Mixed Legend

Chapter 175 City of the Dead

Chapter 175 City of the Dead

Stepping in the City of the Dead, Wuyou feel like going to hell. Everywhere is dead and deep, a huge gray city, and the pedestrians inside are like walking corpses, saying nothing to each other. Wuyou believes that as long as any human or other race that does not know the elements of the dark system, it will reveal its original shape as soon as it comes here. This is completely not suitable for the survival of creatures except the dark system.

In this way, not saying hello to each other gives worry-free convenience, at least worry-free does not need to worry about identity exposure. Wuyou found a secluded place. After confirming that there was no one, he secretly sent a message to the investigation headquarters of the Yunjian Empire in his sleeves, asking them to confirm the location quickly. Wuyou is not easy to retreat. This kind of place is not willing to stay any more.

When I was walking on the road just now, I don't know how many grievances I met. Worry-free instinct is far away. That kind of poison gas can't be avoided by Wuyou's mastery of dark elements. The body of the undead clan can no longer be inferred by common sense. At least the vampires, the undead mage, and this resentful spirit do not have a normal human body. Of course, there are some other races that have not seen their bodies although they have been seen here.

Wuyou is worried about being afraid, and the investigation and analysis headquarters of the Yunjian Empire is boiling. Everyone comes and goes to analyze all kinds of data, some go to send orders, and some go to report. It was not lively for a while.

After sending the message, Wuyou did not dare to stay in place. He walked aimlessly around, hoping to find other useful information. Looking at the towering building in the distance, Wuyou thought that where should be the core of the city. Of course, Wuyou would not foolishly approach there.

Worry-free walked around for a while and walked back to the original road. Although there were several guards in that passage, they had not found any other exits now, so they had to take risks.

It's easier to get in than to get out. As soon as Wuyou came not far from the passage, he saw a strong man in black robe coming out and asked in a hoarse voice, "Show me your pass!"

Worry-free can't stand this hoarse sound, as if he hasn't drunk water for hundreds of years, but now is obviously not the time to discuss these problems. Now we should find a way to muddle through.

Worry-free inspiration and said in the same hoarse voice, "We just came in. We just sent a letter to your city owner. We are messengers of Benas and have not brought your city pass. You can go and ask the city owner if we can let them go."

Wuyou is also the only way out. This undead can fight against the whole world. The power must be more than one or two cities. Wuyou casually compiled a city to hope to muddle through.

The black-robed man looked at several big men behind him and obviously didn't know what to do. He went to ask the city owner if he was not obviously looking for death.

"I saw them come in not long ago, and what they said should be true." Another big man said in the same hoarse voice.

Several people also nodded at the same time. Obviously, it is the idea that more is not as good as less. It seems that both human cities and undead cities have one thing in common, that is, no one wants to cause more trouble. As long as there is no problem, it will be easy and worry-free to leave. As long as they say they don't know, who can find them. On the head.

When Wuyou walked into the passage, he breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help sweating coldly. It was really dangerous to pretend to be a tiger in the tiger's den.

Wuyou did not dare to delay any longer and quickly abandoned it to the ground. He may also be really scared. He did not dare to say a word from the beginning to the end. He followed Wuyou all the way. Naturally, the speed of the strength at the prefecture level did not belong. In a short time, Wuyou and Qingqing came to the ground.

It was beyond Worry-free's expectation that these doormen were so easy to cheat. Worry-free originally wanted to ask Xiaoqi to come out if it really didn't work, solve it quickly, and then run away quickly. Of course, this is undoubtedly very risky. If there is no undead clan stronger than Xiaoqi in the undead city, it is better to say, but if there is stronger than Xiaoqi, their lives will stay here, and even if there is no stronger than Xiaoqi, the speed of those resentful spirits is not willing to see.

When he came to the ground, he was a little relaxed. Wuyou did not dare to delay more here. Unexpectedly, he found a city of the dead. Wuyou is also a complete merit. Wuyou doesn't want to continue. Naturally, the Yunjian Empire will send people to destroy the city. Of course, these are not related to worry-free things. It doesn't play much role. It's better to escape from the birth genius first.

