
Chapter 220 Ask the bottom

If you are extremely sober at this time, when you see the cheongsam woman who is close to the wind, you will definitely understand why she saw her exposed skin black before. The reason is actually clear at a glance. Her cheongsam is a charred black body after burning. The skin and flesh is gone, leaving only the bones that have been burned black. It is difficult It's strange that she looked almost skinny just now.

I don't know why there is long hair, and what the long black-haired face will look like. Maybe there is only a little black skin skull left, but the white eyes occasionally exposed between her long hair indicate that her eyes still seem to exist.

No matter what she looked like, she had slowly approached Fengtian. Seeing that she was about to silently stick behind Fengtian, she raised her hands slightly to approach Fengtian's waist and looked at the posture that seemed to hold Fengtian with her hand.

At present, the three people in the pavilion don't seem to be aware of the appearance of the cheongsam woman. The two are busy killing each other. The other was originally able to fight back, but now he is also bowing, as if he is having a stomachache, and there is no way to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, just when the cheongsam woman's hands were about to touch Fengtian, Fengtian suddenly took two steps forward in the posture of her cat's waist, and her body suddenly straightened. She twisted her body and opened her mouth to spit out a mouth full of blood from the tip of her tongue. I don't know how long he had been in this mouthful. The front two cheeks are bulging.

From the moment when Feng Tian suddenly felt a strange feeling in his body, he realized that this was the means of the cheongsam woman outside, but the distance was relatively far away. Even if he rushed there, he might not be able to stop her in time. He believed that the phenomenon of power in his body was related to the remnant soul that had been introduced into his body before, but just a little thought about it. , he decided to show his weakness to the enemy and introduce the cheongsam woman into the pavilion.

Although he is not sure of the true identity of the cheongsam woman, he also guessed that the remnant soul that was previously guided into his body from Ji Ping must be related to the cheongsam woman, so that he is 50% sure that she will definitely approach herself to strengthen the remnant soul power in his body so that he can die.

It's just that his cat's waist is not completely pretending. The sudden explosion of force in his body almost couldn't suppress it. Thanks to the rosary that had been stuffed in his mouth, he didn't fall down at the first time.

And he bowed to pay attention to his back from between his legs. As he expected, the cheongsam woman really came behind him and proved from her legs suspended three inches away from the ground that the cheongsam woman was a female ghost that had been burned by fire.

To be honest, Fengtian really didn't want to see the legs with nothing left. Unfortunately, a cheongsam was actually put on such a female ghost. After he suppressed the sudden force in his body with the help of the rosary, he quietly took out the rosary from his mouth and bit the tip of his tongue, but it was not good in time. After a while, he saved a mouth full of blood, but he couldn't spit, so he endured it very hard.

Now that he finally put something out of his mouth, he suddenly felt that his cheeks were sour and swollen, and he couldn't help but raise his hand and rub it. After the cheongsam female ghost was pecked by his face mixed with pure yang blood saliva, she immediately leaned back quickly. The previous sharp cry immediately changed to the scream of unbearable pain, and at the same time, it was raised like The withered black hands suddenly covered their faces, and Fengtian's mouth was almost full of flowers, so that now when you look at the female ghost's face, even if you cover it with your hands, there are wisps of blue smoke along your fingers. Even if it is pure yang blood diluted by saliva, it is no less than thick sulfuric acid for the ghost.

It's just that with such a mouthful of blood, it is impossible for the woman to die. At most, she suffered some serious skin injuries, which made her lose the ability to harm them for a period of time.

The cheongsam female ghost was really as if she had been seriously injured. She covered her face and lost her figure from the pavilion. When she reappeared, she was already on the way to the gate of the community.

From the cheongsam female ghost appeared in the pavilion to Fengtian's spit and ran her away. After about a minute, Fengtian immediately turned his head and found that Ji Ping was still riding on Kuang Feifan, but lost the control of the voice of the cheongsam female ghost. The two seemed to be loose, but because they were not awake, they used their strength. Still not completely eliminated, the hand still almost fell into the meat on his neck. Fengtian also felt that his neck was tight and subconsciously shrank his neck.

He knew that even if they woke up, their bodies would be damaged. He drew a stroke, picked up the flashlight and knocked down on the nerves near their elbows. The place where he knocked was also on the thighs of the human body, commonly known as "Ma Jinger". Their arms softened and their strength suddenly disappeared, and Fengtian exerted their strength. With a collision, Ji Ping, who was originally riding on the extraordinary body, was pushed to the ground next to him.

At this time, looking at the two, each of them was pinched with a deep fingerprint on their neck, and the force of their necks was extinguished. Moreover, Feifan and Ji Ping couldn't help involuntarily "squeaking" and inhaling hard, raising their hands to cover their necks, rolling their eyes, and looking like they were escaping from death. For a while, no one could say anything.

However, it seemed that their minds should have recovered. Feng Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He also sat on the ground, put the flashlight aside, sat cross-legged on the ground, and held the extraordinary rosary beads to his lower abdomen with his hands. As he felt a warm current pouring out from the rosary beads into his body, he couldn't help relaxing his body. , let the warm current swim in his body, and gradually, there seemed to be smoke coming out of the pores of his skin. When they gathered together, they formed a thick black fog, like wearing a layer of black armor on his body, which did not disperse for a long time.

