Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 111 Return with a full load

Fire spiritual power is the most active spiritual power, and the destructive power is also the best of all spiritual forces. People who practice the spiritual power of fire are generally only superficially destructive, and few people will pursue precise control of the spiritual power of fire. Because it is not only difficult but also very dangerous. Once the fire spirit is counterattacked, most of the people who control the fire spirit will be more and less auspicious.

Xiang Chen chose to do this, which is also a helpless move. In the spirit bowl, the spirit of fire cannot be absorbed clean and can be replenished at any time, especially in the underground magma river, which is very rich in the spirit of fire. It is almost impossible to add the spirit of fire in the spirit bowl.

Therefore, Xiang Chen chose the highly difficult fine control of fire spirit.

Of course, the reason why Xiang Chen dares to do this is also depended on it. His own bloodline of the Yan clan has strengthened his control over the spirit of fire. In addition, the general spirit of fire spirit has limited damage to the blood of the Yan clan.

However, this does not mean that it will be easy for Xiang Chen to control the spiritual power of fire.

It's like a Hercules. He can throw heavy stones, but it's not so easy for him to throw stones to the designated position.

The same is true for Xiang Chen's desire to finely control the spiritual power of fire. There is a very vector name on the way to practice, called into Wei. Many people who are far above Xiangchen can't control their spiritual power.

It takes several conditions to control spiritual power. First of all, you need to have a full understanding of a certain spiritual power, so that you can understand the characteristics of spiritual power.

Secondly, it is necessary to have a certain tolerance to spiritual power, so that it can withstand the impact of spiritual power. Xiang Chen has an inherent advantage. He is the bloodline of the Yan clan and is very close to the spiritual power of fire.

Finally, and most importantly, that is the mind. Fine control is the most exhausting. If the power of the mind is strong, it will greatly enhance the success rate of fine control.

Of course, a certain amount of luck is still needed, especially for people like Xiang Chen who have not reached the micro level. If you want to control it carefully, the role of luck is more prominent.

From time to time, there was a vibration sound on Xiang Chen's body, and the dark flame kept changing.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, Xiang Chen has tried to adjust the time for half an hour, but the effect received is not obvious. The barrier formed by the spiritual power of the pure fire is very stable, and there is no sign of being broken through.

Xiang Chen is not going to give up and is still insisting.


Finally, another wave of fluctuations hit, but this time, unlike before, the spiritual wave on Xiang Chen's body almost broke out at the same time as the spiritual wave on the fire spiritual barrier.

"Finally, we can reach synchronization, but this is not enough. We need to have the same fluctuation frequency and intensity!" Feeling the fluctuation on the fire spiritual barrier showed excitement to Chen's face.

It turned out that those waves were all attempts to keep up with the fluctuation frequency of this barrier. This attempt was obviously successful. After this series of actions, Xiang Chen finally figured out the law of the spiritual operation of this small barrier, and at the same time, he tried to get closer to it. However, it will take more time to fully achieve consistency and integrate into this small barrier.


Far from Xiangchen, Yanloach is also trying. It is the essence of fire itself, and it is much more proficient in using fire spiritual power than Xiangchen. However, the progress of the loach is not as fast as Xiang Chen. It is also fire, different types of flames, and the spiritual power of fire contained in it is also different.

For example, the small barrier condensed by the spiritual power of fire in front of us is a kind of arranging the spiritual machine of fire in the closest and orderly manner. The spiritual power of fire contained in the general flame will not reach this concentration at all. People who can create such a spiritual barrier, whether it is imagination, strength or fire. The control ability of spiritual power must have reached a very high level.

Therefore, for a while, Yanyou can't adapt to this extremely high concentration of fire spiritual arrangement. It is too difficult. Once it is not handled well, it will cause counterphagy, or even explosion. Even Yanyou have to be careful.

With the passage of time, the fluctuation of fire spirit from Xiangchen's body and Yanyou's body is becoming more and more violent.


Finally, the fluctuation of fire spirit on Xiang Chen reached a high point. At this moment, there was also a wave on the barrier touched by his hands. With this wave, a circle of ripples suddenly gushed out on the small barrier.

At the same time, Xiang Chen's body also began to slowly decline, and it was actually integrated with this barrier. His body was wrapped in a thick black flame and gradually sank into the barrier.

Xiang Chen was overjoyed, but he did not show much excitement, but became calmer. In fact, this is the most dangerous moment. His body is wrapped in fire spiritual power, and these fire spiritual forces are not owned by himself. Once these fire spiritual forces occur*, Xiang Chen, who is wrapped in fire spiritual power, must be bombarded so that there is no scum left.

In this case, although Xiang Chen was a little excited, he did not dare to be careless.

The speed of Xiang Chen's integration into this fire spiritual barrier is not fast, or even very slow. After about an hour, his legs were half full.

