
Chapter 138 Last Words 11

That night, I thought I would stay by the roadside for one night, but later I met a kind passing driver and took the initiative to take a ride to the next stop of the long-distance bus.

It was not until then that I regretted it. I thought it was cheaper to take a long distance than by train, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

And soon after I thought it was just an occasional thing, I found myself wrong. Since then, I realized that I can really keep seeing ghosts. It's okay during the day and I can't see anything. As long as it's evening, I can see that terrible thing at any time.

From the initial fear to gradually numbness, I found that as long as I deliberately hid, I would not be able to get into trouble. But several times it was very dangerous, and the most dangerous one happened in the town closest to the temple.

After arriving at the town, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I could go into the mountain immediately. Then I should be better after seeing the monkey. At least I can ask Uncle Ye what's going on.

It's almost nine o'clock after entering the town. It's impossible to enter the mountain at this time, so I calculated my money and simply found a small hotel to stay overnight and go to the mountain tomorrow.

Although the hotel is not big, it is also a three-story building. Although it had passed the time to provide hot water in the public bathroom at that time, I still thought it was quite good. The cold water flushed it made me clear my mind a lot.

The bathroom is on the second floor. The room the hotel owner gave me is the innermost room on the third floor, which is also the cheapest one, because the back sun looks a little wet, but I don't care for one night.

When I went upstairs, I accidentally glanced at the door of the room next to the stairs. I was shocked when I went upstairs. There was a tailor living in that room. It was said that he was still an unmomented fashion designer, so I put a plastic model at the door. I heard from the boss that the tailor didn't come back after going out a week ago and listened to his words. Si, the tailor also stole a lot of things and may have run away.

It's just that my own affairs have not been solved, and I don't bother to ask others in detail. However, because the light in the corridor was broken again, it was dark when I first came up. At first glance, I saw a figure standing motionless at the door, which added another layer of pressure to my often tight nerves and almost shouted. This led the hotel owner who brought me up to remind me to pay attention. I guess many people have been scared by this model. I don't understand why the tailor is gone and the model is still there.

Go back to my room, lie down to **, barely relax yourself, close your eyes and try to sleep. This is basically the case. Most of the nights are spent in the car, sometimes at the station. That day can be said to be the first time in ** in a period of time.

seemed to be in a daze, and suddenly there was a faint "thundering" sound in his ears, which sounded like someone walking on tiptoe.

I live in only one room, and the door panel is thin. Although the sound should come from the corridor outside the door, it still pulls me back to reality from half a dream.

It was not surprising that there were footsteps in the aisle of the hotel, but I spent this time in a fear and tense atmosphere. In addition, the room was a little stuffy and humid, so I couldn't help squinting and listening.

Unexpectedly, the footsteps sounded getting closer and closer. When the sound stopped, it seemed to be in front of the door of my room.

The room I live in is not big and rectangular, so the direction of the bed is along the long side, and my head is facing in. I lie on my back against the wall, face out, and I can see the situation on the other side of the door with my eyes hanging down.

At this time, I narrowed my eyes and suddenly heard a "clap" sound from the door. It sounded like someone turning the door handle. Although the sound was very light, it was still very harsh in the dead of night.

I can't remember that the door was locked after entering the house, but now when I squinted, I saw the door open quietly.

I was still a little confused. I didn't come to my senses for a while after the door was pushed open. I just looked at the door in a daze. There seemed to be no abnormal phenomenon in the black hole. Instead, a breeze blew in from the outside. When it swept through my body, it was cool and cool, and a thin layer of goose bumps appeared all over my body.

My nerves suddenly tightened, and I thought to myself: It's over, I'm going to see that thing again.

However, I feel that I seem to be getting bolder. In the past, I probably couldn't help shouting, but now I can't help making a sound, just looking out blankly.

I don't know how long it took, a head slowly came out of the door, with long dark thick hair. It seemed that it should be a woman. Because her head was half tilted, her hair drooped very long.

At that time, I didn't know what Sadako was. It was not until I accidentally saw it that I felt that it was really similar to what I saw at that time.

The woman looked at me outside for a long time before she slowly straightened up and walked into the room. Her pace was very small and light, and there was no sound under her feet when she walked to my bed.

Because she was facing me, I felt that she was tall and thin, wearing a white robe. Because her hair covered her whole face, I could only see her eyes flashing white between her long hair, which looked extremely gloomy and strange.

But at this moment, I suddenly realized that this woman could not be a ghost at all. Although she looked horrible, she did not have that cold smell.

Sure enough, she stood at me** and stared at me for a long time, then turned around and reached straight to my clothes and trousers on the back of the chair by the bed.


I felt angry and funny, but I didn't expect to meet such an creative thief in the town.

The problem is that I see ghosts every now and then, and now I meet a thief disguised as a ghost. I really don't know if it's luck or a little back.

No matter how deadlocked it is. Seeing her with her back to me, I suddenly jumped up from ** and grabbed her long hair as soon as I reached out.

Unexpectedly, her hair that grew to her waist was fake. As soon as she pulled it, she was caught by me, and she couldn't help saying "ah" when I pulled her like this.

I now know that she should actually be him. Her voice is very thick and a little familiar.

I simply threw my wig away, reached out and grabbed the white robe on my body and pulled it. I finally saw it clearly. A thin man appeared under the robe. As expected, it was the hotel owner.

I was so angry that I kicked him to the ground as soon as I raised my foot. I have a good physique and insufficient ability to deal with ghosts. It's still no problem to beat a few people, especially this boss is not strong at all.

Seeing that I found his true face, the boss did not intend to pester me at all. He rolled and climbed on the ground and ran to the door.

When he was about to reach the door, he was suddenly stunned, and I wanted to catch up with him, but I was also stunned. When he came in, the door was still open. In a moment, the door actually closed.

Is it the wind or the boss inadvertently shut it off? I don't know. I was just stunned and followed him. I planned to catch the boss and teach him a good lesson. It's better to compensate me more.

The boss is one step ahead of me. He has half straightened up and grabbed the door handle and pulled it in, ready to rush out of my room.

But as the door was pulled open by him, I heard the boss suddenly make a voice full of fear.

Just outside the door, there is another woman.