Although Fengtian knew that the remnant soul in his body was powerful, he did not expect this to happen, and he couldn't help but be shocked. If it hadn't been for the extraordinary appearance in time and handing over the rosary to him, there would have been no way to remove the remnant soul from the body so smoothly. With the wicker pumping like before, he might have to beat him to the year of the monkey. ne.

After all, the black fog formed by the remnant soul can't resist the powerful spiritual power contained in the rosary, and the final end can only be dissipate. To be honest, the power exerted by this rosary in Fengtian's hand is much stronger than in the extraordinary hand. The spiritual power contained in it is enough to make the depths of Fengtian's heart love it, but it repels the stagnation After the remnant soul in his body, he still got up and put the rosary back on his extraordinary wrist.

He knew that it was also because the spiritual power in the rosary was so powerful that he could escape from the ghost door one after another. Although the extraordinary situation could only truly activate the spiritual power in the rosary almost at the verge of death, thus playing a role in protecting him at a critical moment, but it seems That's enough.

"In a way, you are really lucky." Feng Tian looked at the string of rosary beads a few more times and muttered in a low voice. His greedy face almost stretched out his hand to wipe his saliva.

At present, although the behind-the-scenes cheongsam ghost has been run away, it does not mean that the situation is safe, and many problems have not been solved and must leave here as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after a period of time, Kuang Feifan and Ji Ping finally recovered. At the thought of what they had just experienced, both of them felt cold in the back of their heads, and they were afraid.

Several people don't have time to discuss their experiences before they got together. Now the most important thing is to get on the car and go back to the Taoist temple.

Fengtian picked up his kit and said, "Take my car back."

The other two have no problem. With their current physical strength, they are too lazy to walk, and there are all his application tools in the windy car.

They couldn't wait for Fengtian to drive the car in front of them, but obviously this proposal was rejected by Fengtian. It's joked that the moon is dark and the wind is high here. Who knows if the female ghost will appear again, or if she has any help? If Fengtian leaves, it will be extraordinary and Ji Ping's current state. I'm afraid there is even room for resistance. If not, you have to hang up.

Finally, he moved to the front of Fengtian's car step by step. Fengtian sat up and opened the door. The remaining two almost climbed up, and the car finally got on the road trembling.

In the car, several people roughly asked each other about their respective situations.

Ji Ping's experience is the simplest. He didn't find the person in charge surnamed Lu at all. When he came to his house, he found that the door was locked and no one answered the phone. He felt that he could not run for nothing, so he simply squatted at the door and planned to wait for the rabbit. As a result, the rabbit didn't wait, but he was so tired to sit at the door of the house. He fell asleep against the wall, and then woke up. It was when Kuo Feifan pulled him by the artificial lake. When he fell into the lake and met the water, his mind immediately became confused again. He didn't know that he had pulled down a dead body's head at all.

When he woke up and turned around on the shore, he found that Fengtian was squatting beside him. Before he understood what was going on, Fengtian told him that a ghost had attached to him, which seemed to be very powerful. The only fastest and simplest way was to introduce the ghost on his body into Fengtian's body and then try to expel him.

At this time, Feng Tian interrupted and explained that the situation was urgent, which was indeed the fastest and simplest. At that time, he temporarily stunned Ji Ping underwater. After going ashore, he woke him up and barely suppressed the ghost who controlled his behavior in his body. He could feel that the ghost was quite powerful, and he could only suppress it very short by his means at that time. Time, and then Ji Ping has to be controlled. Moreover, for this powerful ghost, it must go through some complicated means to expel it from the body, unless it induces the ghost to change to a host, so Fengtian chooses to be the host.

Of course, he did not just guide the ghost in Ji Ping's body into his body. He also set some prohibitions on his body before, so after the ghost entered his body, he could not control him.

Fengtian thought that this method was feasible. After all, he thought that he could suppress the ghosts entering the body at any time. Unexpectedly, when he used a means to transfer the ghosts in Ji Ping's body, he found that it was not a ghost, but just a remnant. What he did not want to believe is that although it was only a remnant soul, it was better than any ghost. The soul ability is still strong. Even if there was a prohibition on him before, he could almost not suppress it.

He had no choice but to take any more care of the extraordinary underwater situation, so he had to take emergency measures, tearing off the willows from the willow trees on the shore with Ji Ping, twisting them into wicker whips, finding the gazebo in the community, hanging him upside down, and starting to whipping with willows.

Wang Feifan has also heard of beating ghosts with wicker, but he doesn't know much about the details, and Fengtian seems to have passed by the details when talking about this. He hesitates in his words and seems to have nothing to say clearly.

On the contrary, this aroused extraordinary curiosity and couldn't help breaking the casserole - asking the problem to the end.

Seeing that he repeatedly asked, Ji Ping simply closed his mouth and stared straight at the wind and sky driving in front of him, which made him look at the back of the front seat of the car and began to judge the wind and the sky.

Finally, Feng Tian coughed a few times and said helplessly, "Why do you have to take care of the details of making wicker whips? You know, you don't have to ask everything. Sometimes it's not good... Well, I said you can't run away?"