
Chapter 29 Evil

Just as the ghostly student's hands hit Kuo Feifan's chest, Kuo Fei's hands suddenly fell down, grabbed the student's wrist, and his pulse door with ten fingers were clasped. At the same time, his body flashed to the left, avoiding the two ghost claw-like palms that had not been hit because of his strength.

At the same time, Bai Ru's hand in her pocket also pulled out, turned her wrist, and slapped a yellow charm on the top of the student's head. Moreover, she saw her lips moving like something, and the expression on the student's face moved with her mouth and quickly turned from evil to dull. After a while, her eyes Turn over, and the body fell softly on the ground.

Just as the student fell to the ground, the two ghosts at the door of the toilet disappeared in mid-air.

At this time, Kuang Feifan raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, exhaled and asked, "Is it done?"

To be honest, the scene did make him a little nervous. Everything was decided in an instant. From the door where the student appeared, Bai Ru secretly communicated with the situation. She saw that the student had been possessed. Without hurting the student's body and soul, she knew that she could not be forcibly expelled. He had to wait for him to seal it in time when he approached them, and then managed to drive the ghost attached to him out of his body.

But the matter was not as simple as they thought. Although she lured him over and successfully sealed it, Bai Ru found that there was no tool in her hand to strip off the evil spirits attached to the students.

They carefully checked the student with the motionless rune standing on their heads. It must be Li Jin, the student who disappeared last night. At the same time, they also found that his hands were covered with dry blood. Bai Ru analyzed that it was likely that he had been ghosted when he entered the toilet with Lin Rui last night. Possed and killed Lin Rui.

Thinking of what the two students experienced in this toilet, Bai Ru's face was not beautiful. She sighed. Although she still didn't know the reason for the ghost in the teaching building, she finally found the missing student and sealed the ghost who was possessed. It was not tonight. Bai Lai.

"But I ran two." Kuang Feifan frowned and said worriedly.

"Now this matter makes me more and more curious. Many situations have not been figured out yet. I always feel that there is a guy behind the scenes who manipulates all this." Bai Ru squatted next to Li Jin, lowered her head and meditated, muttering, as if analyzing the situation and talking to herself, but did not answer the extraordinary questions.

"Uh...Ru, are you all right?" Moreover, Feifan instantly turned his worries about ghosts into his concern for Bai Ru.

"Hmm..." Bai Ru raised her head and looked at the extraordinary situation. After a while, her expression returned to normal. She reluctantly smiled and shook her head: "It's okay. I can't think of a good solution now."

Kuang Feifan looked at the unremitable worries between Bai Ru's eyebrows, couldn't help but tighten his heart, squatted next to her, and advised her with some pain, "Now I can't think of it. Let's put it aside for the time being. What should we do with him now? Send it to the hospital?"

With that, he pointed to Li Jin lying on the ground.

Bai Ru bit her lip and pondered for a moment before saying, "The hospital is useless, but it is still necessary to find a place to drive out and catch the evil spirit attached to him in the safest way."

Wang Feifan was confused: "What should I do?"

Bai Ru stood up and looked at Kuang Feifan: "You hold him. Let's go out first. It seems that I'm going to call the master."

"Ah?" Moreover, Feifan felt that he had suddenly changed from a heavenly assistant to a hard force.

Because of the magic wand in Bai Ru's hand, they left the second teaching building surprisingly smoothly and did not encounter any obstacles.

All the way to the school gate, Bai Ru stared at the bronze statue for a while, and then she got into her own car. When she left the school gate, Feifan looked at the duty room, which was still on, but no one was there.

In the car, Bai Ru said to him without any wonder, "Don't worry, the person on duty should be fine. I'm afraid this ghost is just a student."

Wang Feifan was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Bai Ru shook her head thoughtfully: "I can't tell the reason. It's just a feeling."

After saying that, she subconsciously turned her head to the direction of the school gate and stared at the bronze statue that could only faintly see the outline through the window. She always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the bronze statue.

Kuang Feifan took a look at Li Jin, who had already been placed in the back seat of the car, and asked worriedly, "How can I save this student now? I think I can take a step back."

Bai Ru said "um" and took a look at her watch. Now it's 11:30 p.m., and it feels like it's been so long. In fact, it's only been three hours.

She took out her mobile phone, thought for a moment, and called a number from the phone book.

Without waiting for Bai Ru to dial the phone to get through, she was suddenly stunned and took her mobile phone away from her ear. Her face couldn't help changing. She looked at Wei Feifan strangely. She was shocked and asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

"There is a phone plugged in, it's the hospital..."

