Mixed Legend

Chapter 130 Collision

Chapter 130 Collision

Kinsa III is also worthy of being a peerless strongman. He recognized Qingqing's real body at a glance. When Kinsa III said, "I didn't expect that there would be dragons on this continent. It's unbelievable. The dragon clan will also like such a small continent!"

Wuyou was really shocked when he heard that Kinsa III said this, but Kinsa III did not show hostility to Qingqing, but just sighed.

"Senior is really good-sighted, but this continent may be such a dragon. I don't know what happened to our Xijin Continent. Now it is my contract beast, and it will definitely not cause any harm to others. Seniors can rest assured." Although Kinsa III did not intend to attack Qingqing, Wuyou explained at the beginning.

"Don't worry, I won't kill innocent people!"

Although Jinsa III said so, Wuyou still took precautions secretly. If there is anything strange in Jinsa III, Wuyou will put Qingqing into the ring as soon as possible. Even if he dies, he can't let Qingqing be hurt. Although Qingqing is only a worry-free contract beast, he has been together for so many years. Wuyou has long regarded Qingqing as his own family. If he can't even protect his family, Wuyou really doesn't know what it means to live in this world.

Along the way, I met many warcrafts, but Kinsa III did not take action, because most of them are Wuyou and Qingqing can fight against each other, and Qingqing likes to attack. As long as they encounter those who are not afraid of death, they will drive away or kill the monsters that are in the way.

Of course, the speed of Wuyou's travel is not as fast as that of Kinsa III, but Kinsa III is obviously not the kind of person who is anxious, but also leisurely follows Wuyou and Qingqing.

After two days of getting along, Wuyou is also a little relieved about Kinsa III, because although Kinsa III is an orc, he is completely different from other orcs. He does not have that irritable personality, and he will get along well with each other as long as he feels like it. Kinsa III's behavior is more like a Human old man. After these two days of getting along with Kinsa III, he also has a good impression on Worry-free and guides Worry-free from time to time.

Qingqing has always been a talkative owner. In the past two days, he has been chatting with Kinsa III, but he has also cultivated some friendship, at least let Kinsa III see the human side of Qingqing, not as violent as the dragon clan.

It's getting late. Wuyou set up a shelf and began to barbecue as usual, and then set up a tent. Jinsa III is there. Naturally, Wuyou can't just get a few animal skins and start sleeping as before. At least there is something to protect against the wind. This may be a habit of worry-free life.

After setting up two tents, Qingqing ran to the fire and cooked it beside Wuyou. Qingqing took a Warcraft thigh and handed it to Jinsa III and said, "Senior, you eat barbecue. The worry-free roast meat is not delicious. Sister Limiya's roast meat is delicious. When we go out, I'll ask Sister Limiya to roast it for you.

"Ha ha, your little dragon is really not big or small. How can you call the owner's name like this?" Kinsa III laughed.

"Senior, you don't know that Worry-free is very strange. He doesn't agree to call him master, and he has to live on an equal footing." Qingqing still exposes carefree without reservation.

"This boy is a little interesting. I don't know how long it has been since I haven't eaten such a delicious barbecue in Shenlin." Kinsa III said.

"Senior, what do you eat here?" Wuyou can't help asking curiously. No matter how many seasonings you bring here for more than 100,000 years, they may have been used up. Besides, the orcs are not good at making seasonings, but at most they just make some salt.

"I used to roast barbecue, but it was easy to get tired of it without taste. Later, I was too lazy to roast it. I wanted to eat everywhere to find some wild fruits." Kinsa III said.

"Senior, you should eat more. Although the roast is not delicious, it still tastes good. After I go out, I will ask Sister Limiya to bake more delicious food for you, and Aunt Nali will cook very delicious food for you. Qingqing said while eating. Although he turned into a human figure, he still liked to eat it.

In this way, several people ate barbecue talking and laughing.

Suddenly, Kinsa III's face changed and threw down the barbecue in his hand and said, "You find a place to hide first. Don't be too close to me. I'll come to you later."

"Senior, what's wrong?" Qingqing asked curiously.

Seeing Kinsa III's performance, Wuyou naturally knew that something big was going to happen, and he didn't dare to delay, so he pulled Qingqing and ran away.

Kinsa III did not answer, but looked at the interior of the beast king Shenlin with a wary face.

"Wuyou, why are you pulling me away in such a hurry?" Qingqing ran with Wuyou again and again and asked puzzledly.

For good, Qingqing turned into a human form, and Wuyou easily pulled Qingqing to eject out. I'll explain it to you later. Find a safe place first.

has been running for more than a thousand meters and hiding behind a big rock. Worry-free was a little relieved. Even Jinsa showed such a serious expression. It seems that this is not a small role. It is likely to be one of the several beast kings in the deep forest.

"Worry-free, what's going on?" Qingqing saw Wuyou stop and asked anxiously.

"Just now, Kinsa III's serious expression should be an opponent he may not be able to deal with. If we don't escape, they will just wave their hands and we will die. There is no point in us staying there, do you understand?" Wuyou said.

