God of War

Chapter 39 Another Time and Space

What Xuanyuan didn't know was that in another time and space, Meng Ling continued the memory he forgot.

"Shilty, don't forget to go to the dormitory tonight. Come to the flower bed in Building 7 and 8 at 6:30 and send you something. Let's discuss more about how to let the first-man children join our association. Chu Fuhao's low voice with slightly Linyi dialect was not distorted at all due to the phone. Meng Ling suspected that his mobile phone had far surpassed the Nokia series and the iPhone series.

Look at the time displayed in the lower right corner of the notebook, 6:00. Ma Cao (four tones) egg, I haven't eaten yet. Forget it, I won't eat it. Let's hurry up and read some more materials, and then show the charm of my seniors in front of the primary school girls. Meng Ling, who began to mean yin again, entered "How to make your schoolgirl fall in love with you at first sight" on the Internet.

"Rich man, tell you something. It's a little inconvenient for girls to go to the boys' dormitory alone. It's better to match with men and women. Cui Xue, known as "Yang Guifei", proposed.

"Well, yes. Safety is a big problem for girls to go to the boys' dormitory alone. The regular champion, who has always believed that silence is gold, is also scrambling to express his opinions.

"Well, it's better to match men and women." Qu Jinfeng, Han Beibei and others echoed.

"Lucky, what do you think?" Chu Fuhao threw the problem to Dai Jixiang, one of the vice presidents.

"Well, I can handle it myself. Let them match it themselves. There are only seven copies of our brochure, but we have twelve people. It's okay to work in pairs. Dai Jixiang meditated a little.

"Bobo, Honghui, what do you think?" Chu Fuhao still wants to ask for the opinions of the other two vice-presidents.

"It's okay." Cai Jingbo from Zhejiang replied in her unique speed and tone. The thirteen councils of the Environmental Association this time are handsome and beautiful. If the five boys are ranked by appearance, Meng Ling's appearance can only be ranked last. As for the eight girls, they are even more amazing. Three of them are in the top ten of the school beauty list, and the other five are slightly inferior, but if the school beauty list really goes down, it is estimated that they will be within 100.

Although handsomeness and beauty are not the decisive factors for freshmen to join the Environmental Association, it is undeniable that outstanding appearance is very attractive. Xiaoxi, the president of the last term, thought of this and left them behind.

Appearance is one side, and ability is another side. Maybe some of them will be slightly worse than the student union, but there are also many people who have caught up with the student union. For example, Cai Jingbo, Chu Fuhao, Zhu Houkai, Dai Jixiang, Li Yankai and others have all worked in the student union for a year. As for why you don't choose to stay in the student union and choose a club that is not as good as the student union in everyone's eyes, the reasons are well known.

At this time, everyone has been divided into groups. Zhu Houkai and Cui Xue went to Building 10 (boy dormitory). Qu Jinfeng, Chu Fuhao, Chang champion group, go to Building 8 (women's dormitory). Yu Xinxin and Sun Xinxin went to Building 10. Han Beibei and Li Yan opened a group and went to Building 8. Liu Honghui and Cai Jingbo work in groups and go to the first and second floors of the southern district of Building 7 (where the first-old girls live). On behalf of Jixiang, he flew alone, found his fellow villagers according to the list, and accepted new ones at the same time. Meng Ling was still alone and went to the second floor of the southern district of Building 8 (the girls in his department live here).

Now is the time for the Eight Immortals to cross the sea and show their magical power. The number of people will determine their personal charm.

In terms of appearance, Meng Ling can also rank about 100 in the "school hunk list", and his lazy and magnetic voice should have attracted talents, especially these first-year primary school girls. But that's not the case tonight. Perhaps, as a fortune teller said, Meng Ling will have been going well recently, especially emotional problems.

Everyone started to go to the dormitory at seven o'clock. By nine o'clock, almost everyone had accepted four or five new students, except for Meng Ling.

It's already 9:10. Meng Ling, who is wandering on the second floor of the South District of Building 8, rubbed his face hard and secretly said to himself: Am I ugly? Is my voice not magnetic? Why have I talked for a long time? They are just polite words such as 'Speers, we are very interested in the Environmental Protection Association, but we have just arrived and are not familiar with everything. We will call you after we have decided in a few days. So the current situation is that Meng Ling left a lot of phone calls, but no one was accepted.

Now Meng Ling has a dry mouth. Looking up at the dormitory number: 213.

"This is the only one. If they don't add it to their dormitory, I won't leave. Hey? 213? Isn't the beautiful woman in the whole school in 213? Hey hey, go in and see what the super beauty looks like. Meng Ling pulled the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a smile that he thought was very attractive.


"Ah, I'm so tired. It's half past ten. Those primary school girls are really good at talking and have a lot of problems. I asked them to ask questions. The legendary beauty is really, very good. Oh, what a pity. No, you must drink water hard when you go back, otherwise you will get angry, which will affect your image. Meng Ling, who staggered, said to himself naturally as he walked with a straight waist. Meng Ling was very happy at this time and did not feel depressed at all because he didn't pull a person. Because he talked to the legendary super beauty Huang Xun for more than an hour!

