Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 264 Anti-Devour

"Do you want to devour the heavenly way?" After listening to what the fire spirit said, Xiang Chen's heart sank slightly. With his current strength, he may be able to open a space crack, but it is not easy to break the space directly.

Moreover, the small world in the swallowing beast is completely different from the small world of the mammoth family's spiritual tomb. Even if Xiang Chen cuts a space crack, it is impossible to get out of it. Because this small world is alive and controlled by the swallowing beast, as long as the idea of the swallowing beast moves, the space cracks cut out to Chen will merge again. In addition, this small world with a master is completely different from the refined small world. It is hard to say whether Xiang Chen's strength can really cut out a space crack.

You know, since this swallowing beast has its own small world, it is at least a fairy beast. The fairy beast is one level higher than the spirit beast, and its strength is comparable to that of the master who has survived the beheading disaster.

With so many restrictions, Xiangchen has only one way to go out from here, that is, he understands the way of devouring heaven and builds his own road, and counter-devours the way of heaven. In this way, it may be able to eliminate it from the inside of the swallowing beast.

"Yes, with our strength, staying here for a period of time will not be digested. As long as we can understand and devouring the way of heaven during this period, we will be saved!" Fire spirit.

"Well, but I've only heard of this devouring heaven, but I haven't seen it. How can I understand it?" Xiang Chen was a little embarrassed. He had also heard of devouring the way of heaven, but now he has never felt anything. It is more difficult to understand and devouring the way of heaven without any induction.

"I don't have a clue about this, but since the whole space here is built by devouring heaven, I think as long as we seriously understand this small world, maybe we can understand the devouring heaven." In the face of Xiang Chen's question, the fire spirit did not have a better answer. He could only cross the river by feeling the stone and take it step by step.

"Well, but we need to act separately and rely on our own methods to feel the devouring of heaven, which is more likely!" When Xiang Chen spoke, a wave of spiritual power appeared on his body, and then the bodies of the fire dragon dragon and the ghost tiger also appeared.

Since these two guys entered the spiritual beast level, they have practiced more hard, and they have been hiding in the spirit bowl to practice every day. Of course, their strength has also improved very quickly. It is estimated that if they are given another year or two, they will be able to successfully advance to immortal beasts.

The strength of the fairy beast is not comparable to that of the spirit beast, so this time Xiang Chen also called them out. The two guys' minds are very flexible and their strength is not weak, and there is no extreme power in the small world created by the swallowing beast, and the fire dragon dragon and the ghost tiger will not feel uncomfortable here.

Summoned the Nether Tiger and the Fire Dragon Jiao, and told Chen his thoughts to them roughly. The fire dragon and the ghost tiger have no objection to Xiang Chen's decision. After all, they don't want to stay here all the time, so it is necessary to realize that devouring the way of heaven as soon as possible.


Xiang Chen and the fire dragon dragon, the ghost tiger, the fire spirit, the earth essence and the gold essence each stood in one direction, and then began to feel the way of devouring heaven.

Devouring Heaven is a very special heavenly way among the three thousand heavens. He can absorb all power and make it his own strength.

This is also an opportunity for Xiangchen and the fire dragon dragon, the ghost tiger, the fire essence, the earth essence and the golden essence, and an opportunity to understand the way of devouring heaven.


Xiang Chen put all his energy on sensing and devouring the heavenly way, and I don't know how long it has been. Xiang Chen suddenly felt that a lot of silk threads appeared around him. These silk threads were very familiar to him, which were the law of silk threads.

The other end connected with the law thread is the heavenly way. After feeling the law thread around him, Xiang Chen's heart sank slightly. Because he found that these rules were extracting vitality from his body. Although the speed was so slow that he could hardly feel it, if it took a long time, it would be difficult to say his fate.

Seeing these laws and silk threads, Xiang Chen's energy is also more concentrated. He doesn't want to be swallowed up like this, so he must master the devouring heaven and get out of this small space built by the swallowing beast.

Time passed little by little, and Xiang Chen was completely unaware that all his thoughts were on the silk thread of the law. After a long time, the silk threads of those laws finally became extremely clear. At the other end of the silk threads of these laws, Xiang Chen found a wide road. This achievement shines strongly, even above the thunder road he built.

"It seems that the so-called devouring Tao is not the real devouring Tao, but with this as a reference, I don't think it will be too far from the day when I understand the devouring Tao!" A trace of enlightenment flashed in Xiang Chen's heart.

The swallowing beast is equivalent to a master of human beings who have survived the disaster, so its devouring heaven should not be the real devouring way. Instead, it is a road close to heaven built by itself.


made up his mind and began to fully deduce the devouring road built by the swallowing beast.

is completely different from building the Thunder Avenue. Xiang Chen does not master the power of devouring. If it has something to do with the power of devouring, I'm afraid it is his ability to absorb other spiritual forces in his black flame.

Xiang Chen also began to deduce over and over again from the characteristics of absorbing spiritual power contained in his black flame.

Gradually, a road also appeared in Xiang Chen's mind, which is somewhat similar to the road of the swallowing beast he had seen before, but the ability to devour is much smaller.


With his own devouring road, Xiang Chen began a new round of attempts to connect his road with the road controlled by the swallowing beast, as if his Thunder Avenue was connected with the Thunder Tiandao.

Now Xiang Chen has regarded the small world in the swallowing beast as a thirty-six blessed land, and has connected his road with the master of this small world.

At this time, Xiang Chen suddenly had an idea of taking risks. That is to use the devouring road you have built to directly devouring the road of devouring the beast.

However, it is very dangerous to do so. The devouring road of the swallowing beast has been completed, and he is much more proficient in using it than Xiang Chen. Once Xiang Chen's plan fails, he himself will also be swallowed up by the swallowing beast. Because his devouring road is built according to the devouring road of the swallowing beast, from a certain point of view, it is the same as the devouring beast, and the same things devouring each other will not have any exclusion at all.

"Try it anyway!" Xiang Chenxin opened his own way of devouring and establishing a connection with the devouring way of swallowing the sky beast.


After a long time, Xiang Chen felt that his head suddenly fainted and a strong sleepiness came.

"You can't faint, you can't sleep!" Xiang Chen clenched his fists and bit his lips hard, trying to keep himself awake.

At this time, Xiang Chen suddenly had a feeling that he had been fooled. The swallowing beast swallowed them, probably because they built their own road by referring to the devouring road, and when the road was built, they were plundering and devouring. This is to improve the devouring road of the swallowing beast itself.

Now, Xiang Chen can only try to stay awake. Only in this way can he ensure that his devouring road will not be swallowed up.

"What should I do?" Xiang Chen was very anxious, and his mind kept turning and began to think about countermeasures.

"Fight!" After several thoughts, Xiang Chen suddenly crossed his heart and integrated his soul into the devouring road that had just been built.


The power of Xiang Chen's soul, together with the devouring road he built, entered the devouring road of the swallowing beast.

"We must find the core of this devouring road!" Xiang Chen integrated his consciousness with the devouring road he built, and tried not to devour the devouring road of the swallowing beast.

shua shua......

Xiang Chen urged to devour the road with his consciousness and began to look around.

The devouring road of the swallowing beast is much larger than Xiangchen's devouring avenue. He can only find the core of the devouring road of the swallowing beast by wandering around.

Xiang Chen is also a master of Tiandaojing, so he knows that there is a core area in each built avenue. As long as this core area is controlled, he can directly take over the avenue. There should also be a core area on the road of the swallowing beast. Only by finding this core area and successfully taking over can we complete the anti-devouring and plunder the devouring road of the swallowing beast.