Of course, Xiang Chen is not in a hurry. It can be said that now that his idea has been half completed, as long as he continues to control it carefully, he can enter this barrier.

Xiang Chen's idea is true. If he finds a way, everything will become smooth. With the passage of time, Xiangchen became more and more proficient in adjusting his spiritual fluctuations, and at the same time, his speed of integrating into the barrier became faster and faster.


Xiang Chen's side has had a lot of effect, and Yan Oo finally found its own way. After a series of adjustments, the spiritual power fluctuation on Yanyou's body finally began to merge with this small fire spiritual barrier. It has an innate advantage. After finding the fusion point, the fusion speed is even faster than Xiangchen.

The posture of the hot mandarin is still head down, resisting the barrier formed by the spirit of fire with the sharp corners of the head. This one-horn on the head of Yanyou is his biggest weapon to control the spiritual power of fire. The fire spiritual power that can be perceived on this sharp corner is several times that of the body. With such a ** organ, the obstacle for the flame dond to integrate into this fire spiritual barrier is much smaller than that of Xiang Chen.

About two hours later, two waves of spiritual power were emitted again on this barrier. At the same time, the bodies of Xiang Chen and Yan Oo completely disappeared from this small barrier almost at the same time.

It took half a day, and Xiang Chen and Yan Oo finally successfully entered the interior of this small barrier.

Inside the small barrier, it is completely different from the outside. The fire outside is very spiritual, but it is full of magma, but there is not a drop of magma in this barrier, replaced by flames, which are everywhere with black flames, almost the same as the flames on Xiangchen and Yanyou.

"Why do I feel like this place is specially prepared for us?" Yan Loach looked at the surging black flames around him, and his eyes were full of surprises.

The flame temperature here is extremely high, and even the yanon feels a little baked. Even if ordinary people enter this barrier, they will be baked to death in an instant.

"It's really so much. It really seems to be prepared for both of us!" Xiang Chen was also a little surprised to look at the flames here.

The environment here, the barrier, and Xiang Chen have no unexpected look. Only this black flame had to surprise Xiang Chen.

The overlord is the ancestor of the Yan clan. The use of fire spiritual power has reached a very high level. It is not surprising that he will put the treasures left to future people in the magma river in the meeting. Strangely, he put all his treasures in this black flame, so only designated people can enter.

Since Xiang Chen knew that his bloodline of the Yan clan awakened, he found that his flame was different from the flame in the inheritance of the Yan clan. This flame did not even know the origin of Xiang Chen. He always thought that his flame had undergone some mutation, but after arriving here, Xiang Chen's mind changed, and the flame he mastered and this small The flame in the barrier is exactly the same, indicating that the overlord has planned to leave this batch of treasures. Even if the bloodline of the general Yan clan awakens, it is impossible to enter it recently. As long as people with black flames like the flames here can enter it.

Why does the overlord leave these things to those who have black flames? Is the flames of the overlord himself as black as himself? Many questions appeared in Xiang Chen's mind, and many previous ideas were overturned at this moment.

"Brother, what are you thinking? Let's collect the baby first. I'm afraid that those people outside will be roasted dry after a long time!" Yan Tao looked at Xiang Chen for a long time and found that Xiang Chen frowned in a daze, and finally couldn't help reminding him.

"Well, we will start collecting the baby now, but pay attention to the movement around you!" Xiang Chendao.

"I see!" After saying that, Yano couldn't wait to start to act.

It turns out that Xiang Chen is actually a little worried. In this place covered by black flames, life is difficult to survive, and naturally nothing can pose a threat to both of them.

The search speed of the two people was very fast, but in an hour, everything here was wiped out.

Most of the things have been transferred to Xiangchen's mustard bracelet. Fortunately, Xiangchen's mustard bracelet is large enough space, otherwise it really can't hold so many things.

Of course, there are also some things that have been swallowed up by Yan wonton. For example, there are four sets of claw covers, which are absolutely top-quality spiritual weapons. The shape is almost tailor-made for Yanhao. The size is a little larger and almost does not match its front claws safely. This made Yanyou very excited and directly buckled it down and became his own.

In this regard, Xiang Chen just smiled and didn't say anything more. Yanyou's strength has increased, which means that his strength has increased.

In addition to the claw cover, the phew also found an armor, which seems to be tailor-made for the phew. Xiang Chen looked at Yanyou's dress and fell into meditation again.

The overlord is really clever. It's okay to expect him to come. How can even Yanyou deliberately customize a high-level spiritual weapon for Yanyou in his expectation? All this made Xiang Chen more curious about the mysterious ancestor of the Yan clan.

"Brother, there seems to be a word on it!" Just as Xiang Chen was meditating, the voice of Yan Loach echoed in Xiang Chen's mind again