
Chapter 208 Unexpected initiative

Wang Hai didn't know what was going on in the toilet, but he could hear the scream full of fear clearly. He was sure that the sound was made by Zhang Xiaohui, but now he saw her coming out of the toilet and was safe. Although he was strange, he just looked up and down and ignored it. .

"I didn't see Xiaoqiang, did I? I really heard you scream just now." Wang Hai made a joke with an exaggerated and afraid expression on his face.

Zhang Xiaohui stared at him angrily and passed by Wang Hai. For a moment, Wang Hai felt that he might be dazzled, because he saw a green wolf's eye at night, and there was also a flash of green light in Zhang Xiaohui's eyes.

Wang Hai subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and then looked up at Zhang Xiaohui. It seemed that everything was still normal.

He couldn't help laughing and shrugging his shoulders. Was he too tired just now? He turned around and closed the open toilet door, which was what Zhang Xiaohui especially warned at the beginning. The toilet door must be closed, otherwise the smell of the tide would make the house smell bad.

"Hey, you didn't close the door." He found an opportunity to laugh at Zhang Xiaohui.

But as soon as she turned around, she found that Zhang Xiaohui had lost her figure in the living room. Wang Hai was stunned for a moment and looked around. Only then did she find that in the blink of an eye, she had silently walked to the window on the side of the living room, as if she was enjoying the night outside the window.

However, to be honest, there is nothing to enjoy tonight. Almost no stars in the sky can be seen, and the moon is blocked by large dark clouds. Except for the dark, all you can see is a little light in the distance.

Wang Hai flattened his mouth and didn't know what Zhang Xiaohui was thinking. He had to come forward and look out of the window. He didn't know if there was any activity in the sky, but the color of the light made Wang Hai extremely uncomfortable and green, which reminded people couldn't help but think of it. The light and shadow effects that often appear in some ghost films.

"What are you looking at?" Wang Hai casually asked and raised his hand to put it on Zhang Xiaohui's shoulder. It was also a good thing for the two to hug each other and stand in front of the window.

When his hand touched Zhang Xiaohui's shoulder, his fingers obviously felt that she trembled slightly, and a cold chill came from his fingertips, as if he was not holding a person, but an ice sculpture.

"Are you cold?" Wang Hai tilted his head and looked at Zhang Xiaohui, but found that she looked out of the window in a daze and ignored his meaning.

"Look, it's quiet outside." Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohui said, but the voice sounded like it came from afar, which made people feel erratic.

Wang Hai took a look and saw the community and the streets. The bright street lights did not make the surroundings look very dark, but as she said, there were almost no shadows passing by outside. The empty feeling made people unconsciously feel lonely after looking at it for a long time.

Suddenly, I don't know where the dog barked, and began to make two sounds, gradually forming a sparse piece. The sound was extremely unusual. It sounded like the howling of the wolf living in the wilderness introduced by the TV program. It was sad and long, which made people feel creepy, and Wang Hai felt that it The sound seemed to be getting closer to the downstairs of his house.

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, but Zhang Xiaohui around him seemed to be indifferent to these and still stared out of the window. If Wang Hai looked at her carefully at this time, he would notice that her eyes were blank and he could not find the focus at all. Unfortunately, Wang Hai did not pay attention. He was out. The dark effect of the face only felt cold all over the body, and the back was cold.

He just wanted to suggest Zhang Xiaohui to leave the window and go back to the living room to sit down. At this time, the normal light in the room suddenly flashed several times, and Wang Hai was surprised to see three figures in the window glass in front of him when the light alternated and dark behind him. Two of them were him and Zhang Xiaohui, and there was a figure standing not far from their bodies behind them.

This made Wang Hai shocked and hurriedly turned around. At this time, the light in the room returned to normal, and behind him and everywhere in the living room, it was clear and empty.

He couldn't help but pull back and take a few steps forward. He looked around and didn't find anything strange.

The successive illusions made Wang Hai couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He turned around nervously and was ready to pull Zhang Xiaohui to sit down, but then turned around. Zhang Xiaohui actually faced him and tilted her head slightly and stared at him. Wang Hai didn't feel a little stupid. He didn't know whether it was the reason for the light in the room or the setting off of the night outside the window. Next, Zhang Xiaohui's face exudes an indescribable attraction. The darkness of the night makes her skin extremely white. Even if she is not very beautiful, it can't hide this touching charm at this moment, and the slightly raised corners of her mouth and the little woman's posture with her hands in front of her, all of them let her reveal Never before.

No wonder Wang Hai is stunned. Since he met her, he has never seen such a charming amorous feelings on her. Poor Wang Hai couldn't help but think of an idea. What did she think? However, this appearance does make people want to eat it in one bite.

Next, Zhang Xiaohui's behavior made him feel dizzy. Her hands covered her waist and moved, and her trousers slipped down, revealing a pair of snow-white slender thighs, as if intentionally or unintentionally, gently closed and slightly opened, and then matched with the looming exquisite figure and slightly trembling waist. , emitting a deadly ** taste.

