
Chapter 178 Never Die

It can be said that Laohou has seen a lot of dead eyes for so many years, but now when he sees the two eyes of the female corpse, a sense of fear arises spontaneously. He can be said that he has never seen such horrible eyes like now. With the light above his head, the white eyes of the female corpse have almost turned blue and white, and the black eyes It is gray, and the two eyes are dry, and you can't see the luster of the living eyes.

The female corpse stared at Lao Hou. After a while, she suddenly began to climb towards him. Her already dehydrated body looked wrinkled. Even if there was no clothes on her body, she was afraid she could not lead to other thoughts. What's more, because she was hit by a car, her legs and hands on one side of her body were twisted, so that Every time she climbs a step or two, she will fall to the ground, then support her body and continue to climb to the old marquis.

Corpse transformation and fraudulent corpse, these heard nouns appeared in Lao Hou's mind one after another, causing his brain to stop thinking at this moment, and his legs couldn't help trembling.


Suddenly, the female corpse almost turned black and her lips were slightly open and closed, making syllables very laboriously, but there was no way to hear what she wanted to say for a moment.

Because of pulling the facial muscles hard, the expression on the female corpse's face suddenly appeared quite ferocious, grinning and looked extremely horrible, but the old marquis couldn't help staring at her face, and suddenly a thought came up in the bottom of his heart. The female corpse was in a very sad state.

"In... injustice..."

Finally, as the female corpse slowly approached the old marquis, a audible word came out of her mouth.


Lao Hou involuntarily swallowed his throat and swallowed his mouth full of saliva.

At this moment, the female corpse suddenly opened her mouth wide and shouted, "Ah..." and rushed to Lao Hou.


Lao Hou couldn't help screaming, almost out of instinctive reflexes. He shook his hand and threw out the triangular charm that had been holding in his hand.

In fact, Lao Hou didn't know how to use this charm at all. At that time, he just thought he could protect himself when he got it, so throwing it out at this time was almost just a subconscious action.

If it is unlucky for him to hit a ghost this night, it can also be said that he is still lucky to throw the spell now. The spell has played its due role.

The triangle symbol was hitting the forehead of the female corpse, but it seemed to be glued on it and suddenly stuck to it.


The female corpse was snorted immediately after it was pasted, which sounded like a little painful. Similarly, she fell to the ground as soon as she shook her body and began to twitch all over her body and rolled hard on the ground. At the same time, there was a squeak in the place where the charm was pasted and listened to the sound of frying meat in a dry pot. Not only that, a stream of meat was caught on fire. The charred smell spread in the air.

While the female corpse kept rolling, he did not forget to approach Lao Hou, which made him clearly see that the female corpse's face was aging rapidly at an unimaginable speed, and wrinkles quickly piled up on her pale face. At this time, he saw bright red tide from around in her two eyes. Gathering in the center, her eyes soon turned blood red, and her cheeks began to sink, and her dry lips shrank in and opened into an "O" shape.

At this time, the charm has penetrated into the skin of her face like a red-hot iron block.

Laohou opened his mouth and didn't have the strength to shout out. He had already collapsed on the ground, but at this time, he was indeed a little bold. When he saw that the female body had changed and could not pounce on himself for the time being, he actually summoned up the courage to push back with his hands and crawled backwards straight to the door of the morgue.

Suddenly, the woman's corpse grinned and made an intolerable scream, which was extremely sad. With her scream, the room was from inside to outside. On the door of the refrigerator cabinet on both sides, wisps of white smoke emerged from the cracks of the door. Then, the locked cabinet door automatically opened with a bang, and the corpse was placed inside. The push-pull board of the body slid out, revealing a body covered with white cloth.

The cold in the room hit people for a moment, and the white smoke gathered more and more, and the fog became thicker and thicker. Unexpectedly, it began to roll and float in the house. Wherever it was, whether it was in the original refrigerator or the tablet ** in the room, pieces of white cloth were lifted by the fog, as if there was an invisible hand in the fog. Suddenly, all kinds of dead bodies were exposed.

Looking at a body covered with fine frost in front of him, Lao Hou's face became whiter than these bodies. As he kept retreating, he felt that his back was attached to the same cold object.

When he raised his head slightly, he saw that he had leaned against the door. At this moment, he raised his hand tremblingly and groped to grasp the door handle.

Suddenly, all the frozen bodies in the house were made an appointment and almost turned their heads in the direction of the old Hou. I don't know whether it was due to bone stiffness or freezing, there was a "calar" sound in the room, and each corpse's eyes were slowly opening, similar to the roar of "hist... ha..." Zhang spit out his mouth. What's more shocking is that with the roar, each body actually began to shake like a dying fish, "banging" collided with the iron plate under him, and more and more bodies were constantly shaking.

What happened in front of him made Lao Hou's tense nerves reach the limit and became the last picture he saw before he fainted, and his body's protective function finally made him faint directly.

Speaking of this, Laohou's mental state fell into that horrible moment again. The frightened expression on his face made Feng Tianhe Feifei feel his fear deeply. Looking at him gasping and raising his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, both of them at the bedside apolog for reminding him of the terrible thing. .

But Fengtian still asked, "What happened later?"

Laohou got up, took a sip of the water handed over, wiped his mouth, and breathed, "Today, as soon as I opened my eyes, I found that I was lying on this disease**. I knew that it was the colleague who took over my shift found me. He lay at the door of the mortuary, with his upper body outside the door and his lower body in the door, unconscious. According to him, The morgue can be said to be unimaginably chaotic. Whether it is stored in the cabinet or placed on a flat ** in the room, almost half of the bodies have fallen from ** to the ground.

"You will die in a disaster, and you will be blessed," Kuang Feifan patted him on the back of his hand and couldn't help interrupting and asking, "By the way, where's the female corpse?"

Lao Hou's face has not fully recovered. Hearing his question, there was a flash of fear in his eyes. He rubbed his face and sighed angrily, "I heard that it has rotted into a bone shelf. It's not easy to do, it's not easy to do..."

When you think about it, you will know what he means. If the family of the deceased knows this matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the hospital to explain, and it may cause a big trouble.

took a look at Fengtian and found that he had fallen into meditation at this time. Looking at his somewhat indifferent expression showed that he did not care about how to deal with the body in the end, but a trace of uneasiness that flashed occasionally flashed in his eyes made Kuang Feifan realize that it was very likely to be linked to them.