
Chapter 189 Cooperation

Hearing the noise outside, the three people in the inner room were immediately shocked. Fortunately, there was a shelf outside blocking it, and the people who came in could not see it at a glance. Moreover, Feifan got up and gently closed the inner door, leaving only a small gap to look out, and at the same time gestured to the wind and the sea, so that they should not make a sound.

Suddenly, the dazzling flashlight lit up in the room, and the beam of light shook around. The person who came in was obviously prepared.

The three of them have almost held their breath. Although only one person came in, and three of them must have taken advantage of them in terms of quantity, but no matter what, this is illegal intrusion. They are already a little guilty. Naturally, it is best to avoid being hit again.

Unfortunately, contrary to wishes, the figure of the flashlight turned around outside and looked around. Then the flashlight turned around and shone inside, and I saw the gap left by the door of the monitoring room at a glance.

This is good. There is no need to check the other offices, storage rooms and toilets. However, when they saw that the door was hidden, the people were obviously stunned. They raised their handlight for a long time, and then carefully stepped over to the monitoring room and took something out of their pockets as they walked.

Does anyone have a gun?

This idea flashed through his extraordinary mind. He did not dare to take this risk. Even if someone didn't have a gun and took out a knife, it was also a threat to them, at least increasing the possibility of injury.

These ideas only appeared in an instant. They didn't wait for the man to take out anything. Moreover, Feifan had opened the door and rushed out. Among the three of them, Fengtian was a magic stick. Although Wang Hai had developed limbs, he had no professional training. Naturally, he was the only one to take the lead.

The man who held the flashlight was already prepared. Although it was a little sudden that a man rushed out of the inner room, he still put on a defensive posture. Moreover, when he handed over a special punch, he had given up taking something out of his pocket and raised his arm to greet him, and the other hand with a flashlight directly hit the situation as a weapon. .

Kang Feifan hurriedly gave up the attack and grabbed the man's wrist with both hands directly. He planned to grab the other party's flashlight first.

In this way, the two fought one by one. Between the blocks, the man's flashlight was hit to the ground by the extraordinary situation, and the flashlight turned several times in the air and fell to the ground.

In this flash, Fengtian's eyes stood at the door of the monitoring room. At a glance, he couldn't help but be stunned and suddenly shouted, "Don't fight anymore. They are all your own people... their own people..."

Wang Feifan and the man fell in shape at the same time. At this time, Wang Hai listened to Fengtian's suggestion and had trotted against the wall to the electric light switch outside, and suddenly turned on the fluorescent lamp in the house.

Under the light that flashed up, Kuo Feifan looked at the man and said at the same time, "Is it you?"

The newcomer turned out to be the suspicious policeman I saw in the hospital. Moreover, I vaguely remember that his name was Ji Ping.

However, it was obvious that the police officer didn't know the extraordinary name, but kept pointing at him with his fingers and didn't say a word except "it's you".

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Feng Tian and Wang Hai again. He looked cold and said to the three of them with a cold face, "Why are you here? Are you going to steal?

With that, he reached out his hand and took out the mobile phone in his pocket. Only then did he realize that he probably took out his mobile phone just now, and it was impossible for the traffic police to match the gun.

Bang Feifan did not answer his question, but asked, "Who are you going to call?"

"Call the police." Ji Ping said and subconsciously took two steps back, and he thought it was more difficult to pair three.

Bang Feifan smiled bitterly, waved his hand and said to him, "Officer Ji Ping, right? We don't plan to steal anything. Don't do this."

At this time, Ji Ping's finger had pressed the two keys on the phone and was about to press the last button. When he suddenly said, "We are here to find the murderer who killed Luo Jingjing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ping's body shook, and his finger stopped on the third button and did not press it.

Kuang Feifan scratched his face and said, "I guess you came here to investigate something. In fact, everyone's misunderstanding is to investigate the case."

Ji Ping hesitated not to press down, but said in a bad tone, "Do you know Luo Jingjing? How do you know? Moreover, the investigation is a matter of the police, and you should not intervene unless..."

Kuang Feifan frowned: "Stop, don't say unless, unless what?" Are you going to doubt us? You can say that we are nosy, but there is no need to treat us as suspects.

Ji Ping pondered for a moment and curled his lips: "Don't worry, I don't doubt you. It's just that you broke into the gas station in the middle of the night, which itself is already illegal."

Kuang Feifan made a gesture, motioning him to relax, and then took out his *. This time, his * is impossible to fend a policeman, but it can make him understand the nature of his work at least a little bit.

"Judicial appraisal?" Ji Ping frowned and said to himself. It seemed that his grudge with Kuo Feifan could not be relieved for a while. To put it bluntly, both sides didn't like each other.

Kuang Feifan's heart suddenly moved and couldn't help asking, "Yes, I'm afraid it's informal for Officer Ji to come here. In fact, it's not good for everyone to make trouble, but it will take advantage of the murderer."

This also hit Ji Ping's point. He frowned calmly and finally returned * to Kuo Feifan for a long time and said, "I can not pursue you, but I still advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

Wang Feifan put away* and said casually, "Don't you want to know what we found?"

Ji Ping hesitated for a moment and asked, "What did you find?"

Xang Feifan spread his hands together: "No, it's all here. Shouldn't we put down our presentment and be honest? Information should be shared to find out the truth."

Ji Ping hesitated for a long time this time, obviously to measure the pros and cons, and then said, "Okay, you say it first."

This time, not only is the situation extraordinary, but even Fengtian and Wang Hai look at him with white eyes. The discipline officer seems to be really annoying.

I didn't want to talk to him, but he simply motioned Ji Ping to follow and took him into the monitoring room. He noticed a trace of disdain on his face when he entered the room, and subconsciously skimmed the corners of his mouth.

Wang Feifan didn't break it. After several people found a chair to sit down, he said to Ji Ping, "I think we came first, so you should say it first."

Ji Ping sank, made a few circles in the air with his hand, and said, "It's useless for you to check this room, especially the computer. We have checked it. Because of the power failure, the computer's hard disk is broken."

Moreover, Feifan did not take his words, but asked, "I wonder why you came to investigate the case by yourself? It seems that you also know that Luo Jingjing works here, and you don't know anything from the person in charge here? Also, do you know that an employee here also went to the hospital on the day of Luo Jingjing's accident?

Ji Ping was stunned and couldn't help saying, "It seems that... you do know a lot..."