All this happened for a very short time, and obviously Zhang Xiaohui did not intend to finish like this. She saw that Wang Hai was ready to move. As soon as she raised her hand, her slender fingers fell on the button of her coat. Her fingertips were gently lifted, and her clothes suddenly opened, and a large area of seductive spring fell into Wang Hai's eyes.

I don't know why Zhang Xiaohui, who is already familiar with it, seems to be a different person in Wang Hai's eyes, and it is the kind that is extremely lethal. In just a few times, he felt that his mouth was dry and his throat was smoking, and he was ready to jump on it.

But without waiting for him to do it, Zhang Xiaohui has already taken the lead. Her whole body rushed over and jumped directly into his arms. Naturally, the two hugged each other. Wang Hai couldn't help staggering back a few steps because her movements were too sudden, barely holding her and fell on the long sofa.

Again, Zhang Xiaohui took the initiative to close his mouth and clung to Wang Hai's mouth. His hands and legs wrapped him to death like an octopus, and even made him feel suffocated. Wen Xiang Ruanyu was in his arms. Of course, Wang Hai also tried to respond, but for a moment, he was a little rational in his heart. When he woke up, Zhang Xiaohui seemed to be something wrong.

After such a long relationship, Wang Hai knows her too well. It can be said that she is not a woman who is too active at all, and tonight, it seems that he is not Zhang Xiaohui, but another woman.

However, this feeling soon drowned in the impulse of the body. It was not until the two reached their peak together and their bodies collapsed again that Wang Hai took a long breath and was about to say a few sweet words. Suddenly, he found that Zhang Xiaohui's head was on his ear at this time, and a cold voice spread like this. In my ear: "The baby is about to come out..."

Wang Hai's face turned pale at this moment, not because of what she said, but he could be sure that the words that had just sounded in his ear were by no means Zhang Xiaohui. It was an extremely strange voice.

He couldn't help turning his face and lowered his eyes to look at the face of the person in his arms. The face close to him could be said to be Zhang Xiaohui. However, in his eyes, it was not a normal person's face at all. For some reason, her whole face was reflected in tragic green. She turned a pair of eyes that could only see white eyes. He had an evil smile on his lips.

Wang Hai was like being splashed with a bucket of ice water from head to toe on several cold days. His whole body trembled. The idea that had just come out was gone. He instinctively pulled out his hand and didn't know how he fell from the sofa to the ground, but he abruptly dodged from Zhang Xiaohui.

Wang Hai sat on the floor, supported the ground with his hands, got up, stared with horror, and stared at Zhang Xiaohui lying on the sofa. In the face of this unknown fear, even if his body is five or three thick, his tendons are not very useful.

Zhang Xiaohui slowly sat up straight and looked at Wang Hai with a coquettish face, but the expression on her face was extremely stiff, as if it had been carved out, and although her naked body was still extremely attractive, she could no longer make Wang Hai think about anything.

"Baby, my baby..." Zhang Xiaohui gently spit out these words, but in this seductive room, her voice sounded extremely gloomy and cold, and the tone of her words made the temperature of the whole room almost drop to freezing.

Wang Hai didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know why it turned out like this. His girlfriend in front of him suddenly became ghostly, which made him unable to adapt, so all his actions were only instinctive. He subconsciously moved back a few steps with his hand and tried to stay away from the sofa.

But his behavior seemed to annoy Zhang Xiaohui. She tilted her head and looked coldly at Wang Hai. After only a few minutes, she looked at Zhang Xiaohui now. Her face was as white as paper and her lips were as red as blood. She looked more and more lifeless, and the gloomy expression made people shudder at a glance, not to mention what she said. The words made the panic in Wang Hai's heart more and more intense that it was unbearable.

"Don't you want my baby? Our baby..." She tilted her head, rolled her black eyes, and basically looked at Wang Hai with white eyes.

Finally, Wang Hai couldn't stand it and shouted out almost out of control: "Who the hell are you? What do you want to do..."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaohui didn't pay attention to his problem at all, but said to herself in a cold tone, "I knew that you don't want a baby, you don't want to..."

She lowered her head and seemed to be looking at her abdomen. Her hand slowly touched it. At the same time, she saw her lower abdomen bulging at a speed visible to the naked eye. She could even clearly see that something was wriggling inside, because the action was beyond imagination, and she could see her navel and skin. The skin is bulging one by one because the things moving inside are bulging, and it looks like that something may come out of it at any time.

Wang Hai wanted to get up and escape from here, but he was afraid that his whole body was weak and his brain was almost blank. He had basically lost the ability to think. Except for trembling slightly, he was already panicked and didn't know what to do.

Obviously, all this could not end easily. Zhang Xiaohui's gloomy face suddenly showed a strange smile and stroked her abdomen, which was already the size of a full-term pregnant woman's belly. Suddenly, she raised her hand and bent her fingers and scratched it down to her stomach...