"Oh, I know. Why did you just chase us?" Qingqing did not forget to be a curious baby at this critical moment.

"How do I know this? I will naturally know when it appears."

At the moment when Wuyou spoke, a light flashed in the distance. Yes, it could only be a light, because this speed could not be distinguished by Wuyou's naked eyes, and the light stopped not far from Kinsa III. Worry-free saw the Warcraft clearly, which was obviously the enlarged version of the lion-like Warcraft I met two days ago. Although it is more than a thousand meters away, it is still worry-free to recognize the appearance of Warcraft.

"Wind Magic Lion King, all the good things!" The loud voice of Kinsa III came out, and Worry-free knew the name of this warcraft. It seems that the one he met two days ago should be the wind magic lion. This wind magic lion king must have come to revenge.

"It turned out to be the remnants of the orcs. Who did I think it was? You killed my children, and I'm here to take revenge today. The Wind Magic Lion King spat out and said loudly that even Wuyou, more than a thousand meters away, was buzzing in his ears.

Wuyou didn't dare to make a sound at this time. He was afraid that the wind demon lion king would notice him. Qingqing was directly stopped by Wuyou. At this time, he still watched the change. If Kinsa III could fight naturally, it would be the best. If he could not beat him, he would hide it tightly. Let's see if he could escape the disaster, otherwise In front of such a high-level warcraft, it is useless to escape no matter how fast it is.

"Don't say much. If you are here to take revenge, then do it." Kinsa III emitted a layer of golden light all over his body and protected his body. Wuyou could not see what kind of magic it was, but Wuyou was sure that this magic must be more powerful than the magic Wuyou knew.

The Wind Magic Lion King did not hesitate. He directly spit out a wind bullet and hit Jinsa III, and then flashed into a beam of light and went towards Jinsa III. Jinsa III did not know when a sledgehammer appeared in his hand, and it also turned into a beam of light to collide with the Wind Magic Lion King.

Suddenly, all the surrounding trees were destroyed, and every collision between the Wind Lion King and Kinsa III emitted a large amount of energy, which was disturbed by Wuyou and Qingqing more than a thousand meters away. The trees flew across, the rocks shattered, and the whole scene was in chaos.

As a last resort, they had to pull Qingqing to continue to retreat. Many monsters also evacuated quickly. Some monsters that did not avoid the flying stone trees in time were instantly seriously injured, which shows their power.

It retreated more than 2,000 meters in a row. Under a small hillside, Wuyou was slightly relieved. Although there would be some energy fluctuations here, it had little impact.

Wuyou finally knows why the war clause clearly stipulates that strong people at the prefecture level and above cannot participate in the war. Once such a strong man fights, the ordinary powerful people around him can only be cannon fodder for nothing, which is of any use.

The collision is getting more and more fierce. I don't know whether it was Jinsa III's intention or coincidentally. The battle between Jinsa III and the lion king is getting farther and farther away from the direction of Wuyou and Qingqing.

Although the distance between Qingqing and Wuyou is getting farther and farther away, the collision energy has increased, and the impact of Wuyou has not weakened much. Wuyou can't help sighing in his heart when he can reach such strength. Although he is already a ten-level strong man, in front of this magical strong man, he still follows Any difference between an ant.

Jinsa III followed the magic lion king for half an hour before they retreated and did not collide again.

Wuyou can no longer see the figures of the Wind Magic Lion King and Kinsa III, but only saw two groups of glowing bodies emitting great light.

"I didn't expect you to have made a lot of progress over the years!" The Wind Magic Lion King said.

"Your strength has not improved much!" Kinsa III sneered.

"You fart." The Wind Magic Lion King said angrily and directly turned into a beam of light to attack Kinsa III.

It's another time for you to come and go.

Stop fighting like this. Wuyou doesn't know whether to run away or stay here to wait for Kinsa III.

Soon the sky gradually lit up, but the deep forest with a radius of several kilometers has been completely destroyed, and the surface is also full of ravines.

Wuyou has no feeling from the previous tension to adaptation to now. He is just purely watching the play. Of course, he still doesn't say anything. Qingqing can't help talking, and even wants to shout cheer. Wuyou pointed to the ring and scared Qingqing. He can only honestly look at the Wind Demon Lion King and Jinsa III. I'm going to attack each other.

When the sun rose, the Wind Lion King and Kinsa III stopped again.

"Old man, this time it's your fortune, and I have something else to do. It's not that easy to let you go next time. The Wind Magic Lion King obviously doesn't want to be bigger. During the day, the lion king's vision is not as good as that of the night, but the shaman is different. On the contrary, he can exert his combat effectiveness more during the day.

Before Kinsa III could speak, the wind demon lion king had turned into a beam of light and dodged inside the deep forest of the beast king, and soon disappeared.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

It will be more exciting next. Please continue to pay attention to it. If there are any questions, you can raise them in the book review area, and I will pay attention to them! Thank you for your support!