
Chapter 46 Goodbye Xu Hui

Bai Ru followed the dean to the archives room. Although what Vice Principal Song Ying said just now was extremely harsh, it didn't matter to her at all.

However, there is a piece of news that attracted the attention of Bai Ru and Gu Yi, that is, Principal Hao once called the school. Although he did not know whether it was Principal Hao himself, whether he or his family would call the school to ask for leave, which was a very unusual thing.

In the corridor to the archives room, Bai Ru secretly stuffed a piece of paper into Gu Yi's hand and whispered, "President Hao's house."

Gu Yi nodded and raised his voice and said, "White reporter, I'll buy some spare batteries and collect the files by yourself. Is that okay?"

Bai Ru tried to hold back her smile and pretended to be dissatisfied, "Why are you not ready to come? Go quickly, you can't delay the interview later, or your salary will be deducted.

Gu Yi pushed the sunglasses that almost never leave his face, curled his lips, greeted the dean and turned away.

I didn't expect that the archive room of Fuxing Middle School was built in the basement of the library. Although you can log in to the school's intranet from any computer and enter the file management system after knowing the password, many materials are still paper and put in file bags and packed into countless paper boxes.

Looking at several file cabinets and countless paper boxes in front of her, Bai Ru couldn't help but fight. Fortunately, she still holds the first-level password of Principal Hao.

The dean pointed to a computer in the corner of the basement and said, "There is a terminal here, which can check the files or call out the information you need in the cabinet in the archive room."

Bai Ru nodded to express her gratitude.

Unexpectedly, the dean did not mean to leave after saying that, but stayed aside. It seemed that he was going to help Bai Ru find information together.

Bai Ru was stunned for a moment and had to ask, "Will it delay your work?" Why don't you go ahead and do your work? I'll check it myself."

The dean smiled and said, "It's okay. Since Vice Colonel Song asked me to bring you to check the information, I naturally have to help, and with so many, how can you finish the investigation alone?"

Needless to ask, in addition to being kind, the dean also means to show his merit to Vice Principal Song.

helplessly, Bai Ru had to thank again. The teaching director took the file index out of the computer. Bai Ru looked at it and decided to investigate some * information at the beginning of the construction of the school.

The dean volunteered to help her get the box for the file. Bai Ru was speechless and simply took out her mobile phone and called Kuang Feifan.

Unexpectedly, after the phone was connected, the other party did not say a word.

"Extraordinary, extraordinary...are you there?" Bai Ru was shocked and asked quickly.

For a while, a hesitant voice sounded on the other side of the phone: "Ru? Is that you?"

Bai Ru couldn't help changing her face and involuntarily walked a few steps to the door of the archives room and asked anxiously, "Extraordinary, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

The other party was silent again, but Bai Ru heard a sound of footsteps keenly, and then heard the sound of opening and closing the door. Finally, a sound came from the other side of the phone. First, someone took a breath, and then an extraordinary voice sounded: "Thank God, fortunately you called, otherwise, I almost I'm going to be tricked."

Bai Ru asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Why don't I go there right away?"

Kuang Feifan took a breath and said, "No, you don't have to come here. I will pay attention next time. I was restoring the distorted picture in the hospital surveillance video just now. You can't imagine what I saw.

"What's going on?" Bai Ru asked that she knew that at this time, she should let Kuo Feifan tell what happened, especially a supernatural experience, so as not to have any impact on the extraordinary psychology. Although Kuo Feifan's psychological endurance is still very strong.

The journey back to the city is calm and calm. As soon as he entered the city, he took the initiative to call Xu Hui of the serious crime team. Xu Hui was having nowhere to spread fire at this time. When he heard that Kuo Feifan called, his tone was inevitably angry and his words were a little aggressive.

Knowing that he was also worried about He Shaoqing, and Feifan didn't care about it. On the contrary, he was a little sorry. After all, if he did not escape from the hospital without permission, maybe he could help look after He Shaoqing, and maybe he would not have disappeared so strangely.

Sometimes there are some things that can't be said, and even if they are said, they may not be believed, but sometimes, what should be said should be said. For example, now, Bu Feifan can't help it. After listening to Xu Hui's complaints, he said, "Captain Xu, I have to tell you something, but it's better to be alone and You say it."