"Uh..." Moreover, Feifan couldn't help but have a headache. No need to ask, the hospital knew that he had run away.

In fact, when Bai Ru answered the phone call, she was particularly shocked. The phone call was from Xu Hui, the captain of the Fifth Group of Major Crimes. His first sentence was: "Bang Feifan and He Shaoqing are missing."

Hearing this situation, Bai Ru's face immediately became heavy. She felt that things might be bad. What's more, Feifan is now by her side and is not missing, but what about He Shaoqing? He was poisoned. Although he had taken medicine at noon and the toxins in his body should be gradually eliminated, it was impossible to recover in the afternoon. This is not to mention that he has been in a coma. Even if he wakes up, he can't get out of bed immediately.

The question is, how could he go missing?

Wang Feifan was also puzzled. Even his first thought was to regret coming to school to catch ghosts with Bai Ru. He should stay by He Shaoqing's side.

However, this idea just flashed by. Besides, it is useless to think about these now, but the disappearance of He Shaoqing is not simple. Bai Ru first informed Xu Hui that Feifan was not actually missing, but was with her and received some outdoor memory recovery treatment. Of course, Xu Hui complained a few times. I guess because Bai Ru is a beautiful woman, Xu Hui's complaint is just a point.

When Bai Ru wanted to ask Xu Hui about He Shaoqing's disappearance in detail on the phone, no one knew the situation when He Shaoqing disappeared. Xu Hui initially suspected that it was about 8 to 8:10 p.m., which was the conclusion reached when he just looked at the hospital surveillance video. , because from 8:10 to 8:10, in all the surveillance videos on the floor of He Shaoqing's ward, all the images turned into snowflakes. Before that, he could be seen lying in the ward, and after that, the disease** was empty.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Ru and Kuang Feifan fell into silence for a moment. After a while, Kuang Feifan suddenly said, "I'll go back and have a look."

Bai Ru took a look at Li Jin behind the car and knew Bai Ru's thoughts. He gently took Bai Ru's hand and said, "I said, you will be the only one left here when I go back."

Bai Ru wanted to laugh, but the corners of her mouth raised, and she still didn't laugh. She whispered, "You forgot, I want to find a helper, but you go back... I'm a little worried..."

Neither of them made it clear that He Shaoqing's disappearance will never be so simple that he secretly got up and ran out of the hospital, or even kidnapped. Among his disappearance, there must be strange and inexplicable things, such as the strange baby that appeared in an extraordinary dream.

To be honest, this extraordinary situation confirmed one thing. The strange baby not only did not die, but also followed them out of the small foreign building.

This really responds to a sentence: resentment will not dissipate!

But Feifan still doesn't know how the strange baby came out of the small building and followed them. Where did he hide after coming out? Is it just a wisp of resentment floating around them all the time?

Before he left, he simply told Bai Ru all the questions that had just occurred to him.

Bai Ru showed a wry smile: "I really didn't feel a ghost beside you or He Shaoqing in the hospital, but now that I think about it, your nightmare may really be related to the strange baby you mentioned. I guess it may be a newborn or unborn baby with strong resentment. It has become a 'evil' gathered from pure resentment.

"Evil"?" Moreover, Feifan repeated a sentence.

"You said that there are strange babies and small mummified corpses in that small buildings. I believe that the little mummified corpse is the body of the strange baby. If it weren't for your last blow that severely damaged one of them, I'm afraid few people can deal with this kind of resentment after the strange baby and the body are combined into one."

Wang Feifan took a cold breath: "You mean, if it weren't for us, the ghost would have become so powerful that no one could compete with him?"

Bai Ru nodded, then shook her head and said, "There is one problem. If you hadn't dug out their bodies, they wouldn't fit together."

"Uh..." was extraordinary and speechless for a moment.

Bai Ru thought for a moment and said, "But it can't be said that you have all done something wrong. In fact, this is a contradictory problem and can't be used in theory at all. In fact, if you want to completely eliminate this resentment and evil spirit, you can only use He Shaoqing's protection like you mistakenly hit the female mummed corpse. The charm purifies it with fire, but unfortunately, you are unlucky to resurrect the little mummified body and escape.

"Damn, let's talk about it, if we don't go in, there will probably be so much later." What's more, Feifan lamented.

Bai Ru pondered slightly, and her heart suddenly moved. She blurted out, "No, not necessarily."