
Chapter 215 Underwater

What's more, Feifan squatted next to the statue. Seeing that it happened to be the statue of the reading child, he hid behind him as much as possible and stared at the figure coming this way, looking at his rapid pace, as if he was in a hurry, but he didn't know the purpose of coming here.

When he was getting closer and closer and was about to walk to the edge of the small square, he couldn't help but tighten his heart and mobilize his whole body's vigilance. He couldn't help but regret that he didn't take a good guy when he came, even if he had a wrench. During this period, he often saw ghosts and forgot that his opponent might still be a person.

There is still some "ghost water" left on the body, and it is estimated that the sprayer can't even wet his clothes. However, Kuang Feifan slowly took out the bottle of spray. He mainly thought that if the person who came over was a ghost, the spray could also come in handy. If not, he could only use his fist.

The man was getting closer and closer by shaking the flashlight, and even slipped past the statue of the extraordinary hiding several times, but the man still rushed forward as if he had not found him. He could faintly see that he was a man, but because of the visual angle still had problems, he could not see the appearance clearly.

Moreover, Feifan wanted to rush out several times, but he hesitated and didn't move. Although the destination of the visitor was obviously here, it did not show hostility. Will it be too reckless to take action?

Soon, he found that the man was almost close to the statue he had hidden. If he didn't take action, he found that there was someone behind him, and he was likely to have lost the opportunity.

made a decision in his heart, but he suddenly got together, rushed out of the back of the statue, turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the head of the person, and shouted, "Who is it?"

As soon as the words came out, as his flashlight hit the man's face, he suddenly saw the person's face and immediately blurted out the person's name in surprise: "Ji Ping!"

But then he found that although Ji Ping was directly shining on his face or even hit his eyes by his flashlight, there was no expression on Ji Ping's face. He looked indifferent, as if he did not see the extraordinary situation at all. Mu Dumbly looked straight ahead, and his feet were like a clockwork, and he continued to move very quickly. Walking forward, ignoring the extraordinary flashlight, and even as if he didn't see the extraordinary situation, he walked past by looking ahead and wiping the extraordinary side.

At this time, he really noticed that Ji Ping's flashlight seemed to be posing, and the flashlight did not shine on the road in front of him, but unconsciously swayed in his hand with his footsteps.

Looking at Ji Ping with a dull look, he passed by himself like this. Moreover, Feifan suddenly realized that there must be something wrong with Ji Ping, and he was very likely to be "stried".

He subconsciously followed Ji Ping's body and wanted to see where he was going. Unexpectedly, he soon found that Ji Ping seemed to be moving forward on the edge of the artificial lake. If he kept walking, he would soon go straight into the lake.

"Damn it, no way." Kuo Feifan was shocked and hurriedly raised his leg and followed him. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Ji Ping's arm holding the flashlight. He pulled hard and couldn't pull it. Ji Ping's forward body could not be stopped at all. Unexpectedly, his strength would be so great, but he took a few steps forward.

When holding Ji Ping's arm in his hand, he found something wrong in an instant. He only felt that his hand seemed to hold a hard stone. The arm in his hand did not have the softness that ordinary people's muscles should have at all, even those muscular muscles You can feel it, but what you hold in your hand now is like a lifeless hard stone.

The first thought that came out was that Ji Ping, who was caught now, was not a human at all.

With a little hesitation, Bu Feifan reacted and took a few steps forward and walked side by side with Ji Ping. He put the flashlight into his pocket and turned his hand to take out the bottle of ghost water that had just been stuffed into the cuffs. This move was learned by him and a college classmate who became a little magic. The original purpose was to change a little magic to chase girls. As a result, it is now in use. When he grabbed Ji Ping's arm just now, the strong light flashlight in his hand habitually fell on the other hand, and the ghost spray in his hand was casually stuffed into his sleeve.

Now that he got the ghost spray again, he opened the lid and sprayed Ji Ping's face several times until ** could no longer spray it out in the bottle.

When the drops of water sprayed on Ji Ping's face, his dull expression was obviously suffocated. His originally confused eyes seemed to regain their brilliance, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank and then expanded to the size of ordinary people.

However, instead, Ji Ping was stunned and glanced at someone around him. Then he found that it was extraordinary. He couldn't help saying strangely, "It's extraordinary, it's you, how can you..."

But neither of them paid attention to the current situation, especially the extraordinary situation. When he saw that Ji Ping seemed to wake up, he couldn't help but feel relieved, but he had not stopped walking, nor did he notice that Ji Ping had not fully recovered. Although his mind had recovered, his movements could not stop, imitating Buddha's movements were completely out of touch with the control of his brain, so that the pace of moving forward could not be controlled in time and still stepped forward.