Wuyou told the Yunjian Empire the information he wanted to go back to, and the introduction of the empire was not stopped. Unexpectedly, he knew here, and it would naturally be much easier to do next. At that time, as long as the city is captured, just catch some undead and let him spit out information in various ways, which is many times better than Wuyou blindly. . And I don't know that there are so many human and material resources tracking.

Seeing that the Yunjian Empire agreed to go back, Wuyou was also very happy. He found an open space, took out the airship, and headed in the direction of the coming. A few days later, when the Wuyou airship sailed out of the chaotic zone, Wu Cai breathed a little relief. This time, it was calm, but it was also dangerous. Without talking about the poisoning of Sisi, even Worry-free almost can't come back.

Wuyou secretly vowed that he would never do this kind of reconnaissance work again. A person is alone in the enemy's belly, and no one will even know how he died. Maybe even a skeleton will be used again after death.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, and the more afraid you are.

A person sits on the sofa and slowly falls into a deep sleep. This kind of mental fatigue cannot be recovered with energy. Qingqing ran to the room to have a good sleep as soon as she left the chaotic zone.

The reconnaissance and analysis headquarters of the Yunjian Empire couldn't help but marvel at the rapid movement of Wuyou. This time, Wuyou turned on the horsepower of the gobin airship, which was much faster than usual.

Wuyou naturally went back to the Yunjian Empire to treat Sisi, and the Yunjian Empire was also very busy at this time. Some elite teams were quickly mobilized, and various strategic materials were gradually put in place. Although they began to prepare before the investigation team went out, after all, they were still knowledge-prepared and did not really This time, it was completely different. All kinds of food and supplies were mobilized, and the square of a military base was densely packed with large airships. These airships naturally carried elites from various countries to destroy this city of the undead.

Under the dense airship, they are even faster actors like ants. These soldiers either check airships or deliver supplies to the airships. Of course, these soldiers are weak soldiers, and they can't be so ruleless. What survived on the battlefield was Wuyou, and it was impossible for the Yunjian Empire to send them to fight, so it was sent for logistics.

When Wuyou returned to the Yunjian Empire, the elites of all countries were almost ready for it, and more than half a year had passed. Wuyou naturally found the investigation and analysis headquarters at the first time, and not long after Wuyou entered the investigation and analysis headquarters, he was led to the residence of the general.

Not long after Wuyou entered the door, he heard a loud voice saying, "Young man, you surprised me very much. I didn't expect you to survive in the hands of resentment above the sky level."

Wuyou looked up and saw a middle-aged man who was more than two meters tall. He sat on a seat and looked at Wuyou and said. At this time, there was a beautiful woman in a white robe sitting next to him.

Wuyou naturally guessed that this should be the person known as the general. "The general is flattered. The boy was just lucky for a while. He happened to know the magic of the light system and restrained this resentment."

"Although the light magic restrains resentment, it is still a question whether it can hit it or not! All right. That said, this is my wife, the light magician of the palace, and your injured companion asked her to treat her. The general did not pursue it to the end and directly turned to the key topic.

Wuyou nodded and quickly took out the frozen Sisi from the ring, and Wuyou took out the frozen Sisi, and the general suddenly looked like this. Obviously, when Wuyou just took out Sisi from the ring, the interior of the ring had been scanned by the general with consciousness. Of course, he only knows these, and even Wuyou knows it.

And in the ring, Xiaoqi is still sleeping, obviously not feeling at all, which shows the horror of the general's strength in front of him.

The beautiful woman took Sisi, who was still frozen, and put it on a bench next to her. "Is the original crystallization of that resentment still there?" This beautiful woman is obviously not a simple role.

Worry-free nodded repeatedly, took out the ring dedicated to resentment from the belt and handed it to the beautiful woman.

Take out the container containing the crystal of resentment from the ring and open the lid. The water inside has completely turned black and looks like ink.

Wuyou is naturally puzzled. Why did this beautiful woman take this thing? Wuyou has never dared to move on the way, and she is puzzled when she sees Wuyou. The general said, "This poison of resentment cannot be solved by drugs or magic, but depends on the origin of resentment itself to produce toxins and absorb these toxins back."

As soon as I heard the general's words, Wuyou naturally understood that the source of this resentment toxin production is naturally the crystallization of life. Although the resentment soul is still in it, Wuyou still doesn't need to worry about this risky problem at all in front of these two masters.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

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