hot secretary bad president

Chapter 160 Bomb in the Arms

Wang Baoguo took Du Xiaoxin to the Ferris wheel. Standing under the Ferris wheel and looking up at the Ferris wheel in a daze, but one hand hugged Du Xiaoxin tightly, and a wide windbreaker he wore was just covered by the gun. People who didn't know still thought that the two were sweet couples.

"What did you bring me here for?" Du Xiaoxin was really puzzled by Wang Baoguo's behavior. First, the park was so big that there were no police. Why did he suddenly arrest her? Second, why did he take her to a crowded place and actually bring her to the Ferris wheel? In her mind, there is only doubt but also doubt.

"You will know in a while." Wang Baoguo's voice has always been cold, and there is no trace of temperature at all.

"Why did you arrest me?" Anyway, they have been arrested, and they are all dead. It's better to be a clear ghost.

Wang Baoguo actually laughed when he heard this question. Because you are the most similar to her, the most similar of the thirteen of them.

Hearing such an answer, Du Xiaoxin was confused. What about 13 and 18? It's not her fault. She seldom goes out, basically back and forth between the company and home. What does it have to do with you arresting me?"

Wang Baoguo laughed again. It turned out that this woman was stupid. He asked tentatively, "Haven't you heard Wang Baoguo's name?"

"Wang Baoguo?" Du Xiaoxin looked thoughtful and shook his head, "No, is it you?"

Hearing this, Wang Baoguo was speechless. Others would basically be scared to death when they heard the name. Who said he was the murderer who killed 13 women, and the killing method was extremely cruel.

"Do you not even know what kind of situation you are in now?" After a pause, Wang Baoguo narrowed his small eyes coldly and looked at Du Xiaoxin and said, "I'm a murderer who killed 13 people in a row."

Du Xiaoxin heard it clearly and was suddenly dumbfounded, but the next second her face returned to calm. It was not how calm she was, but how calm she had to calm down. It's just that she doesn't understand that there is no murderer who informs the person to be killed in advance before killing. This is obviously revenge, but he has no grudge against her. How can it be?

Wang Baoguo took Du Xiaoxin on the Ferris wheel. When the Ferris wheel turned, he took out a bomb from his bag, stuffed it on Du Xiaoxin's body, and said with a bleak smile, "Can you understand how it feels to lose your beloved?"

Hearing this, Du Xiaoxin was 100% sure and affirmed that this person was completely here to revenge.

"Why on earth are you doing this?" Du Xiaoxin still doesn't know why the serial murderer found him.

"What's the reason?" After a pause, Wang Baoguo stood in the small carriage in the Ferris wheel and looked at the crowd below with binoculars and said faintly, "He made me lose my beloved, and I also let him taste the loss of my beloved. But it seems that the previous dozen are not. You seem to be.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean? Du Xiaoxin naturally understood the previous words, but the following sentence was very confused.

Wang Baoguo stretched out his hand and pointed to the crowd below, and said with a treacherous smile, "He's coming."

Du Xiaoxin took a cold breath when he heard this. It seemed that the person he wanted to deal with was one of the six of them. If it hadn't been for Chen Kai, it must have been Mo Tianheng.

Du Xiaoxin wanted to clenched her fist and kicked it while Wang Baoguo was not paying attention, but then she found that she had no strength all over her body.

"Don't waste your time. Do you know why I came here today? Because I know you will come here today. Wang Baoguo turned his head and looked at Du Xiaoxin, who was not working hard. "The ecscination is still effective. At least you have no power to bind the chicken now."

"You, you..."

At this time, the round and round of the Ferris wheel ended. The people in the carriage slowly got out of the carriage. Wang Baoguo also got out of the carriage, but Du Xiaoxin stayed alone in the carriage, and her body was also stuffed with a bomb by Wang Baoguo. When he walked out of the Ferris wheel, he left Du Xiaoxin, who was soft all over. On the seat.

Before leaving, Wang Baoguo looked back at Du Xiaoxin, "Don't be afraid, he will go down to accompany you in a moment. Remember, don't move around." Before Du Xiaoxin could speak, he directly slammed the door hard.

At this time, Mo Tianheng, Chen Kai, Liu Nana, Hu Meier, Li Hu and more than a dozen policemen are coming in this direction.

The Ferris wheel began to rotate again, and Du Xiaoxin, who was getting farther and farther away from the ground, found that there was a telescope that could see the ground next to his seat. This existing device made Du Xiaoxin see clearly that Mo Tianheng and others were getting closer and closer to his position.

In a while, Mo Tianheng and Chen Kai, Liu Nana, Hu Meier, Li Hu and the police all rushed to the Ferris wheel. Just as they arrived, the rotating Ferris wheel suddenly stopped.

I only heard a burst of screams and crying out of fear. You should know that this Ferris wheel is more than 100 meters high. How horrible it is to stay in mid-air.

"Du Xiaoxin is not on the Ferris wheel, is it?" Mo Tianheng looked up at the high Ferris wheel and thought uneasily.

"Du Xiaoxin, where are you? Don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you. Mo Tianheng looked around and shouted loudly.

Du Xiaoxin saw Mo Tianheng's worried face with a telescope in mid-air. She looked farther and saw Wang Baoguo standing not far behind Mo Tianheng and the others, looking at them with gloomy smiles, and he seemed to know that Du Xiaoxin was looking at him at this moment. He also stretched out his hand and mouth. With a smile on the corner, he waved his hand to the sky, and then turned around and left.

"Hey, hey, you can't go!" Du Xiaoxin shouted anxiously in the carriage, but she can't move now, because bombs were stuffed in her arms, and the bomb turned out to be a horizontal bomb. There was a glass ball in the middle. At this moment, the glass ball stopped in the middle. As long as the glass ball touched both sides, the bomb would immediately Explosion. Du Xiaoxin was looking nervously at the bomb in his hand at this moment and did not dare to move.

When Wang Baoguo left, he left Du Xiaoxin with a mobile phone.

"What's going on with this Ferris wheel? Hurry up. Now so many people are stuck in mid-air, which will cause panic." Chen Zhenghua's policeman said quickly to the staff of the Ferris wheel.

The staff of the Ferris wheel replied, "It's not that we don't want to do it, but that someone has broken the active program of the remote control. It seems to be a computer master, otherwise, our computer will not be paralyzed."

Hearing this, Chen Zhenghua frowned, which was not good, very bad. How can this Ferris wheel have such a problem? Some people report that Wang Baoguo is here. In this way, the problem of Ferris wheel is closely related to Wang Baoguo.