hot secretary bad president

Chapter 64 I'm so sad

"Don't be sad. I'll call a friend and ask him to help him find it. If the thief steals your bag, he will throw away your bag after taking the money and the valuable things in the bag. Then someone may find it and give it to the police station. Let me pay attention to it." Liu Nana can only comfort Du Xiaoxin like this.

Du Xiaoxin nodded calmly, neither sad nor happy, but just a look that was irreletic, which made people even more worried.

"Xiaoxin, are you all right?" Seeing Du Xiaoxin's situation, Liu Nana asked uneasily.

Du Xiaoxin shook her head, "I'm fine. I'm fine."

Hearing Du Xiaoxin say such words, Liu Nana felt something was even more wrong.

The car drove not far from the door of Du Xiaoxin's house. Liu Nana got off the car with Du Xiaoxin, who was trembling slightly, and walked towards the door.

Open the door and put Du Xiaoxin on the sofa. Liu Nana was relieved and sent Du Xiaoxin back safely.

"Xiaoxin, sit down and have a good rest. I'll pour you a glass of water." After saying that, Liu Nana got up and was about to go out of the kitchen to pour water for Du Xiaoxin.

Du Xiaoxin pulled Liu Nana, "Nana, don't be busy. Sit down first. I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Nana asked nervously and worriedly.

"I'm going abroad tomorrow morning." Du Xiaoxin answered honestly.

"What?" Liu Nana stood up in shock, "Where are you going? Going abroad? What's the matter?" She grabbed Du Xiaoxin's hand worriedly and asked excitedly.

"Don't be excited. I'm not going to settle abroad and never come back. I'm just studying abroad." Seeing that Liu Nana's face softened, Du Xiaoxin continued, "I made a business plan in the company. The company thought it was not bad, so it rewarded me and asked me to study in a branch of the company in Provence for at least a week and half a year at most."

After listening to Du Xiaoxin's words, Liu Nana was a little better. She sat next to Du Xiaoxin and asked with concern, "Why are you walking in such a hurry? I haven't heard you yesterday. The company should not do things in such a hurry. What's going on? Is it Hu Meier who squeezes you again? Why don't you talk to the president? I think the president is very good to you.

"Don't look for him. This is my own decision, which has nothing to do with Hu Meier. In fact, I want to go abroad by myself. I haven't been abroad yet. Now I don't have a chance. Can I accept it unhappily?

"Really?" Seeing Du Xiaoxin's serious face, Liu Nana asked doubtfully.

Du Xiaoxin nodded.

"Did you tell Chen Kai?" Liu Nana asked.

When it comes to Chen Kai, Du Xiaoxin was stunned for a moment and then shook her head. She didn't want him to know for the time being.

"Du Xiaoxin, since you transferred to New World Design Company, I think you have changed a little. I don't seem to understand you. I don't know what you are thinking or what happened around you. As now, if you want to leave, I also realize that you have a boyfriend. I won't know until you wait for your boyfriend to speak in person. When Liu Nana saw that Du Xiaoxin had something on her mind, she felt a little uncomfortable and said all the grievances in her heart for many days.

Du Xiaoxin didn't expect that she would be so misunderstood by hiding unhappy things and make her so angry. Now she doesn't know what to say and where to start talking to Liu Nana.

Seeing Du Xiaoxin's embarrassed look, Liu Nana squeezed out a smile, "I just joked with you. You look very tired. Have a good rest. Let's talk about it later. I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow morning."

Du Xiaoxin shook his head and said, "No, you have to go to work tomorrow morning. My plane is at 8 a.m. tomorrow. You happen to be at work at that time. I'll call you when I get there. Don't worry."

Liuna nodded slightly.

Du Xiaoxin was indeed tired. After talking for a while, she leaned on the sofa and fell asleep. She looked very tired. After gently flattened her, Liu Nana took a blanket to cover her and quietly left.

As soon as I went out, I saw Chen Kai who had just got off the bus.

Liuna has never seen Chen Kai, but she has seen him on TV and magazines, and naturally knows what he looks like. It's just that Chen Kai didn't know Liu Nana. He was very surprised to see Liu Nana coming out of Du Xiaoxin's house. He thought it should be Du Xiaoxin's friend, so he went to say hello.

"Hello, have you just come out of Du Xiaoxin's house?" Chen Kai asked politely.

Liuna nodded, "Yes, hello, my name is Liu Nana. We talked on the phone last time."

Chen Kai looked at Liu Nana and immediately reacted and quickly patted her head. Oh, it's you! I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Are you here to find Du Xiaoxin? Is it for her to go abroad tomorrow? Liu Nana asked with concern.

Chen Kai felt a little sad when he heard Liu Nana ask that. Maybe she told everyone about it, but the only person she didn't know was him.

Seeing that Chen Kai's face looked a little difficult, Liu Nana also thought that he was worried about Du Xiaoxin. She comforted him, "Don't worry, Du Xiaoxin just went to study and came back in half a year at most."

"I'll go and see her!" Chen Kai said lightly.

Liu Nana reminded: "Du Xiaoxin just fell asleep, and she is not in a good mood today."

"What's wrong with her? Does it mean that she doesn't want to go abroad? Chen Kai asked worriedly.

Liuna shook her head and replied, "No, she is sad because her bag was stolen on the bus today. There is something important to her in the bag.

"What's very important?" Chen Kai looked at Liu Nana doubtfully, "Is it money?"

"No, it's a photo, a photo of her family. I don't know where the negative was lost, so that photo is the only photo taken by the whole family together. For her, this photo is the driving force of her life. But she was stolen. Do you think she won't be sad?" Liu Nana asked rhetorical.

Chen Kai's face sank slightly, and his originally ugly face was even more difficult to look.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang. He took a look, frowned and said to Liu Nana, "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone first."