hot secretary bad president

Chapter 74 Don't lie to your girlfriend

Du Xiaoxin's face couldn't help blushing when he saw Mo Tianheng. He didn't see everything in the car just now, would he?

Her heart was a little awkward, and she always felt that she had betrayed him, but she had nothing to do with him at all. If she wanted to say something to do, there were only subordinates and subordinates, as well as fake couples, Du Xiaoxin comforted herself. But why is your heart beating so hard? Why?

"I didn't know that women are so fickle, and the skill of cheating is really high enough." Mo Tianheng's unhappy tone was full of irony.

Du Xiaoxin heard Mo Tianheng's words and stared at him to explain. He just thought about it for a long time but said nothing.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Kai felt that this Mo Tianheng was simply a haunting nuisance. How could he be seen everywhere like a fly?

"This is a place to eat. Of course, I came here to eat. What about you? Are you here to go fishing? Mo Tianheng asked rudely.

Chen Kai was suddenly choked by Mo Tianheng's words and couldn't speak.

"I have set the position. Let's go together!" Mo Tianheng walked forward alone and saw Chen Kai and Du Xiaoxin standing still behind him. He said to the two of them without looking back.

Du Xiaoxin took a look at Chen Kai. Chen Kai still had a gentle smile on his face and said to Du Xiaoxin, "Let's go."

Du Xiaoxin nodded and followed Chen Kai.

"Huh? Is this a restaurant? Du Xiaoxin saw that there was only a sheep intestine path in front of Chen Kai walking with her.

Chen Kai nodded and did not reply. Looking back, Du Xiaoxin walked slowly because he wore the newly bought high heels. He thoughtfully walked behind her and lent his arm to Du Xiaoxin to walk slowly on the path. There were cherry blossoms on both sides of the path. The scenery was really beautiful and quiet.

"Isn't this restaurant too far away? And now that the cherry blossom season has passed, why hasn't the flower faded yet? Du Xiaoxin asked curiously.

"It's almost there." Chen Kai answered, and then went under the tree, picked a flower from the tree, and handed it to Du Xiaoxin's hand.

Du Xiaoxin looked at it and was stunned. It turned out that this cherry blossom was a fake flower. Oh, my God, how to make it so realistic? She couldn't distinguish it with her naked eyes. If Chen Kai hadn't taken off the flower and handed it to her hand, she wouldn't have known that this flower was a fake flower. Is this a fake flower?

"Can fake flowers be so realistic? Sure enough, he is really stupid and doesn't know anything. At this time, Mo Tianheng walked in front of him and replied without looking back: "These flowers are all real flowers, but they are all dried flowers. They have been processed, so they look exactly the same as the real ones, but you can feel it is slightly hard when you touch them. The trees here are all cherry trees. When it comes to the cherry blossom season, they are all real cherry blossoms. After the cherry blossom season, the owner of this restaurant will get the dried cherry blossoms on these cherry trees little by little. So this is a place where you can see cherry blossoms all year round.

"Wow, this boss is so kind!" Du Xiaoxin sighed.

"I'm afraid you won't sigh so much when you see her for a while." Mo Tianheng replied.

Du Xiaoxin said in his heart: Well, you think you know everything.

At this time, it seemed that the willows were bright and the flowers were bright and a village. A Japanese-flavored door suddenly appeared at the end of the path. Following Chen Kai, he walked in, as if he felt as if he had entered the cherry blossom garden. If the cherry blossoms just now had been surprising, then the cherry blossoms here were even more intoxicating, because it was completely It's the sea of cherry blossoms. Du Xiaoxin admires the owner of this garden. The designer of this restaurant is really awesome. As soon as the wind blows, a faint fragrance of cherry blossoms enters the nasal cavity, and there is a small garden.

What's going on? Isn't this flower a dry flower? There is no reason why there is the smell of cherry blossoms!

Chen Kai saw Du Xiaoxin's doubts and quickly explained, "This is the fragrance extracted from the previous cherry blossoms. Isn't this the country of flowers? Natural fragrance is indispensable.

"I still admire this designer. He is really smart!" Du Xiaoxin still sighed.

Chen Kai smiled and said, "Actually, I am also very interested in the boss and designers here. I also specially inquired about it, but I only found that all the designs here were designed by the boss himself. I heard that it is still a woman, but I don't know where it is. Not to mention, this boss is really interesting and likes everything.

Hearing Chen Kai's words, Du Xiaoxin wanted to see this person's real face.

"Have we arrived? Is this a restaurant? Du Xiaoxin looked at the house in front of him in surprise and asked.

"Yes." Chen Kai replied with a smile.

Seeing the restaurant made of floor glass in front of him, Du Xiaoxin once again admired the designer and boss. Sitting in the restaurant, he can look up at any time and see the beautiful scenery outside in any corner.

At this time, a middle-aged waiter in a kimono ran up and bowed to Mo Tianheng. After seeing Chen Kai not far behind Mo Tianheng, he ran over quickly. Hello, welcome."

After a while, I looked at a group of waitresses, to be precise, the waitress, and lined up respectfully to welcome Mo Tianheng, Chen Kai and Du Xiaoxin. They all bowed to them, "Worthly welcome Mr. Mo."

Such a situation scared Du Xiaoxin, but she looked at Mo Tianheng strangely. It seemed that the owner of this store should know Mo Tianheng.

"Do you know the boss here?" Du Xiaoxin couldn't help running to Mo Tianheng's face and asked curiously.

Mo Tianheng put on an arrogant look and replied, "What's wrong? Want to see her?"

Du Xiaoxin's thoughts were right. She suddenly didn't know how to answer and looked at Mo Tianheng.

"You will naturally see her in a while. She is still on her way." Mo Tianheng was very expectful to see Du Xiaoxin's appearance, and he quickly told him.

"Is she coming?" Du Xiaoxin asked excitedly. She really admires this designer. She has been designing for so many years, and there are few that she admires.

"What did I lie to you? Even if I want to lie, I won't lie to my girlfriend, will I?" Mo Tianheng whispered in Du Xiaoxin's ear.

Du Xiaoxin was shocked when he heard the three words of his girlfriend and turned his head to look at Chen Kai coming behind him and stared at Mo Tianheng, "I'm just an agent."

"Are you so nervous? Are you afraid of being known by him? Mo Tianheng was very angry that Du Xiaoxin cared so much about Chen Kai's attitude, and his face looked ugly.