
Chapter 80 End

Although the walking corpse was destroyed, it was not over. The little boy was still hiding in the wall and blocked the space and could not really catch it. However, up to now, the little boy's helper has been basically eliminated.

Looking at the flame in the space gradually disappearing, when the last ray of fire was extinguished, the space returned to calm, and the walls and ground did not seem to have been burned, but the walking corps finally disappeared completely.

Gu Yi and Bai Ru no longer stayed for too long. Gu Yi carried Li Jin again, left the passage and returned to the sewer.

"Bring Li Jin out of here first. As for the 'resentment world', wait to find a solution that can be solved before coming back." Gu Yi suggested.

Bai Ru nodded in agreement.

The two did not intend to find another way, but chose to return by the same way.

Carefully drilling out of the sewer exit, they found that it was getting dark outside, and they stayed down all night and a day.

The school has passed school hours, and there is no one on the campus.

They took Li Jin into the car. On the way, Bai Ru noticed Gu Yi's worried appearance and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? What do you think?"

Gu Yi's face was extremely solemn. After sinking for a while, he said, "I don't think it's over."

"What do you say?" Bai Ru asked.

Gu Yi took a look at Li Jin behind him and said, "The little boy has been appearing in front of us in the form of soul, but in the end we didn't find his bones."

Bai Ru thought for a moment: "Will it rot?"

After saying that, she immediately shook her head again and denied her idea. The walking corpse that appeared in the space was obviously the corpse that was brought into the sewer with the little boy. In 20 years, although the body of the corpse was rotten in many places, it was not so rotten that there was nothing left.

"What do you think?" Bai Ru asked.

Gu Yi shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I always suspect that there was still a living person hidden when we were below."

This feeling is not only now. They also had this kind of suspicion below before. It was when Principal Hao suddenly turned into a resentful corpse. Now because they didn't find the little boy's bones, they once again deepened the doubts of others behind them.

Who will follow them secretly?

Gu Yi took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Tao. After asking, Wu Zhong had not gone back yet, which made both of them a little worried.

After watching Gu Yi's phone call, Bai Ru didn't hesitate for a moment. Finally, she took out her mobile phone, held the steering wheel in one hand, and dialed Kuang Feifan with the other hand.

The prompt sound on the phone is obvious, and the other party's mobile phone has been turned off.

Bai Ru immediately showed a worried look on her face and put away the phone without saying a word.

"What happened?" Gu Yi noticed her appearance and asked, "Is there something wrong with Kuang Feifan?"

Bai Ru's calm face: "The mobile phone can't be connected. I'm worried about him..."

Although the following words were not said, Gu Wei could still understand that she was afraid that she would go to the ghost building again.

After sinking for a while, Gu Yi suddenly said, "After going back, you wash it, and then go to find Kuang Feifan. I'm here."

Bai Ru didn't say anything until she drove back to Wu You's house before she looked at Gu Yi and asked, "I'm back. Can you do it alone?"

Gu Yi grinned and said, "When can't I pass?"

After getting out of the car, Gu Yi forced Bai Ru to pull upstairs, asked her to take a shower and change her clothes before leaving, and insisted that she could no longer drive back to the city, showing that he said that he wanted to use the car, but Bai Ru knew that he was worried that he had not slept all night, and he was afraid that he would not be able to stand driving physically and mentally.

During this period, I made several more calls, and the extraordinary mobile phone was still turned off.

When Bai Ru left, it was already night. Gu Yi placed Li Jin and thought about what he needed to solve the problems left in the sewer. He gave a list to Jiang Tao and asked him to go out to try to prepare these things and pay attention to Wu Zhong's whereabouts by the way.

"Then I'll go, yourself... be careful." Bai Ru was worried about Gu Yidao.

Gu Yi shrugged his shoulders and said easily, "Well, the rest of the matter will not be too complicated to solve."

Bai Ru was very contradictory at this time. Originally, she asked Gu Yi to help, but now she wants to leave him alone. Just because she can't get in touch with her now, she doesn't seem to be a little righteous.

However, if you really enter the ghost building again, I'm afraid it's very likely that you will be more or less auspicious with your self-preservation ability.

Gu Yi saw her contradictory mood and had to continue to persuade him, "Don't worry, you know my ability. There is still not much problem to deal with these, but it's very different. If he really enters the ghost building again as you said, the situation is absolutely not optimistic. It's reasonable. You should go to see him now."

Finally, Bai Ru's worries about the extraordinary situation still prevailed. She reluctantly smiled at Gu Yi and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go and see if he really enters the ghost building again, let's see how I deal with him."

Gu Yi rolled his eyes and didn't believe it: "Will you? It's too late to feel distressed. Go quickly. Don't say these polite words about our relationship.

When Bai Ru took a taxi back to the city, the extraordinary side was in deep water and fire.

And here, soon after Gu Yi sent Bai Ru away, Wu Zhong suddenly went home.

When he saw Wu Zhong walk into the room, Gu Yi's face darkened and asked coldly, "Where have you been?"

