
Chapter 78 Approach

Bai Ru held the magic wand in her hands and stood there quietly, breathing a little short.

Gu Yi slowly collapsed from the body, and the motionless Principal Hao stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that outside the iron fence not far away, the fog of resentment, which was still black, was ready to move, and there was a tendency to drill into it. He quickly put his hand on Bai Ru's shoulder, pushed her back into the gossip guard array, turned back and threw out a few fire charms, and hit Principal Hao's body.

The burning flame quickly turned the body into a pile of black charcoal. Gu Yi quickly retreated to the protective array, took a look at the remaining remains of Principal Hao, and sighed gently.

Bai Ru said gloomyly, "A long time ago..."

Gu Yi reluctantly smiled: "No one wants it, forget it."

Not long ago, Bai Ru's thorn finally broke the resentment in Principal Hao's body, which also made the resentment that protected him dissipate in an instant. Principal Hao turned into an ordinary corpse again. In order to prevent the possibility of corpses, they decided to burn it on the spot.

As soon as he returned to the guard, the fog outside the iron fence door seemed to be no longer controlled. It squeezed in through the cracks of the iron fence like cotton wool drawn out and poured into the position of the two of them.

The rolling fog can be seen in the outer layer of the fog, and there is a faint beast-like roar inside, and occasionally a dark red light flashes through the fog.

Bai Ru inserted the magic wand into the array with her backhand. The shield formed by the formation suddenly lit up, and the golden light flowed on the shield like substance.

Gu Yi sat on the ground, crossed his legs, formed a fingerprint with his hands, and tried to recover the mana and physical strength that had just been consumed in his body as soon as possible.

Bai Ru silently stared at the resentment fog that had almost wrapped the whole shield, and the strange blue and black covered the faint light of the shield. If it hadn't been for the resentment fog obviously been some distance away from them, she really thought that the two had been swallowed up by the large black fog.

At this time, because of the injection of mana in the magic wand, the power of the array has soared rapidly. It is not a big problem to resist this fog of resentment. What's more, since this fog entered the sewer where they stayed, the originally black and blue fog has obviously faded, and it seems that the boundary power of "resentment and death" has been enhanced. , the resentment in the fog has indeed dropped a lot.

Seeing that the protective array can completely resist the devouring of resentment, Bai Ru was relieved and relaxed her body appropriately so that her physical strength could be restored.

In this situation, Bai Ru and Gu Yi actually enjoyed a moment of relaxation that they had never had before.

Time slowly moved forward, and there was such a stalemate between the fog and the shield. It seemed that the fog could not hold on under the confrontation with the shield. Except for waves of continuous rolling and roaring, the fog gradually faded.

At this time, Gu Yi suddenly opened his eyes and subconsciously turned to the direction of the iron fence. Bai Ru also felt it and also looked in that direction.

From the sewer, there was a faint sound of ghost crying and howling, which sounded very rhythmic. With the appearance of this sound, the resentment fog surrounding them suddenly left the gossip protection array, and the tide rolled back to the other side of the iron fence and disappeared behind the railing mixed with the sound of wind. .

Bai Ru subconsciously blurted out and said, "How can the other party control the fog?"

Gu Yi was not too surprised: "I should have guessed when the fog hovered on the sewer mouth just now."

Bai Ru shook her head: "I'm not surprised, I just feel that the closer I am to my opponent, the more troublesome it is."

Gu Yi took a deep breath, stood up, stretched out, and said, "It's troublesome. Shall we go there now or take a break?"

Bai Ru frowned and suddenly asked, "Do you remember that corpse tide?"

Gu Yi nodded, tilted his head to look at Bai Ru, and said, "What's wrong?"

Bai Ru said strangely, "I wonder if it will appear at this time."

Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then understood something. He smiled and said, "If you want to call, just call. Are you afraid that something will happen later?"

Bai Ru's face was a little unnatural. She stared at Gu Yi, hesitated to take out her mobile phone, installed the card and turned it on.

I didn't expect that a text message appeared on her mobile phone before she could call out.

The text message was naturally sent to her before. Bai Ru bit her lips and directly dialed Kuang Feifan. At this time, Kuang Feifan was standing outside the yard of the ghost building with Xu Hui.

When Bai Ru hung up the call with Infan, she was slightly distracted. Gu Yi noticed her strangeness and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Bai Ru shook her head, sighed gently, and said, "The problem here must be solved as soon as possible, and then rush back. I suspect that Fei Fei wants to hide it from me to the ghost building."

Gu Yi laughed and said, "No way, how dare he do such a thing without telling you? I'm starting to really admire him now.

Bai Ru gave him angrily and said, "How do I know why? It's just a feeling."