When they realized the problem at about the same time, one of Ji Ping's legs had stepped out of the edge of the lake and fell into the lake uncontrollably, and the extraordinary condition of holding his arm was also taken out of the shore by him.

What's more, when Feifan realized that they had arrived at the shore, and Ji Ping fell into the water, he didn't want to let go, but at that moment he felt that his hand holding Ji Ping's arm seemed to be frozen. His brain clearly wanted to let go, but his hand was grasped to death. In addition, Ji Ping's body rushed forward with great strength. He can't compete with him at all.

In this way, it was extraordinary that there was no preparation to go into the water at all. It was taken by Ji Ping and fell into the lake. Unexpectedly, the artificial lake was dug quite deeply for some reason. Even one person was deep on the shore. As soon as they fell down, they lost their roof. What's moreover, they just fell out of the shore and fell into it. He hurriedly took a breath on the surface of the water, and then with the sound of splashing, he and Ji Ping plunged into the cold lake.

Moreover, he instinctively held his breath. He really couldn't figure out why he was pulled down by Ji Ping. At the same time, he found that his hand was unconscious and uncontrollable. He still grabbed Ji Ping's arm in front of him, but Ji Ping was like a stone sinking to the bottom of the lake and couldn't see him. The movement is like Ji Ping's soul trapped in a body that can't move.

He couldn't help but want to let go first. It was not that he didn't want to save Ji Ping, but the buoyancy in the water seemed to have no effect on Ji Ping at all. He was like a big stone sinking vertically to the bottom of the water. If this situation developed, he would have to be pulled to the bottom of the lake by Ji Ping, and finally I'm afraid that both of them have to become drowning ghosts and join the ranks of water monkeys.

When I think of the water monkey, I was particularly shocked. Is this another water monkey?

So if this is the case, is Ji Ping in front of him or Ji Ping?

Originally, the preparation for going into the water was not enough, but now I panicked again. What's more, I suddenly felt extraordinary fear. I was trying to pedal one arm and legs. This action was also a little uncoordinated. The air in my lungs seemed to have been emptied all of a sudden, and it became extremely difficult to breathe.

Now he can't help but feel more scared. Moreover, he knows that he should avoid panic the most in the water, otherwise it will only increase the possibility of drowning. However, as the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, he only felt that his chest was about to explode and he had to breathe.

Sudon a moment, an idea flashed in his heart, believing that this was also a helpless move. He clenched his teeth and tried his best to reach forward with his other hand and hold it in his hand.

The rosary on the empty wrist seemed to emit heat, and the temperature gradually rose, and gradually became hot from the heat that could be tolerated. The burning pain made the extraordinary whole body tremble violently, and the hand holding Ji Ping was released.

Like a desperate life, he floated hard to the surface of the water. Soon, he only felt that his head was loosened and his head suddenly got out of the water.

In addition to breathing the humid air, every breath of air made his lungs feel tingling, but he didn't care at all and tried to adjust his breathing at a very fast speed. What's more, he calmed down. This time, he took a deep breath, tried to relax the nerves that had been tight, and drilled extremely steadily. Into the water.

As he swims downstream, he carefully took out the flashlight and turned it on. After calming down, he felt that he was beginning to return to normal. At this time, he found that the lake seemed to be dark green before, but after diving down, the underwater was not very dark. The visibility should belong to the normal range. In addition, the flashlight can also be underwater. Lighting a certain range around him and feeling that the exposed skin of his arm was stimulated by cold water to tighten his pores, his nerves began to relax at this moment.

Although the lake is extremely cold, it is nothing for the extraordinary situation of frequent winter swimming. It is just looking forward at a glance. In some turbid water, there is no Ji Ping who has just sunk.

He recalled carefully that the position should be correct. Ji Ping sank from here, but it seemed that he was about to reach the bottom of the water, but he still didn't see Ji Ping's figure.

Is it...

He didn't dare to think about going down. As soon as he returned to the surface of the water, he changed his breath, and then plunged down and began to swim along this position, feeling the direction of the current as he swim.

Suddenly, there seemed to be something shaking slightly not far ahead, but it only shook back and forth. He tried to look forward carefully. There was a black shadow under the object, like a rope tied to the object, which failed to float up, but slowly swaying in the lake.

Bad buoy or garbage? He looked in the right direction and swam there. As the distance shortened and the light of the flashlight shone, he could finally see that it was a man, a man who seemed to be dead again.