
Chapter 16 The Fog in the Courtyard

Moreover, Feifan didn't have time to check the wound for He Shaoqing, and he didn't have time to fight with him. At this time, his only thought was to run downstairs, rush to the gate of the small building, open the door, and escape from this place safely.

He lowered his head and ran downstairs silently. He Shaoqing still had a certain weight. Even if he used to carry heavy cross-country, in today's situation, his forward speed is still affected. The usual few trails now gives him a feeling of being out of reach.

After all, the strange baby on the stair platform is still struggling painfully. What's more, this kind of extraordinary can be called thrilling, but the unreachable feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, he can vaguely see the gate of the small building, but he feels that every time he takes a step, the gate takes a step back.

Sweat dripped along his cheeks to his chin, and then fell to the ground little by little. He subconsciously lowered his head. When his eyes fell to the ground, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in consternation. Inadvertently, the sweat dripping from his face accumulated into a few small pools of water stains under his feet.

Wang Feifan's whole body trembled and almost threw He Shaoqing on his shoulder to the ground. He stiffly turned his neck and swept around. When he turned around and saw the stairs not far behind him, he could finally be sure of one thing. I don't know when he unconsciously fell into the same state of stepping in place.

"Why is this so?"

He calmed down and looked around again. This time, he finally found that the body of the strange baby and the small mummified corpse on the stair platform behind him had disappeared.

"Fuck..." Kuang Feifan couldn't help swearing.

No need to ask, it's the monster that is messing up secretly. But now the "Mani Stone" pendant is gone, and Feifan hurriedly put He Shaoqing on the ground and touched it in his pocket.

He Shaoqing almost fell into a coma, but after his tossing and turning, he regained some consciousness. He asked with difficulty, "Oh, what are you... doing?"

Moreover, Feifan raised his hand and slapped He Shaoqing twice on the cheek: "Hey, stay awake and hold on. You absolutely can't hang up here. You still owe me 400 yuan."

With that, he took this opportunity to take a look at the injury on He Shaoqing's shoulder. It was a typical bite. The wound was uneven, but the wound did not flow out at all. Instead, it showed a black bruise, and even the muscles exposed by the wound were as black as if they had been dyed in ink.

"Toxic." This is the first thought that came to the extraordinary mind.

Unfortunately, there is no antidote now, and there is no time at all. He turned out the jade Buddha amulet from He Shaoqing. Although this amulet is faintly black, it is the only "dharma weapon" in his hand that can be used to fight against monsters.

Because the rope on the amulet had been broken, and Feifan had to hold it in his hand. When he held it, he subconsciously remembered the sentence "Nan Wu Dizang Bodhisattva" in his heart. He immediately felt some strange. The amulet in his hand was slightly cool, but when this sentence just slipped through his heart, the The coolness became stronger in an instant. After a while, he was surprised to find that a mass of cool air poured into his body from the palm of his hand and quickly swam through the limbs and bones. Moreover, his whole body was shocked, and his spirit, which had been tense, felt much easier in an instant.

This cool air is by no means the feeling that makes people experience the cold, but refreshing as drinking a glass of ice water in midsummer, and it can't help but exhale.

Unfortunately, the cool air in his body quickly disappeared, and there was no longer that feeling of cool silk in the palm of his hand. Almost subconsciously, he felt that it was related to the blackening of the amulet.

At this moment, Kuo Feifan realized that this was his last chance. He clenched his teeth, bent down to take the half-comatose He Shaoqing, looked at the direction of the gate of the small building, and rushed over. There was only one thought in his heart: "Be sure to rush out."

He did not look back, so he did not notice that a faint mist quickly gushed out from all directions behind him, as if there was life, and the fog rolled and chased behind him, as if he wanted to wrap the two people in and devour them.

The dark gate is getting closer and closer to him. In Feifan's eyes, there is only the closed door. He constantly adjusts his running posture. Seeing that it is still about two steps away from the gate, Kuang Feifan shouted: "Nan Wu Dizang Bodhisattva..."

He didn't know whether this spell would work, let alone whether the jade Buddha amulet in his hand could protect them, but he only had this move, and there was only one move left. While drinking this spell, his hand had reached out and held the doorknuck and pulled it inward...

The jade Buddha amulet given to him by Grandma He Shaoqing finally exerted all its remaining spiritual power. The prohibition set on the gate was broken, and the door was immediately opened by him.

Wang Feifan seemed to have an illusion. The moment the door opened, the surrounding scenery was distorted like a burst of water ripples, but at this moment, it was impossible to take care of many things. He carried He Shaoqing and raised his legs and walked out of the door of the small building.

