Mixed Legend

Chapter 68 Qingqing's appearance

Chapter 68 Qingqing's appearance

Before Wuyou could answer, the beautiful woman had left straight away. The others also dispersed with a look of good feeling.

Wuyou feels that you are really wronged to the extreme, and there is no limit to lie down in the game, as long as you can win. Isn't this unreasonable?

Think back, but what you should do or what you should do. Go back and continue to the dormitory.

Early the next morning, Wuyou came to the field. First, he was afraid that it would be too crowded. Of course, he was more afraid that more people would be recognized later, and he stared at himself with that strange look. It was quite uncomfortable to be stared at by that kind of gaze. Wuyou didn't want to bear it again.

"1202, 1899 came to power." With the referee's order, Wuyou came to power with another big man at the same time. Fortunately, this time he was a man. If he was a woman again, Wuyou really wanted to call Qingqing out directly to solve it, so as not to cause criticism again.

"The boy is quite famous. Now the whole Dragon King will talk about you when they talk about the exchange competition, but you are also here!" The big man said in a disdainful tone.

Wuyou smiled and did not answer him. This person knows without worry that he is one of the two ten-level magic warriors in this exchange competition and a popular figure competing for the championship. Wuyou didn't know who was unlucky when he met him.

"Let the lose understand, my name is Koleai, a ten-level magic warrior. If you lose under me, you won't be wronged."

Worry-free still smiled.

Kohler Ai suddenly became a little annoyed, and the other party didn't reply a word after saying so much. However, Koleai is not the kind of person with well-developed limbs and simple-minded people. He did not do anything surprising, but secretly made up his mind to beat him a little worse later.

With the start of the referee, the two completed the elemental attachment in an instant. Looking at Kohlerai covered with golden brilliance, Worry-free did not dare to drag any longer. The gap between level 10 and level 8 cannot be made up by many elements. At this time, it is natural to use a very unique trick.

"Qingqing destroyed him." While Wuyou opened his mouth, he also called Qingqing out.

Qingqing's body did not become smaller. Suddenly, a ten-meter green dragon appeared on the competition stage, and the whole audience stage was boiling. Even the face of the King Tianlong changed in an instant, no longer a faint smile!

"Teacher, is this?" The Dragon King naturally knew that this was a dragon clan, but as a dragon clan, he was willing to be a human contract beast, which was beyond the expectation of the Dragon King.

"This is Qinglong. Although this is a young dragon, it has reached level 10. It seems that he is sure to win this competition." The man who was called a teacher by King Tianlong replied.

Not only the king of Tianlong was surprised, but also the strong men sent by other kingdoms to escort the team were all moved. Only one person's face did not change, that is, he had seen Qingqing's love and worship.

The strong still behaved like this, not to mention the ordinary aristocrats on the audience, who stood up one by one to see the appearance of the dragon clan. Although it is rare in books, it is the first time that most people have really seen it with their own eyes.

"Is this the dragon? It's spectacular." An audience exclaimed.

Although the others around did not say anything, they all nodded with approval.

The audience behaved like this, and it goes without saying that Kohleai in front of him was still staring at Qingqing, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

Qingqing is summoned by Wuyou. Naturally, Wuyou can't be affected. Looking at the Qingqing's Koleai, Wuyou will not be polite to him.

A coherent fist slammed into Kleai's body, and Kleai, who was attacked by Worry-free, also woke up. Although it was taken the lead by Worry-free, as a ten-level magic warrior, it could not be shaken by a eight-level magic warrior.

In Wuyou's attack on Koleai's body again, Koleai's body was hit by Worry-free's body, and Worry-free was shaken back. With the strength of level 10 elements, it is impossible for a single eight-level demon warrior to cause damage.

Wuyou saw that his attack was invalid and was not in a hurry. Qingqing also reacted. Seeing that Wuyou was shocked, he directly grabbed him and patted him. Even if he was a ten-level magic warrior, he was also shocked and retreated.

After standing, Keleai also summoned a silver wolf from the ring. The individual of the silver wolf is not big, and it is obviously still in the growth period. At this time, it is also urgent to go to the hospital. Such a silver wolf can't cause any loss to Qingqing at all.

Qingqing swept with his tail, and the silver wolf was swept off the stage, hit the ground fiercely, and stood up carefree for a while.

Kaleai was not idle. He punched Qingqing fiercely. Qingqing resisted it with his dragon claws. Although Qingqing belonged to a young dragon, the memory left by his parents and his fighting instinct as a dragon clan made Qingqing react extremely quickly.

Kaleai's strength is also great. Qingqing's huge body was also retreated by Joan of Arc. Just as Koleai was about to continue to attack Qingqing, his feet suddenly stopped.

"vine entanglement" naturally won't take too much opportunity. Although it is difficult to compete with Kohlerai now, there is no problem to harass him.

Koleai broke away directly from the entanglement as soon as he tried hard. Of course, Kohlerai has completely lost the opportunity, and Qingqing's attack has hit in front of Kohlerai.

Kaleai only had time to resist with both hands. Although he resisted the beat of Qingqing, it was obviously impossible for Qingqing to have only such a little ability, and the other claw came immediately. It is a little similar to Wuyou's bad fist, but the speed is faster. After all, Qingqing belongs to the dragon clan no matter what.

Kaleai is completely in a passive state and can't fight back effectively for a while. In addition, he constantly harasses Kohlerai with some low-level control magic, which accelerates Kohlerai's failure.

The result is no suspense. Summoning Qingqing's worry-free is obviously more advantageous. Coupled with two to one, although Kleai has also tried to resist several times, it still can't change the fate of failure.

Needless to say, the audience was stunned. Even some people from other competitive stations were a little distracted by the excellence of Qingqing. Let the opponent seize the opportunity.

As Ke Ai fell from power, the whole audience roared. Although Qingqing did not use magic, the magic talent of the dragon clan was better than that of human beings. It can be said that it was born a perfect race, with a strong body and powerful magic.

When Koleai was knocked down by Qingqing, the referee did not know how to sentence for a while. Although the contract beast can be used in battle, this contract beast is a little special, and its strength is much higher than that of the master.

Seeing that the referee was in a dilemma, King Tianlong said to an official, "Announce the victory of worry-free. Although this contract beast is a little special, it is also within the scope of the rules."

When the official heard the king's order, he immediately got up and ran quickly to the referee. The king's decision whispered in the referee's ear.

"1202, victory." The king has ordered, so the referee will naturally not hesitate.

Bruce said to Riya beside him: "It seems that this year's championship will fall on our Kingdom of Clad. I didn't expect that an eight-level magic warrior would have such a strong dragon contract beast.

"Yes. It's hard to imagine!"

"I don't think I have a contract beast yet."

"You just want to be beautiful. If the right contract beast is so easy to find, there won't be only a few games here until now."

Bruce smiled when he heard the words. It looks like a special yd. But it's not a loss to come here. At least I know you."