Mixed Legend

Chapter 153 The Kingdom of the Gams

Chapter 153 The Kingdom of the Lands

Walking to the end of the channel, the three Wuyou three were stunned. This was completely different from the imagined scene, as if they had come to another world. Of course, it could not be compared with the outside world. Looking at the dense buildings, it was simply an underground kingdom. The arrival of the three Worry-free people was not found.

It was hollowed out at a height of at least a few hundred meters, and there was a dense large moon pearl on it. With the assistance of various magic arrays, it emitted light and illuminated the whole underground kingdom. The height can be roughly judged, but the width is worry-free, so I don't know how to judge it. I can't see the edge at a glance. I didn't expect that this place where birds don't lay eggs, there is a large-scale city hidden under the ground!

"This is the residence of the gobion. The gobiki disappeared from the world tens of thousands of years ago, but he didn't expect to move here." Jingmu Yali said.

"Glander?" Wuyou asked puzzledly, even though Wuyou has read a lot of books, after all, his understanding is still very limited. This gobster only knows a noun and has not done a detailed understanding.

"Yes, the gobster was originally a big race in the mixed world, but because the gobster itself has no combat effectiveness, it can only rely on making a variety of weapons to protect it. Although the gobster's manufacturing ability is very good and can compete with ground-level or even higher warcraft, it is ultimately limited in materials. , which cannot be mass-produced in large quantities. With the consumption of war, the machinery produced becomes less and less, and eventually becomes slaves of other races. But tens of thousands of years ago, all the gos seemed to suddenly disappear, and it was difficult to see the gosman. Jingmu Yali said.

"How did you know this? Don't you elves rarely interact with the outside world? Worry-free asked.

"The goblin is one of the more friendly partners of our elves. The goblin is naturally very small. Some gobs often seek the protection of our elves to help us make some tools. Magic products such as airships were first invented by the goblin. These books of our elves are recorded, and I learned from those books. Jingmu Yali said.

"It's a friendly race, so let's meet and confirm the orientation by the way so that we can leave." Wuyou said.

Qingqing suddenly pulled Wuyou and pointed in a direction of the ground, "Wuyou, you see, those golls are really small!"

Looking in the direction pointed by Qingqing, there are really a few goblets walking. They are really not tall, about half a meter, and their heads are particularly large and very thin. It looks extra symmetrical!

Just when Wuyou stared at several govities, the gobiki seemed to feel like being peeped on Wuyou's side. When he saw Wuyou and Jingmu Yali, they suddenly panicked and quickly dispersed everywhere, and shouted, "No, there are war beasts coming to invade."

With such a shout, the whole city boiled up. After a while, a dense small airship appeared in the low sky, and naturally there were all kinds of refuge gos on the airship.

All kinds of machinery appeared on the road and ran towards Wuyou!

This was misunderstood before greeting. Worry-free was a little depressed and shouted to the crowd quickly: "Don't get me wrong. We are not a warcraft. I am a human. There are also your friendly race elves here. We have no malice. Please don't worry."

Some running machinery slowed down and surrounded Wuyou and several others heavily. Several small airships were removed from the sky and several short goblets came out of it.

A few goblins looked at Wuyou, Jingmu Yali and Qingqing, "They are really not warcraft. These are indeed human beings and elves. You can report to the elder that it is not the attack of warcraft." A leading beeous said to the beeous around him.

In order not to cause misunderstanding, Wuyou did not do more action, pulling Qingqing and Jingmu Yali to stand still, allowing the gyptoe to observe.

In a short time, an airship flew over, walked out of a gobly, and said to Wuyou, "Humans, our elders are invited."

"That's the way." Wuyou said.

The reminders of these airships are really too small to be called small airships. They can only be called miniature airships. Looking at the airships one by one, Wuyou really admires these golls. This airship is also a rare thing and has become a popular object here.

Wuyou naturally sat on the gojing airship and followed the airship quickly. After a while, he stopped in front of a building that was many times larger than other buildings. Wuyou was worried about improving the goscoma's house, but now it seems that he is still worried for nothing.

