
Chapter 135 Last Words 8

When I saw my father, I couldn't help opening my mouth in surprise and couldn't believe my eyes. Is the man in the corner really my father? At first glance, I only thought it was a stranger. My father was a strong man, but the man sitting on the ground in front of him was extremely thin. His blue and black eyes were deeply sunken into his huge eyes, and the cheekbones on both sides of his face were towering. He was so thin that he was no longer human. The sweatshirt on his upper body was pulled into one and put on his body like a rag. I could see his ribs. The roots protrud.

If it hadn't been for the occasional flashing whites in his eyes, I wouldn't have been sure if he was still alive.

I rushed to him, but he seemed to find my existence. Suddenly, my whole body was shocked, and my whole body bounced up like an electric shock. I flashed to the corner of the wall on the other side at an incredible speed and muttered, "Don't come over, don't come over..."

"Dad..." I rushed over and reached out to try to hug him, but he seemed to be very afraid of me and hid aside again when I was approaching him.

I noticed that he didn't dare to look at me at all. He held his shoulders in his hands and muttered like a dream: "Don't come here... She's here... She's coming... Don't come over..."

Seeing that he hid from me again and again, I couldn't help but stop and stop moving forward for a moment.

As I was hesitating, my father suddenly stretched out his finger to me, stared at me with a frightened look on his face, and shouted hoarsely, "You... it's you... You want to kill me..."

I was shocked and couldn't help stepping back two steps. I had never seen my father have such an expression.

I turned my head for help and looked at Uncle Guang and his son outside the door. They shook their heads at me with a surprised face. Uncle Guang whispered, "It's never been so serious before..."


If I have experienced a lot of things with the monkey, I feel that I can think consciously when I am in trouble, at least when I look at my father in front of my eyes, and an idea suddenly comes to my mind.

"Mirror, give me a mirror..." I shouted.

Uncle Guang obviously didn't understand what I meant. It was not until he confirmed that what I was talking about was an ordinary mirror that he found the palm-sized round mirror used by Aunt Guang from home.

I almost grabbed the mirror from his hand, carefully held it in my hand, held it around the house, and tried to adjust all angles.

During this period, my mind was very confused. The most important thing is that the time did not match the number. Obviously, I met a ghost in the temple with the monkey and Uncle Ye, so why could the ghost come to my parents to harm people? I remember Uncle Ye said that the old host has injured the ghost, why can he still hurt my parents?

Although I didn't expect the exact answer, I did see something in the mirror.

At first, I thought I was dazzled, but I carefully adjusted the angle of the mirror and did see a shadow-like thing there.

I slowly moved my eyes and didn't see anything in the house, but at this time I could feel that there was something around us in the house besides me and my father.

Uncle Guang and his son still didn't come in outside the door. Looking at their appearance, they should be scared by my behavior. They don't understand what I'm going to do. I guess they will probably lock me up with my father later.

But I didn't have time to think too much. The more I looked at the shadow in the mirror, the more I seemed to see it clearly. It was a humanoid shadow, but it was not big, as big as a *, gray and invisible, and I stayed behind my father.

Every time I approached my father, the little figure seemed to reach out and pull an invisible line, controlling my father to avoid me. Only then did I understand why although my father acted quickly, his movements were a little stiff.

But what should I do?

Fortunately, I suddenly thought of the relic on my body.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I turned my head and shouted at Uncle Guang and his son: "Come and help."

They came in and looked at me with puzzled eyes.

"Hold my father." I ordered.

It took them a long time to finally press my father to the ground, but they didn't expect that their father, who was about to lose weight, was extremely strong.

I took out the relith, held it and pressed it on my father, and kept chanting the Heart Sutra in my mouth.

At first, due to the distraction of paying attention to the mirror from time to time, the relizi did not seem to have any effect. The father struggled harder and harder under Uncle Guang and his son, and it was very likely to break free.

I just have to calm down and start reading the scriptures regardless of what is reflected in the mirror.

Gradually, his father's struggling power became smaller and smaller. Finally, his tight body completely relaxed, and his whole body became motionless. I could feel that the ghost who controlled him had disappeared.

seemed simple, but when I withdrew my hand, I only felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness, and I suddenly fainted.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in ** with a headache and rusty joints all over my body.

I saw Aunt Guang sitting by my bed and struggled to get up and ask her father how she was doing.

Aunt Guang pressed my body and said with a comforting smile, "He is fine. He is conscious, but his body is very weak and needs to take good care of himself."

I was so happy to hear that my father was fine. I even forgot about Shelizi. As soon as my mind relaxed, I fainted again, and then I slept drowsily for a long time.

During this period, I seemed to see a Taoist priest appear beside my bed, but I don't know if it's a dream or true. I really don't have the strength to wake up.

Of course, it was already a week before I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I found that there was really a Taoist priest beside the bed except Aunt Guang.

Seeing that I woke up, Aunt Guang smiled happily and stood up and walked out of the door, saying that she asked God to worship Buddha.

There is only the Taoist priest left in the house.

I thought it was a dream, but I didn't expect that there was really a Taoist priest around me, and I was a little confused.

But when the Taoist priest took out my relither from my arms, I couldn't help but be shocked. It can be said to be a priceless treasure. At that time, after using it to save my father, I didn't expect to put it away. Now that it appeared in the hands of the Taoist priest, I was really scared. What if the Taoist priest wanted to take it away?

I stretched out my hand and wanted to grab it back from his hand, but when I raised it, I hesitated. Anyway, the other side was also a monk. Shouldn't I be so disrespectful?

Fortunately, the Taoist priest looked a little like a fairy. He handed me the reli with a smile and said, "You must put this away."

I smiled awkwardly, but I still took it and put it in my pocket.

"Master... Er... Taoist priest is..." I don't know what to call him or what he does.

I never thought that the Taoist priest grinned and said, "I'm a liar."