What's more, when my extraordinary feet stepped on the ground of the porch outside the gate, I inexplicably felt a sense of stability in my heart, but at this time, it was not really safe. There was also a step outside the porch leading to the courtyard. There was a big iron gate along the path outside the building to the end of the yard, and only safely escaped to the road outside the iron gate, not to mention They will be truly out of danger.

Just after Kuo Feifan rushed out of the gate of the small building, the door he opened closed violently and made a "bang", as if someone was angry and kicked the door hard.

The extraordinary just looked sideways and didn't have time to study why the door was closed. At this time, the courtyard was filled with a faint fog. When the situation was downstairs from the porch to the courtyard, the mist had become thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scene in the courtyard was about to be hidden in the fog, and the bluestone leading to the courtyard gate The path also gradually disappeared into the fog.

"It's the last try, He Shao, hold on." Moreover, Feifan gasped and whispered.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and my eyes can't see the path quickly. Even my calves have been immersed in the dense fog. The visibility is close to zero, surrounded by clouds and fog. What's more, Feifan now stands in a field and can only see the vast fog from left to right. This feeling of seeing things but not seeing things. , more uncomfortable than in absolute darkness.

Since you can't tell the direction, what's more, Feifan can only walk to the courtyard door with memory. The fog around him is so thick that it is like water, and every step can bring out the airflow vortex that can be seen with the naked eye.

As soon as He Shaoqing, who was already in a coma, took a few steps, there was an unusually clear strange sound behind him. Although the voice was not loud, it sounded like a thunder. Hearing this, he shook his whole body, his scalp was numb, and the muscles on his forehead were tight. , a cold sweat in an instant.

This sound is really familiar. Not long ago, I just heard the sound of the gray jacket dragging its legs in the corridor, and it sounded like no more than one meter away from him, almost close to his back, and you can reach his shoulder by raising your hand. The feeling slips directly from the back of his neck to the bottom and straight down to him. Heel.

For a while, his muscles were so stiff that he couldn't move. He even thought about whether to look back or pretended not to hear the sound and ignored it.

However, he immediately reacted and bit his tongue hard to remind himself that at this time, he must calm down. The footsteps sounded not slow, as if the extraordinary steps were almost synchronized. He took a deep breath and did not dare to stop looking back, so he had to gritt his teeth and slowly look back and look back. Is that person behind him or not?

The footsteps did not stop, but Feifan turned around and looked at it. There was nothing in the gray fog behind him. It was still gray, but it was disturbed by his movements. There were some strange airflows, which quickly calmed down and became the same even as before.

Moreover, he couldn't see anything strange, so he simply gave up turning back and continued to look for footsteps and continued to move forward. This time, he subconsciously accelerated his pace. His clothes were wet by fog and sticking to his body, which was very uncomfortable, especially under his feet. In order to feel the bluestone path under his feet, he had kicked it off when he went downstairs. His eyes could not see it and could only feel the direction with his body. This was the only way he came up with.

Fortunately, his method was still the right way, relying on the feeling of stepping on the bluestone path under his feet. Soon after, Kuang Feifan really hit the big iron gate of the yard. In the thick fog, I faintly saw the shadow of the iron gate. Moreover, I was overjoyed. I rushed over a few steps and pushed it. There was a thick iron chain hanging on the big iron door, and the ends of the chain wrapped in several circles were locked together by a large padlock.

"Damn." Kuang Feifan cursed and had no choice but to put He Shaoqing aside and grab the lock and look at it carefully. Because the lock has been rusty for some years, I don't know if the lock core inside will be rusty. Moreover, Feifan took out the Swiss* from his pocket.

The extraordinary unlocking technology was learned from a locksmith in front of his house. The tuition fee of five Chinese cigarettes was taught by the master, so now at his level, the locks on the market are basically not a problem under him. However, because the lock core is rusted to a certain extent, and he has to pay attention to the situation around him while fiddling with the lock cylinder, it took a lot of effort to pry it.

With a "cluck" sound, there was a soft sound in the padlock in his hand. The lock was finally opened by him. He hurriedly took off the lock and threw it aside, stretched out and began to untie the thick chain wrapped around the iron door.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly rushed out of the fog on his side. The figure raised his arms and went straight to the back of the room. His hands, which had shrunk like dead branches, were like a pair of claws. As long as they were caught, they would definitely leave holes in him. Moreover, Feifan had been paying attention to the situation around him. The corner of his eyes aimed at the situation and hurriedly slid sideways to dodge. Fortunately, he avoided it quickly. The figure pounced on the air and did not catch him, but his body still hit him and knocked him to the ground.

In extraordinary situation, he rolled on the ground, and the water-like fog around him brought out a wave-like cyclone. Moreover, Feifan flashed this jump and did not dare to stop. As soon as he pressed his hand on the ground, his feet flew up and kicked straight to the figure...