hot secretary bad president

Chapter 105 Parents Recognize

In the car, a middle-aged man drove a car, and a middle-aged woman sat in the co-driver's seat and simply bandaged her. The aunt who had a good blood transfusion looked very weak and didn't look very well. Du Xiaoxin and Su Mingze sat in the back. At first, the four of them did not speak.

"Young man, your name is Su Mingze, right? I didn't expect that your blood type would be the same as my wife's, but this blood type is generally rare. Is your blood type your father or your mother? The uncle driving the car asked curiously, but with some uncertainty, and the quiet atmosphere in the car was suddenly interrupted.

Su Mingze hesitated and replied, "I don't know about this. I was adopted. I don't know where my biological parents are."

Hearing this, the car was suddenly braked, and Du Xiaoxin and Su Mingze directly hit the front seat.

"Ah..." Du Xiaoxin's head hit so much that he couldn't help screaming.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, look at my car."

The middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman looked back at Su Mingze deeply. Su Mingze looked at them in surprise and looked sideways at Du Xiaoxin. Du Xiaoxin also shrugged her shoulders inexplicably, saying that she did not know what was going on.

"What's the problem?" Su Mingze asked with surprise at the staring of middle-aged men and middle-aged women.

The middle-aged woman approached the middle-aged man and said a few words quietly. The middle-aged man suddenly said, "My wife said that you two saved her life today. As a thank you, I want to treat you to dinner later."

"No, uncles and aunts are too kind!" Du Xiaoxin replied in a hurry.

"What you want, you want. Don't be polite to us, or your aunt will definitely feel sad. The middle-aged man said earnestly.

Hearing this, it was naturally not easy for Du Xiaoxin to refuse. Su Mingze had the attitude that Du Xiaoxin had the final say. Seeing that Du Xiaoxin nodded and agreed, he naturally agreed.

The group came to the restaurant.

Seeing a plate of dishes on the table, Du Xiaoxin saw that Su Mingze's face was a little abnormal and couldn't help asking worriedly, "What's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with these dishes?

Su Mingze shook his head and replied thoughtfully, "No, these are my favorite foods on the table."

When Du Xiaoxin heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the old man and the middle-aged woman in his eyes. The two of them were staring at Su Mingze and looked very excited.

"Do you like all these dishes?" The middle-aged woman asked Su Mingze with concern.

Su Mingze finally couldn't help asking questions in his mind. Who the hell are you? Why do you care about me? Do you know what I like to eat?

Hearing Su Mingze's question, Du Xiaoxin also wanted to know this question. She looked up at Su Mingze and looked at the middle-aged man and middle-aged woman sitting opposite her.

"Don't be surprised if we say we suspect you are our son." The middle-aged man thought about it and still said something.

This news was a great surprise for Du Xiaoxin and Su Mingze. The two looked at the two people sitting opposite in a daze. Besides, Su Mingze has been looking for his biological parents.

"What does it mean? Can you make it clearer?" Su Mingze asked with a little excitement.

"When my son was nine years old, I went to pick him up after school, but I didn't expect him to be abducted by a criminal. After that, we kept looking for it and couldn't find it. After that, I did business abroad, but I still didn't give up looking for my son, which has been attracting attention at home. Some time ago, the person who helped us follow said that there was news about my son in China, and we just came back from abroad. After arriving, I knew that the so-called news was false. My wife said that she missed our home in China very much, so I drove my wife here. After that, I didn't expect to meet you so coincidentally, and then you saved my wife. The most important thing is that he and my wife's blood type will be the same, and the more I look at him, the more he looks like our lost son, so I have some doubts.

"After listening to my wife say that she saw that he had a birthmark on his hand, which was exactly the same as our son at the beginning, and the two of us were more sure. Just asked, they were afraid that they would be too hopeful, but they were even more disappointed. They didn't think that he had been adopted, so we asked you to come here to eat. I ordered my son's favorite dishes when he was a child. We thought that if he was our son and he was nine years old when he lost it, then his taste would not change much. I didn't think he really liked these.

"So we think you should be our child." The middle-aged man said to Su Mingze and nodded affirmatively.

When Su Mingze heard this, he frowned and said lightly, "My memory happened to be after nine years old."

Du Xiaoxin took a look at Su Mingze and saw that his expression was very melancholy.

"Don't you remember anything about what happened before the age of nine? Do you remember the place where you just saved me?" The middle-aged woman asked excitedly.

Su Mingze shook his head and nodded again. I think that place is very familiar, but I can't remember why it is so familiar. When I was nine years old, I sat in a car and had a car accident. When I woke up, I didn't remember anything before. After that, I was sent to the orphanage by the police and then taken home by my current adoptive mother.

"So it is, my poor child." After saying that, the middle-aged woman got up and walked to Su Mingze's side and hugged his head tightly with her hand.

Su Mingze was stunned and immediately got up. He looked at the middle-aged woman and replied, "Auntie, maybe you made a mistake. I'm not your son. It's better to do DNA identification first!"

Hearing Su Mingze's words, the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman looked at each other, looked back at him, and replied with one voice, "Okay, okay, okay."

"I'm so happy today, son, we really miss you"

"Good boy, can you tell us how you have been in the past few years?"

"We want to know everything and know everything. You have been really suffering over the years. Mom and Dad are also looking for you so hard. I really want to thank God that I can meet you in my lifetime."

"Honey, let's go to the Kaiyuan Temple tomorrow to repay our wishes. I'm so happy. I'm so happy."


Du Xiaoxin stared at today's performance, and the whole scene was still a little slow. Seeing the warm picture of their family of three, she really misses her father and mother. Knowing that they should have a lot to say, Du Xiaoxin quietly withdrew from the box alone.