Gu Yi smiled and muttered, "Women's intuition."

Bai Ru quickly removed the mobile phone card and asked Gu Yi, "Are you leaving now?"

Gu Yi smiled dryly: "Did you dismantle it so soon?"

"What?" Bai Ru was stunned.

"Mobile phone card." Gu Yi scratched his head carefully and said.

"Yes, what are you doing?" Bai Ru asked.

"Thinking of your extraordinary, don't call Jiang Tao and the others to ask about the situation." Gu Yi said with a bad smile.

"If you don't say it earlier, you can hit it yourself." Bai Ru hummed angrily.

Gu Yi, who was sitting against the wall when she called, smiled and took out his mobile phone, installed the card and turned on to call Jiang Tao.

Unexpectedly, without saying a few words after connecting, Gu Yi's smile disappeared, replaced by a serious face. Bai Ru suddenly noticed his change and walked to him.

Gu Yi hung up the phone after a few words, stood up, and said in a low voice, "Wu Zhong is missing."

Bai Ru was shocked: "What? When?"

"Jiang Tao didn't know. He fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that Wu Zhong was missing. He went out to look around but couldn't find it." Gu Yi doesn't look good either.

Bai Ru thought for a moment and advised, "I guess it's not a big problem. Jiang Tao is fine, that is to say, Wu Zhong is likely to leave by himself."

Gu Yi said, "Well," and said, "As you said, let's go now."

Bai Ru carefully walked to the iron fence, poked out both sides of her head to look, turned around and removed the gossip shield with Gu Yi, and re-drilled the iron fence with the magic wand.

The two once again entered the sewer where the "resentment boundary" was arranged.

Gu Yi asked in a low voice, "The place you just missed is over there. Do you have any idea?"

Bai Ru judged the direction and pointed to the right: "Go that way."

Gu Yi quickly followed Bai Ru to that side. Finally, they saw a turn in front of them. This was indeed the place where they turned before.

There were still some animal bones on the ground. Bai Ru glanced at the walls on both sides, looking for the location blocked by the blue fog at that time. Soon, she found the problem.

She reached out and pulled Gu Yi, pointed to the bottom of the wall and said, "Look, there is a hole there."

The hole was obviously smashed out by someone later. The edge of the hole was uneven. The size should be able to climb in and out by an adult on all fours. Unexpectedly, there would be another space behind the sewer wall. Bai Ru bent down and took a flashlight to shine in and found that there was another passage in the hole, which was definitely not built when the sewer was built. The passage is more spacious than the hole, about one person wide and about two people high.

Bai Ru got up and was about to study with Gu Yi whether to enter the hole, when she heard the sound of "Zi Si Si Su Suo" in the distance of the sewer. The sound was too familiar to them. This was the sound when the blue fog figure chasing them for a long time moved.

Gu Yi stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture: "Lady first."

Bai Ru lay down and climbed in, and Gu Yi also climbed into the hole.

There is no smell of sewers in the channel, but there is a smell of carrion, which is easy to remind people of the smell of dead bodies when they rot.

The passage was a little curved, and the road was very clean. There were no animal bones, not even debris such as gravel. The two walked forward for a long time, and a turn suddenly appeared in front of them.

Bai Ru carefully walked to the corner and lit it with a flashlight. Then she found that not far from the corner, the space suddenly became larger, like a rectangular room.

The flashlight can't shine in the innermost part, so I can't see what's in the whole space, but Gu Yi still feels that something is hidden in the dark. He whispered to Bai Ru, "Be careful, there should be some danger inside."

Bai Ru nodded and said, "Maybe this is our destination."

The two slowly walked out of the passage.

Finally, they found that nothing was empty in the whole space. Under the light of the flashlight, the two saw a person with a full body, or a human body, lying near the corner at the end.

It is said that the body is because in addition to the skin on the body is so pale that there is no blood color, the body surface skin has also been dehydrated and dry, the whole skin is wrinkled, some parts have begun to rot, and the skin like a radish skin is pulled. Most importantly, the body seems to have breathing.

And just behind the body, Li Jin sat in the corner half against the wall, tilting his head and closing his eyes.

Bai Ru was shocked and asked Gu Yi: "I can see whether Li Jin is alive or..."

Gu Yi said, "Don't worry, he's fine, but the thing in front of him is not simple."

Bai Ru whispered, "I think that thing is like a mutant walking corpse."

Gu Yi said "um" and said, "Yes, it's really the first time I've found that I can use the resentment of those animals after death, extract my soul, and then attach some animal resentment to my body. Although it is a walking corpse, it has a soul and can order it to do things."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Bai Ru couldn't help thumping in her heart. Although she seemed to have found her opponent's old nest, it was not easy to solve the trouble.