Mixed Legend

Chapter 170 Investigation Team

Chapter 170 Investigation Team

Just as Wuyou continued to consolidate its strength, the continents of the world began to feel uneasy. Although there were no large-scale sneak attacks as before, various reconnaissance teams kept appearing around the core cities of the mainland, which made the previously relaxed nerves tense again. Naturally, Worry-free also received a notice, and as a result, the popularity of the trading city has cooled down again. Now most of the main consumers are the exiled magic warriors and the wanted criminals.

Although the number of merchants has decreased, official transactions are becoming more and more frequent. There are more and more large-scale transactions with representatives of various human kingdoms and orcs. Naturally, these transactions are also through trading cities. Of course, these transactions basically do not make money in trading cities. Now the big enemy is currently, and it is an orc that covers the Xijin mainland. A common goal with human beings. If the Xijin Continent is lost, no matter how much money it is, the property left by each kingdom is enough for those court nobles to spend a lifetime.

The guards of the same trading city have not been weakened by the decrease of merchants. Instead, the two countries have sent more guards. Nowadays, although the trading city cannot make money, it has become the only place for orcs to negotiate trade transactions with humans.

Storms have once again marginalized the dark demon warriors, especially human beings. Although there are not many dark demon warriors, they also have a large proportion. Dark demon warriors are the easiest demon warriors to have a relationship with the undead clan. History has been turned over again, and many battles are due to the dark demon warfare. The failure of taxis to sell, thus losing a large number of human beings.

Although Wuyou often uses dark magic to improve his strength, he is not majoring in dark magic, and he rarely uses dark magic at ordinary times. Naturally, he is ignored by many people. Originally, his family is still a little worried. However, as more and more dark demon warriors were quarantined and did not find such a powerful person as Wuyou, the family was a little relieved.

With the passage of time, the trading city has naturally been included in the subject of investigation, and unidentified people often appear around the trading city. However, now the trading city as a whole has been martial law, and these suspicious people have not been allowed to enter the trading city. The trade city is a little different from other cities. The defense structure of the trade city is very good, and there are external walls, which are completely different from other cities. The walls are full of guarded magic arrays. If you want to cross the wall, you will naturally find it.

While being investigated, Wuyou naturally carried out a rice investigation. At this time, it is no longer the time to be soft. As long as an unidentified person appears, he will be taken down by the secret whistle laid by Wuyou for the first time, and then ask a huge question. Many of these investigation teams are undead spies in human beings. They don't know that the undead are How to control so many human beings to work for them? Many times, these spies will commit suicide as soon as they are caught and can't know anything. According to the high worship of the Kingdom of Clad, these human beings are not willing to work for the undead, but are controlled by a kind of spiritual magic of the undead, which is the talent skill of the undead resentment.

Although the number of the resentment family is not large in the undead, it has a non-negligable position. Most of the investigation work is completed by the resentment family.

Various war preparation orders on the Yunjian continent have also been introduced into the hands of various human kingdoms through secret means, and both sides are preparing for war nervously.

All this is a little unexpected. Worry-free thought that the war would not break out hundreds of years later. Now it is undoubtedly very inaccurate information to test each other, but now there is something that Wuyou thinks will be very incredible.

Time is like running water. Half a year has passed, and this kind of temptation has not stopped. The nerves of all countries in Xijin mainland have been very **. Not to mention spies, many unidentified people have been killed by mistake. Of course, only some high-level officials know these, and they would rather kill 100 by mistake than let go of one at such a critical moment.

The worry-free family was also quickly recalled to King Clad. On the one hand, King Clad can't rest assured of his daughter. On the other hand, the current Trade City warriors have no need to develop, as long as they leave some trade between the orc kingdom and the human kingdom. These are not like merchants and don't need too much. Manshou, worry-free does not play a big role in the trading city.

"There is news from the Yunjian Empire that it is ready to form an elite reconnaissance team to find the source of the undead. I wanted to send two of the most reliable personnel from all countries, but the Yunjian Empire said that the strength should not be too strong, otherwise it would cause the awakening of the undead. So I want to send you there. On the one hand, it is to practice, and on the other hand, there is no need for this reconnaissance team to conflict with the undead. As long as it encounters any danger, it can immediately run for its own lives. And generally, the other party's reconnaissance team will not send a strong team. King Klad said.

