jiang Yingxue's sleeve. As soon as the little figure came out, it began to magnify by itself until it was more than three feet long before stopping.

It was the Yanhao that appeared. It seemed to feel Jiang Yingxue's uneasiness in Jiang Yingxue's sleeve, so it burst out at the first time.

At the moment of coming out, a flame barrier was also formed, covering Jiang Yingxue, Hua Xiaoxiao and Lin Yiyi.


At the moment when the Yanhoil appeared, the pubic-crowned snake seemed to feel something in his heart. After a burst of attack, it retreated a distance. The two triangular eyes stared at the loach without blinking, and the long snake letter kept swallowing, and even the red crown on its head stood up, as if something happened to make it very uneasy.

The performance of the loach is similar, but it does not have a snake letter, but the long beards at the corners of his mouth also fluttered with the wind. Obviously, he is also very scrupulous about the pubic-crowned snake, as if he has met a natural enemy.

This is indeed the case. The yin-crowned snake and the Yan mandarin are happy to be hot and cold. It is difficult for them to meet together at all, but once they meet, they will never die.

Once, the silver-crowned yin-crowned snake of the Yinfeng clan fought fiercely with the fire dragon beast of the head of the Yan clan for several days, but the fire dragon beast could only rank second among all the spirit beasts with fire attributes. The first one was the fire dragon dragon dragon that claimed to burn everything in time. The predecessor of this famous fire dragon dragon dragon was Yanhao.

As a leader in cultivating the power of darkness, the predecessor of the silver-crowned yin-crowned snake is the red-crowned snake in front of us. The attributes of the two are completely compatible, and the shape of the body is similar. Of course, the size difference is too big. Even if the phloach grows to be more than three feet long, it is obviously much smaller than the ten-foot-long snake.

However, the hot mandarin is born from the will of flame and is a congenital fire attribute creature. However, the pubic-crowned snake belongs to a kind of creature that likes to be cold and is born from fetal eggs, which is not as good as the phew.

Therefore, although this crested snake is huge, its real strength is similar to that of a wonton that is only more than two meters long.

In fact, it was also a coincidence that Yan Mo could be subdued by Xiang Chen at the beginning. First, he was young and did not be too wary of Xiang Chen. In addition, Xiang Chen's attributes make Yanyou like it very much. If the strength of Yanloach breaks out and fights with Xiang Chen, it is impossible for Xiang Chen to subdue it.

Even in the original secret place of the Yan clan, Yan wondy not show all his strength. One Yan wondy did not regard Wu Xiong as a sworn enemy. In addition, the Wu Xiong of the stone clan is indeed powerful.

However, the current situation is different. As soon as the loach and the yin-crowned snake meet, they are like seeing their natural enemies, and both sides become nervous.

Xiang Chen is now next to the Yanyou, and he also seems to feel the mood swing of Yanyou.


Yanho's mouth screamed twice, as if he was telling Chen something?

"Do you want to fight it?"

Xiang Chen looked at Yan Tao, but his eyes were full of surprises. Since Yanyou followed him, he has never seen Yanyou take the initiative to fight, but today it is different. Although Yanyou is a little nervous, Xiang Chen can feel its fighting spirit.


"The little head of the phewage fluctuates up and down, as if it were nodding.

This guy is awesome, are you sure? Although Xiang Chen knew that the strength of Yanyou was not weak, he really competed with this Yin-crowned snake, but Xiang Chen also sweated a lot for Yanyou.


After listening to Xiang Chen's words, Yan Oo suddenly raised his little head high and showed an arrogant look, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Xiang Chen's suspicion.

"Well, since you want to fight with the gloomy-crowned snake on this day, I won't stop it. Be careful and don't force yourself!" Xiang Chen knew that Yan Loach's wisdom was no worse than that of an adult, so he gave him two more instructions.

This time, Yan won't respond to Xiang Chen. He has turned his head and stared straight at the crown snake, but behind Yan wonton has been completely thrown to Xiang Chen.

"It seems that this little thing's trust in you has improved a lot, and even his back has been handed over to you. It's really enviable!" Lin Teng saw Yan Doo's behavior clearly, but he felt more and more surprised.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to fully trust between monsters and humans. Even if monsters admit their identity as human owners, they will not easily hand over their back to each other. This is the biggest difference between monsters and humans. Monsters will always be alert, both to monsters and humans. However, today, Yan Loach did not hesitate to sell it to Xiang Chen, which shows that Yan Loach's trust in Xiang Chen has increased.

Actually, without Lin Teng, Xiang Chen also felt something. Yan donut used to maintain a vigilance when he was with him. Even in his robe sleeves, he would always pay attention to Xiang Chen's behavior, but just now, Xiang Chen clearly felt that Yan wonton's alertness against him had weakened a lot.

It is said that raising war pets can increase your combat strength, but trust between the two is essential to maximize the strength of people and war pets.

Some people raised powerful war pets, but did not communicate with war pets. As a result, at the last moment of the battle, the two had no tacit understanding at all, and the combat power of war pets could not be maximized.

However, the gap between Xiangchen and Yanyou has begun to narrow. As long as time takes, I believe that the cooperation between the two people will become more tacit.


The Yanho and the crested snake looked at each other for a long time, and finally the crested snake couldn't hold back first. It was noon when Xiang Chen and others arrived here, but it was not the most poisonous time of the sun. Now that the sun has turned around, the temperature here has risen higher and higher. The corolla snake has felt that the temperature here makes it a little uncomfortable. However, at this time, the breath of Yanho became stronger, and the vaginal-crowned snake felt that Yanho was about to do it. So he took the first step and planned to suppress the momentum of the wonton. As long as the sun sets, the advantage of this battle will return to the hands of the Yin-crowned snake again.


However, the pubic-crowned snake underestimated the phewage. Although Yanhao is not big, he is a proud guy, and how can he be easily scared by the vaginal-crowned snake?

While seeing the crested snake rushing towards him, its body also turned into flames to meet it.


The breath of Yanyou is extremely hot, while the breath emitted by the Yin-crowned snake is full of the power of darkness. As soon as the two came into contact in the air, they immediately made a series of light explosions, like ignited firecrackers.


Between the swallowing of the snake, a small ball formed by the power of darkness flew out of its mouth and directly attacked the Yanhove.


The phew refused to show weakness. The little head twisted, and it was also a small red ball.

The small ball spit out by the loach is much smaller than the gloomy power of the yin-crowned snake, but the momentum is not weak at all.

What the yin-crowned snake spits out is the power of its refining, which is very domineering. However, the power released by the Yandao is more domineering. The ball spit out by the wonton is not an ordinary ball, it is the spirit of fire. Only life derived from the flame like the phroach can release such energy.

Of course, although the energy released by the wonton is higher in quality, it does not mean that it can easily overwhelmed snakes. After all, in terms of quantity, the energy of the scorpion snake is dozens of times better than the energy released by the phroach.

If the energy ball released by the crested snake is similar to basketball, then the energy released by the phew is similar to table tennis.


The two energies quickly met in mid-air, followed by a loud noise, and then a mushroom cloud rose.