"Xun'er, what do you think of the senior who came to our dormitory to promote?" Wang Xiaoyun, from 213 dormitory in the southern district of Building 8, asked Huang Xun, the rumored super beauty.

This Huang Xun caused a big earthquake as soon as he came to school. All the boys in the school met and said, "Do you know that there is a super beauty in our school, named Huang Xun, in dormitory 213, South District, Building 8."

At this time, this super beauty is right in front of us. It's really, really beautiful. It is absolutely at the national level. The graceful figure and peerless face, especially those bright and clear eyes like black gems, are simply the perfect masterpiece of heaven. Such a beautiful woman must have a very privileged family. How can such a fairy-like figure come to such a second-rate school and live in the same dormitory with other girls? Shouldn't all beautiful women at this level have a cleanliness fetish? It's incredible. Is she here for our protagonist?

"Look at your nymphomaniac, which senior are you talking about? There are a lot of seniors coming to our dormitory today. Huang Xun's words are not as arrogant as a peerless beauty should have, but a little mischievous. In this way, Huang Xun quickly got together with the other four people in the dormitory. After all, the charm of beautiful women is great, especially the approachable beauty.

To be honest, Wang Xiaoyun's appearance is also above average. If she dresses carefully, she is also the kind of first-class beauty with flies flying behind her. It's just compared with Huang Xun, no, it's really incomparable. Huang Xun's beauty is no longer indescribable.

"That's it. How about Meng Ling? His voice is so magnetic. Wang Xiaoyun obviously didn't care about Huang Xun's saying that she was a "nymphomaniac". Maybe she was talked about too much.

"You said he, I don't remember." Huang Xun thought about it carefully for a while and said lightly.

"Yes, a beautiful woman at the level of our Xiner is nothing. She doesn't even deserve to carry shoes for our Xiner, right, sisters." Wang Xiaoyun planned to mobilize all the sisters in the dormitory to deal with Huang Xun's cold reaction to the Prince Charming in her heart.

"Yes, our Xiner's Prince Charming must be better than Pan An, talented as Sheng Zijian and Qian Chao Gates. Isn't it, Xiner?" Huang Xun seemed to be born with the magic of making people close. Only one day after coming to school, the other four seemed to be close friends of Huang Xun's boudoir. They no longer care about anything and said whatever they thought.

Huang Xun was not angry, and the smile at the corners of his mouth never retreated. Ying opened her mouth gently and said slowly, "Whatever you say. I'm going to bed. Just talk about you and don't talk to me."

The other four people in the dormitory knew that Huang Xun went to bed on time at 10:30 p.m. Everyone didn't want to disturb Huang Xun's rest, and they had been busy all day and tired, so the conversation gradually subdued and slowly returned to silence.

Meng Ling, who returned to the dormitory and fell asleep after washing his feet, was ready to start his magical dream.

Since the age of 16, Meng Ling has had the same dream every night. No matter how tired it was that day, as long as Meng Ling fell asleep, the dream would come by no time, but Meng Ling, who got up in the morning, did not feel tired at all. But I can't remember the content of the dream. Meng Ling only knew that it was the same dream with her extraordinary sixth sense.

Meng Ling, who is already used to it, is not surprised by this early sight, and every morning when he wakes up, he will be in a particularly good spirit. Meng Ling's brain rotation speed is definitely the fastest time of the day. Unexpectedly, someone has had the same dream for six years, and after waking up, he can't remember the content of the dream at all. If this matter makes some people know, I'm afraid that Meng Ling has already become a white mouse in the laboratory. Meng Ling did not tell them about it in order not to worry her parents. Anyway, Meng Ling thinks that this dream is not a big deal for her. Just do it.

Meng Ling opened his confused eyes and subconsciously touched the mobile phone under the pillow with his left hand.

"Get up, it's already six o'clock." Meng Ling said in his heart.

"Why do you feel so tired today? After waking up in the morning, the spirit and abnormally active thinking have disappeared, and it seems that the content of last night's dream has changed. Why can't I remember what happened in my dream? Really..." Meng Ling clenched his fist and tapped his temple a few times.

Meng Ling slept in the upper bunk. In order not to wake up the other four people in the same dormitory, Meng Ling was gentle every time she came out of bed.

The first thing after Meng Ling get out of bed is to turn on the computer and let it turn it on first. In the process of turning on the computer, Meng Ling began to wash it with his fastest speed.


After washing, Meng Ling squatted in front of the computer and began the work he had to do every day: writing novels and uploading novels.

I don't know what kind of nerve Meng Lingfa is. As an engineering student, he actually loves literature and has a strong interest in writing novels. However, as a new online author, Meng Ling's accumulation is not enough. The number of hits of the novel is worse than that of Tang Jia San Shao, I eat tomatoes and other gods.

