
Chapter 187 to the end

Zhao Hongcheng couldn't believe what he saw. In the video, when the car drove, the front and rear wheels were not spinning at all, but seemed to be drifting away. Obviously, he just looked at a very new car. After he enlarged the picture, he found that the whole body was full of scratches. More importantly, the car seemed to be assembled with a broken iron sheet. The more carefully he looked at it, the more he felt that the car would fall off immediately.

The strange picture made Zhao Hongcheng's face show a frightened expression, but there was an inexplicable reason why his eyes could not leave the picture. Obviously, he didn't want to look at it, but his eyes still searched back and forth on the screen.

When the car was about to drive out of the camera, Zhao Hongcheng saw a face suddenly appeared on the co-pilot's window, like a human face, but because it was really blurred, he could not see it.

Zhao Hongcheng swallowed his saliva and tried to calm himself down. He tremblingly adjusted the playback speed of the surveillance video and tried to see the face clearly. Unfortunately, the software pixels were limited, and he could not see the face for a long time.

When the car in the picture finally left the gas station, Zhao Hongcheng saw a pool of gasoline on the ground where the previous car was parked, that is to say, the car did not actually add or fill up gasoline at all.

There is nothing more useful than the video in other cameras. Zhao Hongcheng sat for a long time, suddenly thought of the cash register, and quickly got up and walked out of the room.

However, when he returned outside again and looked at the cash register on the side of the counter, Zhao Hongcheng inexplicably felt a burst of heart palpitations and chills all over his body. Although the lights were bright, he still felt that the whole room was gloomy and creepy.

He summoned up his courage and finally walked to the cash register, opened the drawer below and looked in. Finally, he understood why Luo Jingjing had that expression when she looked inside.

In the drawer under the cash register, there is a Ming banknote at the top of the large banknote. Zhao Hongcheng is not unfamiliar with this thing, but it is the first time he saw it in the cash register.

At ordinary times, he would have thought it was a prank and a bad joke, but now, after watching the surveillance video, he has to make another guess.

Instinctively, Zhao Hongcheng turned his head and looked around, and a feeling of someone around him couldn't help but emerge from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, without warning, all the lights in the house suddenly went out completely.


Zhao Hongcheng finally couldn't stand this sudden pressure and screamed.

Almost as soon as his scream fell, a "pop" sounded, which almost made Zhao Hongcheng scream again, and then he realized that someone was patting the door of the commissary outside.

Although all the lights in the house are out and fall into darkness, the lights outside the gas station and street lights are still on, so the situation of the door can still be seen clearly through the glass.

Zhao Hongcheng's eyes fell on the door. Due to the angle of standing, he only saw a figure shooting the door from one side, but he couldn't see who it was.

Is it Luo Jingjing? Perhaps, he also considered the reason why Luo Jingjing went out. After thinking about it, the only possibility was that she found that the money she received was dark money, so she went out to find the car.

But the premise is that all this happens artificially, not unexplained.

Maybe this is really just a man-made prank?

Zhao Hongcheng kept comforting himself and walked a few steps to the door to see who was beating outside the door.

Suddenly, the figure flashed, and he found that the figure at the door seemed to have disappeared. He was puzzled. Suddenly, with a "pop", a person's whole upper body lay on the glass of the door.

Through the glass, Zhao Hongcheng clearly saw through the light outside that there was a woman lying on the door glass, a ferocious woman with a pale face, blood oozed from her eyes, mouth and nose, especially her open mouth. The red blood was gushing out of the corners of her mouth, and her open and godless eyes made Zhao Hongcheng I can see that the person who is patting the door is not a living person at all.


Zhao Hongcheng shouted in horror, turned his head and ran in, almost stumbled into the room, closed the door with his backhand, and couldn't help leaning on the door and gasping. What he had just seen was really a little shocked. The face kept floating in front of him, and he couldn't forget it.

Before he recovered, a cool cold wind suddenly passed by him. Then, he was frightened to see a figure emerging not far in front of him.

This made Zhao Hongcheng's psychological endurance, who was still in shock, reach its limit. As soon as his legs were soft, he couldn't help sitting aside. Because the area inside was not large, his head just hit the wall next to him, and then he only felt a black in front of him, not knowing whether it was the cause of the impact or his body. With the perfect defense mechanism, Zhao Hongcheng fainted happily at this time.

It was not until dawn that the morning staff came and found him unconscious in the inner room. After that, he was naturally sent to the hospital for treatment, but he did not know what happened at the gas station after he fell into a coma.

Zhao Hongcheng finally finished everything he knew. Kuang Fei and Fengtian left the ward first, while Wang Hai called the nurse to check Zhao Hongcheng's physical condition.

In the corridor, Feng Tian asked in extraordinary circumstances: "Since he saw everything from the surveillance, should the police also understand the abnormal situation here?"

Kuang Feifan thought for a moment and said, "It's possible, but even if you know it, I'm afraid they can't find you."

Fengtian touched his chin and thought, "That is to say, Luo Jingjing saw the ghost car at the gas station, and then chased him out, but she encountered a car accident at the intersection not far from the gas station. It is very likely that the remnant soul also went back to the gas station, which scared Zhao Hongcheng unconscious, and her body was sent to the morgue and scared Lao Hou. ."

Wang Feifan shrugged his shoulders: "It should be like this."

Feng Tian spread his hands: "That is to say, there is nothing wrong with us. It seems that this matter is over now, and the rest depends on the ability of the police to investigate the vehicle that caused the accident."

What's more, he smiled, but there was a thoughtful expression on his face.

Suddenly, he asked Feng Tian, "Since the ghost car is called a ghost car, should it be invisible? Is it possible to harm people?"

Fengtian was stunned for a moment, and then understood what he meant: "Are you afraid that Luo Jingjing was not hit by an ordinary car?"

The extraordinary nodded.

Feng Tian thought for a moment and said helplessly, "I really haven't encountered a ghost car killing people, so... I don't know."

Sang Feifan turned around and walked to the door of the ward, opened the door and called Wang Hai, pulled him aside, and asked, "When you and your girlfriend found Luo Jingjing, did you notice the tire marks on the ground next to the body when braking?"

"Uh..." Wang Hai scratched his head: "You asked me about this. I'm not a policeman, but I don't have the ability to survey the scene."

Of course, he knew it, but he still didn't want to give up and encouraged him: "Can you think about it carefully and think about whether there are obvious black tire marks around the body, which are straight in short distances."

Wang Hai frowned and thought about it carefully for a long time before hesitatingly said, "Don't mention it, it seems to be true, but I'm not sure."

Kuang Feifan patted him on the shoulder and waved: "I'm tired. Give me the car keys again."

Wang Hai handed it to him and asked, "Where are you going?"

"The scene of the car accident." Kuang Feifan said seriously, "I want to pursue it."