"I'm smoking on the rooftop of the branch. There is not even a ghost here. Come here." Xu Hui heard that he was mysterious and couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Bang a few cans of cold beer by the way. I want to refresh." Xu Hui said when he hung up the phone.

"Wow, can drinking refresh you?" Moreover, Feifan felt that this was even more incredible.

On the rooftop of the branch, two men in plain clothes finally met, one of whom was still carrying a dozen of beer in his hand. If it were a gun, this scene would have a taste of Infernal Affairs. However, one of the bigger men did not hold any file bags except for a cigarette butt under his feet.

Hu Feifan raised the beer and first showed his goodwill. Xu Hui reluctantly relaxed his tense expression. In fact, he was not really angry, but felt that this matter was quite angry from beginning to end. So far, he has not found a person to vent at all.

"Does drinking really refreshed?" The extraordinary opening remarks are very special.

Xu Hui was stunned. He still reached out to take the beer, broke a can and took a sip. He took a long breath and said, "In theory, I'm off work."

He lit another cigarette, took a sip, looked at the extraordinary situation, and suddenly said, "What happened to you and me? Can you tell me now?"

With a wry smile, he walked to the guardrail on the rooftop, looked at the sun that had just risen in the distance, and took a deep breath. He really didn't want to recall the experience that night, and he didn't know whether he should tell the truth to the captain of the serious crime unit in front of him. If he hadn't been experiencing supernatural events in the past few days, he would have I hope that day was just a nightmare.

He simply broke a can of beer, opened it and took a sip. He turned his head and said to Xu Hui, "Team Xu, do you know my profession?"

Xu Hui nodded.

Kang Feifan shrugged his shoulders: "Then you should know that the most important thing in forensic work is to speak with evidence."

Xu Hui took a cigarette and frowned, "What do you want to say? Please be frank, I don't like to beat around the bush.

Moreover, Feifan played with the beer can and was silent for a long time. It was not until Xu Hui almost finished smoking the cigarette that he tried to say in an indifferent tone, "If we had an accident because we bumped into a ghost, what would you think?"

Xu Hui listened and didn't think about it. He threw away the cigarette butt and turned to the rooftop exit.

Moreover, he laughed at himself. Fortunately, he said "if", and now Xu Hui probably thinks that he is making fun of him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Hui opened the door of the rooftop and was about to lift his legs to move forward, but suddenly stopped, stood there meditating for a long time, closed the door and turned back to Kuang Feifan, and asked thoughtfully, "You are not joking when you said this, are you?"

Wang Feifan nodded.

Xu Hui frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked again, "That is to say, you just told me that you and He Shaoqing met a ghost that night?" The murderer who injured you is also a ghost?"

Kuang Feifan said seriously, "Or, if you hurt us, it should be called 'Xu', which is said to be more powerful than ghosts."

Xu Hui took out a cigarette and lit it again, smoking hard, but didn't say anything.

On the contrary, he felt strange about this extraordinary situation. He couldn't help but blurt out, "Wait, I don't understand, Team Xu, do you believe it so easily?"

Xu Hui looked at him and said, "I don't want to believe it. Now I'd rather you tell me that it was an alien or a martial arts master who hurt you. To be honest, these three can explain the reason for your injury. At the beginning, I personally believed that you met a martial arts master, and you were also a master of poison. Such as Tangmen and so on.

Bang Feifan couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Xu Hui in surprise and said in surprise, "Really, do you think so?"

Xu Hui smiled very unnaturally and said, "At least these are not contrary to my education, but the attacks you two encountered are really too strange. I have to think that the murderer who can hurt you is by no means ordinary, especially the poison on He Shaoqing's wound, as well as Dr. Bai's strange actions, plus He Shaoqing's disappearance last night, all this combined, I just thought about it carefully. No matter what you say, I should be able to accept it.

The situation asked curiously, "Wait a minute, do you think so, or does everyone think so?"

Xu Hui shook his head with a wry smile: "It's a pity that I should just think so."

What's more, he couldn't help sighing disappointedly.

Xu Hui suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Be content. You chose me today. Don't be afraid to tell you honestly. There are still some ideas in the branch. You definitely don't want to know."

Hu Feifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Hui with inquiring eyes.

Xu Hui smiled strangely: "Some people think that you hurt He Shaoqing."