There are two reasons for this situation. First, Meng Ling is not famous, and second, Meng Ling's novels are not attractive enough.

Meng Ling didn't pay attention to the bleak data. According to Meng Ling's theory, "writing novels is just my hobby. If the website signs a contract with me, I will be happy; if the website does not sign a contract with me, I will be calm. I'm really afraid of becoming a great god like San Shao in the future. The great god has the sorrow of the great god, and the shrimp has the fun of the shrimp. I write what I want to write, as for whether anyone reads it or not. As long as it is there, someone will see it later. History will tell everything. Whenever a student jokes about the income of Meng Ling's novels, Meng Ling will say this.

Look at the time. It's getting late. It's already seven o'clock. Pack up the computer. Buy a cake in the supermarket on the second floor and put two sausages in the middle. This is Meng Ling's breakfast. In fact, most of the boys living in Building 9 have breakfast.

Most of the college courses are boring and boring. Even if there are rich and interesting courses, they have become boring and boring again because of the teacher's own reasons.

Meng Ling's physics for a day today. Do physics experiments in the morning and three physics classes in the afternoon. This physics class is originally a rich and interesting class in Meng Ling's mouth.

"Junhua, do you think such a teacher is a failure? Or is it a failure for such a teacher to have students like us?" Looking at most of the classroom, Meng Ling had no choice but to ask his friend Liu Junhua.

Liu Junhua is looking down at his Nokia mobile phone with a serious look.

"I'm doing something very important. Let's talk about it later." Liu Junhua continued to bow his head.

Meng Ling pulled his mouth and smiled, not caring about Liu Junhua's love for him. Meng Ling knew that Liu Junhua was indeed doing a very important job at this time. Now the freshmen have begun to report that Liu Junhua, as an important member of the college student union, naturally has a lot of assigned work. And Liu Junhua is also the monitor of Meng Ling's class, so he is naturally busier.

Thinking about this, Meng Ling couldn't help thinking of Wang Jianlai in the same dormitory. Wang Jian can't help but be a deputy department of the college student union, a deputy department of the school league committee, and the vice president of the take-out * association. Just looking at these three titles, you will know that Wang Jian is probably busier than Liu Junhua. Meng Ling really knew that Wang Jian was really busy. In his freshman school, every time Meng Ling woke up from his sleep, he could hear the "pop" sound of Wang Jian tapping the keyboard.

"Compared with the two of them, I am just a small minister of the Environmental Association. Although it is very tiring to go to the dormitory every day, I am only tired these days. Besides, isn't it pleasant to see all kinds of beautiful women every day? Meng Ling smiled intriguingly at the corners of his mouth.

"Chuo, you see, Meng Ling doesn't know what he is thinking. Look at that yin smile, how do you want to seduce a sor's primary school girl? Wang Zipeng, who spoke in a strong Linyi dialect, whispered to Zhang Chunshuo sitting on his left.

"Peng Peng, don't talk nonsense. Meng Ling... Well, indeed, I dare to guarantee that he is thinking about something inappropriate for children." Zhang Chuanshuo, who originally wanted to exonerate Meng Ling from his fellow villagers, suddenly gave up the idea when he saw the saliva flowing out of Meng Ling's mouth, and instead attacked Meng Lingdao with Wang Zipeng.

The plain life always goes by quickly, and the three days are spent in class, class, and new students.

Everything changed on the fifth day of the arrival of the new life. In the evening, Meng Ling went to the girls' dormitory three days ago, but this time he was always restless and his eyebrows jumped.

"Well, senior, I'll think about it and give you an answer tomorrow." The freshman said shyly.

Meng Ling raised a smile at the corners of his mouth and said lightly, "Ha ha, today is the last day."

The schoolgirl looked at Meng Ling's very meaningful eyes and moved her lips and was about to agree. At this time, Meng Ling covered her chest with her hand, and bean sweat fell from Meng Ling's forehead. Meng Ling didn't have time to speak at all. She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Where have the schoolgirls seen this situation? They suddenly panicked. Screaming, screaming, shouting. The schoolgirl who wanted to join the Environmental Protection Association just now calmly ordered after a brief loss of distracting, "The school hospital is in Building 9. Let's send the seniors there quickly. Come on, Xiaolan, Yachen, let's carry the seniors.

Meng Ling knows the sea.

"Come with me." The best dinosaur Meng Ling saw on the first day of school was in Meng Ling's sea of knowledge at this time.

Meng Ling was afraid and said, "Where is this? You are not, not that..."

"Don't ask so much, just follow me. I just took away your heavenly soul, and I will give you another powerful heavenly soul. Come with me now." The best dinosaur ignored Meng Ling and wrapped Meng Ling's heavenly soul through several parallel spaces and came to the continent of Jialan.

The best dinosaur erased Meng Ling's memory for nearly five days and threw it into the sea of knowledge of the newborn Xuanyuan.

"Hey, don't let me down. I've been lonely for too long." The best dinosaur is obviously a male voice at this time!