Wu Zhong reluctantly squeezed out a smile, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I... took a breath of air and went to the school by the way. I was afraid that something would happen to the school."

Gu Yi looked at him, his face gradually slowed down, and he was still a little dissatisfied and said, "If you want to go out, you should tell Jiang Tao. Just run out rashly. What should you do if something happens? Especially when I just encountered that situation yesterday.

Wu Zhong knew that he meant that he met Principal Hao and took Li Jin away at night, and he also knew that he was imprudent and apologized quickly: "Yes, I'm too careless. I'm sorry."

Gu Yi waved his hand and didn't want to blame anymore. He changed the topic and said, "Forget it, just pay attention to it in the future. By the way, there is nothing wrong with school during the day.

Wu Zhong shook his head: "No, everything is normal."

Gu Yi said "Oh", and it seems that everything that happened in the sewer has not affected the normal life in the school. He looked at Wu Zhong again and said, "You... take a break. You look a little tired. It's like you did physical work. Did you get it all right last night?"

Wu Zhong smiled and said, "It's okay. That's nothing. Today... I moved things, so I'm a little tired."

Gu Yi also smiled and said, "Then drink some water, rest for a while, and get something to eat when Jiang Tao comes back and go to bed early."

Wu Zhong asked, "What did Xiao Jiang do?"

Gu Yi did not hide it from him and said, "He went to prepare something for me. There is still some finishing work in the sewer."

Wu Zhong was stunned for a moment: "The end?"

Gu Yi did not explain in detail, but said, "We need some tools to destroy some of the layout in the sewer."

Wu Zhong asked with concern, "Do you... still want to go?" Tonight? Oh, by the way, where's Miss Bai?

Gu Yi yawned: "Bai Ru has something to do. I won't go tonight. I'm exhausted. I can do it again tomorrow."

Wu Zhong nodded a little and didn't ask any more questions. He poured a glass of water and took two sips. He walked to the inner room. After a while, he poked his head out and asked Gu Yi, "Why is Li Jin still asleep?"

Gu Yi casually said, "It's okay. The prohibition in his body has been lifted, and it's not good for him if it's too long. However, don't move the charm on your chest. First, it's to prevent evil things from entering the body, and second, it can calm him down. Although you can't touch the ghost or something, you will fall off as soon as you touch it. You must be careful.

Wu Zhong suddenly nodded, returned to the bedroom, and closed the door. He has a bed at home. If he wants to lie down and sleep for a while, he can only squeeze with Li Jin.

However, after Wu Zhong came to the door, he was not in a hurry to go to bed. Instead, he walked to the bedside and stared at Li Jin with his eyes closed.

His face slowly darkened, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind and slowly stretched out his hand to the place where Li Jin's chest was attached to the spell.

Wu Zhong is an ordinary person, so he easily removed the charm.

He looked at it, was cruel, opened his mouth and bit his finger, casually wiped the original cinnabar painting on the charm a few times, and then pasted it on Li Jin.

Suddenly, Li Jin's face twitched with some pain, frowned, and a gentle "woo" in his mouth. After a few seconds, he returned to normal.

Seeing that he did not wake up, Wu Zhong breathed a relaxed breath, carefully lay next to him, closed his eyes and pretended to take a rest.

After lying down for a long time, Wu Zhong heard the sound of the bedroom door, opened his eyes and saw Jiang Tao coming in, so he sat up.

Jiang Tao took a look at Li Jin, who was still lying still. Seeing that there seemed to be nothing strange, he whispered to Wu Zhong, "Come out and eat something."

Wu Zhong looked at Li Jin uneasily. Jiang Tao smiled and said, "Brother Yi said that as long as he doesn't move the spell, he will be fine."

Follow Jiang Tao out of the room. Wu Zhong saw three bowls of instant noodles on the table outside. Gu Yi was leaning on the sofa and seemed to be resting. Jiang Tao told Wu Zhong that Gu Yi asked them to eat first.

Wu Zhong ran outside for a day and felt a little hungry. After sitting down, he was not polite and pulled one of the bowls into his stomach.

At this time, they were all in the outside hall, and only Li Jin, who was lying motionless, was left in the bedroom. Suddenly, there was a wave on the wall closest to the bed, and then a small black figure came directly from above and turned into the little boy by the bed.

He stared at Li Jin for a while, and his face couldn't help showing a ferocious smile. He jumped at Li Jin and was about to integrate with Li Jin. Suddenly, Li Jin burst out a golden light all over his body and enveloped the little boy in an instant.

The golden light seemed to cause extremely strong pain to the little boy, and his sad screams suddenly sounded in the room.

Everyone outside the house couldn't help but be shocked. Wu Zhong was the first to get up and push open the bedroom door and rush into the house. He couldn't help but be shocked to see this situation and didn't know what happened.

Behind him, Gu Yi's slow voice sounded: "I didn't expect it, Wu Zhong, your mission has not been completed well."

Wu Zhong turned his head and looked at Gu Yi, and his face was stunned.