"It's really elves and humans. How did you find this place? We have not been in contact with the outside world for ten thousand years. Naturally, the vision of this gobster elder is not comparable to those ordinary gobsters. As soon as he sees Jingmu Yali and Wuyou Qingqing, he can directly distinguish it.

"Dissatisfied with the elders, in fact, we didn't mean to disturb the nobles, but we lost our way on the island and accidentally found the entrance, so we were curious to come in to see if we could find some maps." Wuyou said.

"Those who come are guests, please." Elders of gobiki are very friendly.

Wuyou's good impression of the goblossus suddenly rose a little, and the previous mistake of Wuyou as Warcraft disappeared.

Following the elder into the house, Wuyou found that this building looked much larger than other buildings. The height of the first floor of the room was more than three meters high. Of course, there was more than one floor. Wuyou was naturally on one floor, which was not much different from the elves and human palaces.

Sitting on a chair that Wuyou thought was very small, Wuyou asked, " Elder, I don't know if you have a specific location map of the island on the passage. I'm sorry to leave quickly and disturb the quietness of the nobles."

"It's fate to come. Let's take more rest. There is a map, but now there is no way to find where to put it for a while. I have to send someone to find it in detail. You just stay here for a few more days." The elder of the spirit said.

Next to it, Jingmu Yali pulled the worry-free cuffs, indicating that worry-free can't stay. This gobler has always been smart, and it won't be a good thing to keep people for no reason.

Worry-free naturally noticed something wrong, " Elder, why did the people of the nobles be so panicked when I came?"

To tell you the truth, our city has often been attacked by some monsters recently. These monsters are extremely strangely afraid of our gobster's machinery, but eat a lot of our machinery. Our gobsters are talented and weak. They can only rely on these machines to protect themselves. This warcraft is not afraid of machinery, so that our people will panic. The elder of the beeous said with a sad face.

"So that's it. I don't know what the strength of this Warcraft is?" Worry-free asked curiously.

"Warcraft's strength itself is not strong, but it just restrains our goblet. Are you willing to help me get through this disaster?" The elder of the spirit said.

"No slow elder, we are all seriously injured and have not recovered yet. What's more, our strength is low, and we are afraid that we will die, but we will anger the warcraft, which is not good for you. Wuyou said that Wuyou is naturally unwilling to do such a thankless thing. If it is Wuyou alone, it doesn't matter, but now there are still Jingmu Yali and Qingqing around him. Wuyou doesn't want them to take risks with themselves.

"Warriors, please relax and be able to get rid of this warcraft with your strength. If the warriors are willing to help, our gobler family will be grateful, and the warriors will also win the friendship of our gobler family." Seeing that Wuyou didn't want to agree, the gobster quickly issued some conditions.

Jingmu Yali pulled the sleeve next to her. Wuyou naturally understood the meaning of Jingmu Yali. Wuyou also planned to ask clearly first. As long as it can be dealt with, this exquisite thing will not be useless. Along the way, Wuyou can be regarded as recognizing the true face of the gobler, all of them. Mechanical maniacs see a lot of automated things on the street. Some automatic iron-playing steel dolls really want to take a few back to study if they weren't carefree on other people's territory.

Worry-free pretended to meditate for a while, "The elder, it's not that we don't want to help, but now we are indeed seriously injured, not to mention that the elders have not given us a detailed introduction."

"It's all because I'm too anxious, and the warrior can say it. We call this monster a gold-eating beast. As long as it is a metal thing, it will be eaten. We have also made some attacks, but this gold-eating beast is not afraid of our war couple at all. As long as our war couple appears, it will rush to eat the war couple, and as long as we eat metal, the recovery speed of this gold-eating beast will become very fast. Take its life without worry. The elder of the ghost said that his face obviously lost a lot of warou.

"What's the quantity?" Worry-free asked.

"We have seen only four together at most. These monsters don't come often, only once or twice a year. The elder of the spirit said.

"Then do you know where they live?" Worry-free asked. If you really can't agree once or twice a year, it's a waste of time.

"Naturally, I know this, but I don't dare to disturb these golden beasts for fear of coming again. These gold-eating beasts usually return to the hole after eating the metal, and then they will never come out. The elder of the spirit said.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

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