Although Wuyou didn't say anything, he was still a little unhappy. The world is so big that even if every country sends investigation members, it can be divided into several teams, but it is not so easy to find an early rise like this, otherwise the dead can not live until now.

Seeing that Wuyou did not reply, King Cred directly took it as acquiescence. "Well, you go back and prepare first, and then you can leave for the Cloud Empire. At that time, you will send someone to go with you. Don't worry."

Wuyou can only nod, which can say. Wuyou is actually unwilling to go on this long journey, but King Klad has said so and can't refuse, and now King Kraid is still his father-in-law. Wuyou believes that King Kladd will not harm himself.

Naturally, Wuyou will not use the airship obtained by the Dragon Kingdom this time. Although this airship has many privileges in the Xijin mainland, it is still not as fast as the govian airship, and now the family is in the royal city. This is also the safest place, so there is no need to use that airship. Wuyou naturally took it. Wuyou doesn't want to be in the airship for a long time, so that people will go crazy, especially if it's only once a year.

King Krade may be worried that Wuyou was too bored on the way, so he specially sent a woman to go with Wuyou, which made Qingqing stare. Although this woman did not look beautiful, her figure was indeed much better than Qingqing. Similarly, the woman didn't expect that Wuyou would take Qingqing to go with her. Naturally, no one knew that she was actually a Wuyou contract beast and could not leave Wuyou too far away.

"Hello, my name is Sisi." As soon as she got on the airship, Sisi introduced herself to Wuyou.

"My name is Wuyou. We should cooperate together in the future. Don't be so polite. Wuyou said.

"I know you. You are the latest legend. I didn't expect your strength to improve so fast. I have been practicing for more than 300 years to reach the level 10 magic warrior. Before leaving, King Klad naturally introduced Worry-free information to him.

"Just be lucky. Don't stand here. Come and sit down. We'll leave soon." Wuyou said.

"Wouldn't you like to introduce this beautiful woman?" Sisi pointed to Qingqing and said.

Hearing Sisi call herself a beautiful woman, Qingqing's face improved slightly, and finally did not ignore her.

"Qingqing, introduce yourself. I'll start the airship first." After saying that, Wuyou walked straight to the cockpit.

This govous airship is not much larger than the original airship of Worry-free. After the transformation of Worry-free, it is basically similar to the original worry-free airship. Wuyou naturally gave this airship a loud name, called Jingdi. Originally, I wanted to call the goin, but because I was worried that people from the outside world would know that the gom existed and have to look for it everywhere, I simply gave me a meal.

Worry-free set the route and returned to the lobby and sat on the sofa.

Sisi's person is still very good. Qingqing just had a solid face and suddenly talked and laughed.

Seeing Wuyou came back, Sisi asked curiously, "Duke Wuyou, your airship is really strange. I have also taken a lot of airships, but it's the first time I've met such a decoration like you, but it looks really good. I will decorate it like you if I have an airship in the future.

"They are all small ideas. It's not so strange. Are you used to it? Although this airship will be faster, it will take more than two months to reach the Cloud Empire. We have lived in such a place in the past two months. Wuyou said.

"I'm naturally used to living in such a good place. I've lived in such a simple airship for several months." Sisi also looks like a straightforward person and can't hide anything.

"You don't understand this. Wuyou said that this is a life idea. If you want to live comfortably, you need a comfortable environment." Qingqing did not forget to show off.

"I didn't expect that the worry-free Duke is not only extraordinary in strength, but also very good at this aspect of life. What a rare good man." Sisi's eyes can't help showing a good impression. She can live and has strong strength. There are very few people in the world who take care of both. Naturally, an excellent woman like Sisi wants to find a better man than herself. This is also the main reason why she has always been single, otherwise, with conditions like her, there will be queues to pursue her every day.

"Sisi, you are really funny. It's still boring here. It happens that there are three people now. Let's play cards together." Wuyou smiled awkwardly. Naturally, he would be a little embarrassed to be praised by a beautiful woman.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

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